School Improvement Plan

2010 – 2013

Session 2010/11

Langside Primary School

Glasgow City Council Education Services

Improvement Planning


/ Langside Primary School /


/ 2010/2011


1. Vision, Values and Aims

2. Summary of Self Evaluation Process

3. Overview of 3-year Planning Cycle

4. Priorities for Improvement in the current year

5.  Action planning

6.  Appendices:

a.  Action Plan Summary for Stakeholders

b.  Monitoring of Progress of Improvement Plan


Head of Establishment / Date
Quality Improvement Officer / Date
Area Education Manager / Date
1a Our vision, values and aims /
We want to be a school which is happy, safe and forward thinking – a place where learning is fun, where people want to be and where all learners are helped to be the best they can be.
Our core values were identified and agreed through consultation with all stakeholders. These values are modelled by staff and are used across and throughout the school to benchmark all decisions. They provide a framework for children when making choices about their behaviour, and are prominently displayed on a ‘tree’ in the central hall of the school. The leaves of this tree are cut outs of each child’s and staff’s hand in order to symbolise everyone’s commitment to them.
§  Care / §  Responsibility
§  Respect / §  Commitment
§  Honesty / §  Equality
§  Integrity
To nurture a sense of responsibility within all learners preparing them for the challenges, responsibilities and experiences of life and citizenship in the changing world
To develop relevant skills, abilities, knowledge, and understanding through the provision of high quality learning and teaching experiences
To make learning enjoyable and relevant
To model and foster leadership qualities which enable us to grow as confident individuals and effective contributors and citizens
1b How our vision, values and aims were developed and how our stakeholders were consulted /
§  All stakeholders were consulted on the identification of core values for the school
§  Staff reflection on the rationale and principles of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) to agree a proposed vision for the school which was then subject of consultation with pupils and parents
§  Staff, parent and pupil reflection on the purposefulness and appropriateness of the aims in relation to the vision (staff meetings, PTC meetings, Pupil Council meetings) /
2.  Summary of self evaluation process
How we carried out our self-evaluation and involved our stakeholders /
·  Pupils were consulted initially via pupil ‘Think Tanks’ from P3-4 and P5 – 7 using a Critical Skills approach, to identify what was good about the school and what would make it better. This list was then discussed with the Pupil Council and presented to all pupils in P3-7 for wider face to face consultation led by Pupil Council Reps. Face to face consultation with P1-2 pupils was led class by class by the Headteacher and ‘Barny Bear’. The complete list of responses was then discussed by the pupil Council to identify and agree priorities for the School Improvement Plan (SIP)
·  The format for parental consultation was discussed with and agreed by the Parent Teacher Council. 26% of the Parent Forum responded. The PTC was consulted to identify and agree priorities for the SIP.
·  The Leadership Team used HGIOS3, ‘Improving Outcomes for Learners’ and the illustrations of excellence from ‘Journey to Excellence’ to design an active audit involving all staff (teaching and support). CSP and thinking skill strategies were used for this model on the in service day to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Quality Framework / Our key strengths / Our areas for improvement /
Successes and
1.1 – 4.2 / · Standards of attainment
· Overall quality of pupils’ achievement
· Learners’ motivation & engagement in learning
· Learners’ experiences / ·  Continue to develop involvement with & partnerships in, the wider community
Work and life of
5.1 – 8.4 / · Teaching for effective learning
· Equality and fairness
· Expectations and promoting achievement
· Ethos / ·  Continued development of challenge and active learning
·  Alignment of assessment approaches with ‘Building the Curriculum 5’
·  Development of playground resources for play and learning
·  Continued development of Involvement of parents in children’s learning
·  Extend the range of after school clubs
Vision and
9.1 – 9.4 / · Commitment to vision, values and aims
· Strategic deployment of resources
· Teamwork and partnerships
· Continuous improvement / ·  Development of staff skills in implementation of ‘Building the Curriculum 5’
·  Further development of leadership skills at all levels – staff and pupils


