Approved Minutes
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Members Present: Mike Skaff (Co-Chair), Matt Bourez, Brent Calvin, Debbie Castro,
Omar Gutierrez, Tim Hollabaugh, Mary Schaeffer, Osvaldo Arroyo,
Kacie Scambler (representing Manuel Hernandez)
Exofficio: Linda McCauley, Chief Accounting Officer
Karen Pauls, Executive Assistant, Administrative Services
Absent: David Maciel (Co-Chair), Lisa Brandis, Christina Enquist,
Dianna Favour, William Garcia, Chris Knox, Robert Morris,
Steve Renton, Manuel Hernandez
Minutes: Karen Pauls, Executive Assistant, Administrative Services
The Standing Budget Committee meeting was called to order by Mike Skaff at 3:00pm.
1. Approval of the April 28, 2011 Budget Committee Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of the April 28, 2011 meeting was made by Matt Bourez and seconded by Debbie Castro.
2. Introduction of New Members
Mike Skaff welcomed all new members.
3. Final 2011-2012 Budget
Linda reviewed the 2011-2012 Final Budget Book.
Pg. 7 - Linda discussed Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES), which determines the dollar amount the District is paid by the state. If a student carries 15 units the District is paid for one FTES. Brent explained that the state has capped the number of FTES they will fund. COS is only being paid for 8,387 FTES. We have 1,500 unfunded FTES from
last year. This year there will be an additional 6.2% unfunded FTES. There was
discussion of Hanford gaining Center Status. Brent explained that Hanford must have
500 FTES for Center Status. If Hanford gains Center Status and reaches 1,000 FTES
then COS is eligible for an additional $1,000,000.
Pg. 11 –At tentative and adopted, the Fund Balance Draw remains at Zero. Final
adopted received a 6.22% workload reduction.
Pg. 30 – Linda pointed out that the budget does not reflect the actual health benefits
rates for 2011-2012. The rates in the budget are the capped rates for 2009-2010.
Pg. 36 - Linda explained the “Banked Leave Time Calculation.” Banked Leave is
earned by instructors who teach an overload class, but do not take the overload
payment. That allows the instructor to teach a lighter load in a later semester and
still collect their full salary.
Pg. 37 – Tim asked why only certain items were included on the “Long Term Contracts”
page. Linda explained that if all long term contracts were included the list would
be several pages long. Mike pointed out that some people look at this list and think
those are all of the contracts COS has. Linda mentioned this item would be reviewed for
the next budget book.
Pg. 39 – Linda pointed out that the State continues to defer payments to us due to the
State’s cash crunch. COS participates annually in Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes
(TRAN) and has a municipal lease with Valley Business Bank (1.9% interest) to assist
with cash shortfalls in monthly obligations such as payroll and payables. COS draws on
the TRAN in December because we close early for the holidays and don’t have funding
to make payments.
4. Financial Implications of Mid-Year Cuts
The mid-year cuts will be determined by the revenue received by the State. There are
several tiers to the cuts and the tiers are built one on top of the other. For COS Tier 0
would result in a cut of $240,000 and tier 1 would result in cuts of $576,000 for a total
of $816,000. One of the triggers for mid-year cuts is charging $46 per unit. If this
happens, the new fees will begin Summer 2012.
5. Anticipated Health & Benefits Costs for 2011-2012
There was a 4% increase from CVT. The final budget does not reflect the rate for 2011-2012. The budget has the capped rates from 2009-2010.
6. Bond Obligation
Brent explained that the Bond Committees are aware that bond funds are being used to help address the deficit and that it is an acceptable practice. He also discussed the possibility of paying off several smaller COP’s with the remaining Measure I funds. This would break our reliance on bond money and there would be saving from on-going COP costs.
7. Reserves
Linda explained that the COS Board of Trustees requires a 6% reserve and we ended
the fiscal year with a 5.4% reserve. If a district falls below a 3% reserve they go on a
state “watch list” and representatives are sent to the district to assist with financial
8. Summer 2012
At this time, there is nothing to report about summer session 2012. However, summer
session is not included in the final budget. The budget will have to be increased if there
is a summer session and the budget will show a fund balance draw.
9. Other
There were no other items of discussion and the meeting was adjourned at 4:07pm.
10. Date of Next Meeting (Thursday, February 16, 2012).