Specific Target / Expected outcome/s / impact / Evaluation and Action Points
§  To further develop the curriculum in line with “Curriculum for Excellence” / §  Learners enjoy flexible innovative and creative learning experiences relevant to their needs
§  Routine planning evidences CfE outcomes
§  Children are actively involved in their learning and the planning of it
§  Children are motivated and successful learners / §  ü This is an ongoing development and priority
§  Revised planning formats to make this explicit are being developed and will be piloted in P2 and P6 for term 4. All teachers will use this in August 2010
§  This is an ongoing development. Increasing use is being made of KWL grids
§  ü
§  To develop creative, analytical and flexible thinking skills across and throughout the school / §  The learning environments inspire thinking
§  Learning activities and experiences are structured
§  Learners think creatively, analytically and flexibly / §  ü This is an ongoing development
§  ü
§  ü This is particularly evident in senior pupils suggesting successful impact of whole school endeavour
§  To devise a ‘tool’ which tracks and records effectively progression in learning and achievement and supports continuity and transition / §  Children’s learning progress is recorded and needs tracked
§  Staff are aware of each pupil as a ‘whole child’
§  Staff, pupils and parents are focused on and involved in supporting each child’s development / §  A more refined & streamlined tracker is being developed but won’t be ready for use until August ‘10
§  Mostly
§  ü
§  Complete work on the new tracking system, pilot, review & action for August ’10. This will also support more in depth knowledge of each child
§  To improve the appearance and use of playgrounds / §  The playgrounds are attractive and provide choice in play activities
§  Children enjoy safe, healthy, fun play / §  This has been a deferred priority and will be undertaken next year, led by the Pupil Council
§  ü Play buddies have helped children extend their range of play
§  PTC collection of Tesco vouchers for equipment
§  P7 fundraising to buy outdoor play equipment
§  To review the strategy for whole school promotion of achievement / §  Coherence across and throughout the school systems
§  Pupils are inspired and motivated to achieve across a broad range of activities with and out with school / §  ü
§  ü This is an ongoing development.
§  To pilot Anne Neill’s literacy material (an unscheduled opportunity made available by Education Services) / §  Extended opportunities for active learning and teaching experiences which are fun & motivating
§  Increased achievement in reading & writing, including transfer of skills
§  Increased confidence & skill levels of teachers in the teaching of higher order reading & writing skills / §  ü
§  Early signs are positive but longer term evaluation is required
§  The pilot teachers say they are growing in confidence
§  Extend this good practice to the whole school
3. Overview of three-year planning cycle
Quality framework / QI / Year 1 priority / QI / Year 2 priority / QI / Year 3 priority
Successes and achievements
1.1 – 4.2 / 2.1 / Give pupils an increased voice and enable them to take responsibility
Work and life of the school/centre
5.1 – 8.4 / 5.4 / Assessment approaches
(Building the Curriculum 5) / 5.4 / Assessment approaches
(Building the Curriculum 5) / 5.4 / Assessment approaches
(Building the Curriculum 5)
5.4 / Electronic tracking & recording to support progression in learning and achievement / 5.7 / Developing parents’ support for their children’s learning / 5.7 / Developing parents’ support for their children’s learning
5.8 / To increase resources for outdoor play and make best use of the playgrounds for play / 5.8 / To extend the range of after school clubs and trips for pupils / 5.8 / To extend the range of after school clubs and trips for pupils
5.3 / Meeting children’s learning needs / 5.5 / Aiming High
Vision and leadership
9.1 – 9.4 / 9.3 / Building leadership at all levels / 9.3 / Give pupils an increased voice and enable them to take responsibility
4. Priorities for improvement in the current year / Year / 1
/ Priority / Main driver of priority: / Alignment with: /
No. / Self- evaluation / Authority
Review / HMIe report / QI / National
Priority / Learning
Priority / Local Improvement Plan / Single Outcome Agreement
1 / Assessment approaches
(Building the Curriculum 5) / ü / 5.4 / 1,2 / ü / ü / ü
2 / To increase resources for outdoor play and make best use of the playgrounds for play / ü / 5.8 / 2 / ü / ü
3 / Electronic tracking & recording to support progression in learning and achievement / ü / 5.4 / 1,2 / ü / ü / ü
4 / Meeting children’s learning needs / ü / 5.3 / 2,3 / ü / ü
5 / Building leadership at all levels / ü / 9.3 / 2 / ü / ü
5. Action Planning (Journey to Excellence)
Priority No. / QI /
/ Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable
1 / 5.4 / CfE:
Building the Curriculum 5 / Assessment approaches / ·  Learners progress and achievement is supported and nurtured by formative assessment approaches
·  Each individual learner will be supported in continuous growth and subsequent achievement
·  Staff assessments of pupil progress & achievement will be aided by national standardised assessments
·  Pupils & staff plan for, collect & use a wide range of evidence from learning activities in deciding next steps in learning & identifying who can best help
Tasks to achieve priority / Timescale / Person responsible / Resources and staff development / Monitoring progress and evaluating impact /
1. Attend training in Building the Curriculum 5
2. Plan training content and method for staff which:
-  raises awareness of BtC5
-  raises awareness of GLOW, its applications and uses
-  develops understanding of the impact on practice
-  identifies specific development needs (school, team, individual)
3.  Deliver training
4.  Agree action plan for continuing development of staff skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to the implementation of BtC5
5.  Review action plan in line with staff changes in August 2010 / May ‘10
May ‘10
June ‘10
June ‘10
August 10 / HT
Senior Leadership Team
All teaching staff
Staff Development Coordinator and individual new staff / Management time
Management time
In-service day – June
In-service day – June
Individual CPD time
Management time / Evaluate training to assess ‘next steps’ in staff development
Ongoing shared evaluation and personal reflection
5. Action Planning (Journey to Excellence)
Priority No. / QI /
/ Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable
2 / 5.8
8.3 / 8 / Values and empowers its staff and young people / To increase resources for outdoor play and make best use of the playgrounds for play / ·  Pupils will have more play equipment and resources at playtime
·  Pupils will enjoy fun, safe & creative play at playtime
·  Playground space will be made best use to support children’s play
·  Pupils will have a wider range of resources to use and enjoy at PE lessons
·  Pupils will have a wider range of art materials & resources to support learning & teaching in art
Tasks to achieve priority / Timescale / Person responsible / Resources and staff development / Monitoring progress and evaluating impact /
1.  The Pupil Council will plan and organise a survey of pupil opinion on play resources they would like.
2.  The Pupil Council will consult with playground staff and agree which of these resources will be safe and best to purchase.
3.  The Pupil Council will form a sub group from interested pupils to order the play equipment
4.  The Pupil Council will form sub groups of pupils and staff expertise to survey pupil opinion on resources and make recommendations to the Pupil Council for purchases for:
a.  Art
b.  PE
5.  The Football Committee will meet regularly to monitor and agree safe football / Sept ‘10
Mid Oct ‘10
Mid Oct ‘10
Nov ‘10
Dec ‘10
Ongoing / Pupil Council
Pupil Council
Playground Supervisor
Pupil Council
Mrs Wilson
Pupil volunteers
Pupil Council
Mrs Wilson
Pupil volunteers
Mrs Wilson, Mr Hayes
Class Football Reps / Pupil Council Meeting
Pupil Council Meeting
Staff time
Class time
Management time
Money from fundraising
Clerical staff (to process orders)
Class time
Management time
Money from fundraising
Clerical staff (to process orders)
Termly meetings in class time
Management time / Minutes and agendas for Pupil Council Meetings
Minutes and agendas for Pupil Council Meetings
Minutes and agendas for Pupil Council Meetings
Minutes and agendas for Pupil Council Meetings
Minutes of Football Committee
Review of pupil satisfaction via Pupil Council Reps
5. Action Planning (Journey to Excellence)
Priority No. / QI /
/ Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable