What does God being spirit mean for us in relating to him?

How should the fact of God being everywhere – always present with us – stimulate and/or encourage us?

What steps could you take to make yourself more consistently mindful of God’s presence with you?

What is the relationship between God's glory and his presence?

How is God’s glory evidenced in the world today?

How should being mindful of God's glory affect the way we view and relate to God?

How does God communicate and interact with us?

How might the concept of God having feelings and even feeling emotional pain affect the way we view and/or relate to him?

Do you see God as a personal being that you can relate to? Explain.

What evidence or reasons could you give to a non-believer that God is indeed alive, that he does exist?

Why would God’s eternity have evoked praise from Paul (cf. 1Tim 1:17)?

How does God’s eternal perspective on time result in him viewing things differently to us?

In what ways is God greater than everyone and everything else? (Do not limit your answer to just what is mentioned in the verses.)

What is one thing about God that you find particularly awe-inspiring and/or hard to comprehend?

How should we respond to the greatness and awesomeness of God?

Nominate one verse (not necessarily from the ones above) that for you epitomizes or sums up God’s power. Say why you chose it.

What are the implications of God’s supreme power for the world?

What is one aspect of your life that should be affected by the Bible’s claim that by his power God “can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine” (Eph 3:20)? How might or how should it be affected?

Apparently scientists still do not understand what makes lightning flash (cf. Job 37:15). What is one thing in nature that you find particularly incomprehensible or stunning?

What is something that God has done in your own life or in the life of someone close to you, that you do or should exalt him for?

Is there anything that God does not do – or has not done yet – that you wish he would do? Why do you think he does not or has not done this?

How do you feel about God knowing everything? How does it encourage or challenge you?

List some factors that set God’s wisdom apart from human wisdom.

How can we utilize God’s incredible wisdom in our own lives?

What is the significance of one’s “name” in the Bible?

What is meant by the expression “call on the name of the Lord” (cf. Ps 116:13)?

As best as you can, explain God’s reply to Moses’ question regarding his name (cf. Ex 3:14).

What does holiness involve?

What are the implications of God’s holiness for us?

If God only dwells with those who are holy, how then can we be holy for him to live with us?

How should God’s righteousness and justice affect the way we relate to him?

What are some aspects of God’s righteousness and justice that we can emulate? Is there any aspect that you would like to emulate more? (Do not limit your answers to only what is mentioned in the study.)

Why is there so much injustice in the world when God is righteous and just?

How has God shown his faithfulness to you? (If it helps, in answering you could use part of a verse in this section that you can particularly relate to.)

Why is it important to remember that God is faithful (cf. Deut 7:9)?

Is there a situation that you face for which you need to bear in mind that God “will not fail you or leave you” (1Chr 28:20)?

If God is good, how can anger be one of his characteristics?

What things about God’s anger are exemplary for us?

Do you ever think of things you do as arousing God’s anger? If so, what things?

Explain in your own words what John meant in saying: “God is love” (1Jn4:8, 16).

What do you find particularly remarkable about God’s love?

How does a person abide in love (cf. 1Jn 4:16)?

What is compassion?

How does God express his compassion and mercy? (Do not limit your answers to what is mentioned above.)

How has God shown his patience with you?

How does God show abundant goodness to all creatures (cf. Ps 145:7, 9)?

What are the implications for us of God being the ultimate source of “every perfect gift” (cf. James 1:17)?

How has God shown kindness and generosity to you? How do you - or how should you - respond to this?

How would you explain God's jealousy to a non-believer?

What things in the teaching about God’s jealousy are encouraging?

Choose one of God’s personality characteristics that either: (a) you greatly value; or (b) you need to be more conscious of. Why did you choose this?

How is Jesus Christ associated with “life”?

In what way or ways do you think that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb 13:8)?

How does – or how should – the fact that Jesus Christ is everywhere encourage you?

What does Jesus Christ’s glory show about him?

What are some implications of Jesus Christ’s sovereign power for believers?

Choose one verse or phrase from Colossians 1:15-18 that you find particularly significant - and say why.

In what sense has Jesus Christ “been made perfect” (Heb 7:28)? Hasn’t he always been perfect?

What can we do to more fully grasp and experience Jesus Christ’s great love?

Choose one attribute of Jesus Christ that if you kept it more in view, would affect your worship and/or your daily living. What affect would it have?

Explain in your own words the relationship between Jesus Christ and his "name".

In what ways can we make reference to or use Jesus Christ’s “name” (cf. Acts 3:6–7, 16)?

What does the Bible mean by trusting or calling upon the "name" of Jesus Christ?

What does the Bible mean in saying that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? In what sense is he God’s Son?

What do you think Paul means in saying that Jesus Christ "existed in the form of God" (Philippians 2:6)?

Why is the teaching that Jesus Christ is the Son of God so central and significant to Christianity?

Why do you think that evil spirits shouted out that Jesus is the Son of God (cf. Mark 3:11)?

If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, why do you?

Is there anything that you could add to your previous answer (e.g. further evidence), in testifying to a non-believer that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?

What did Jesus mean by saying, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 10:38)?

In what sense is Jesus Christ God?

How is the association of Jesus Christ with God important for us?

In worship and prayer, should we be conscious of whether we are addressing God or Jesus Christ (or both)? Does it matter?

Is there anything we should do differently in relating to Jesus Christ in comparison to relating to God?

Why is honoring Jesus Christ also honoring to God (cf. John 5:23)?

What do think the Bible means in describing God (the Father) as the “God” of Jesus Christ?

Do you think that Jesus Christ is in any way subordinate to God? Explain your answer.

In what way/s is Jesus Christ equal to God?

What do you think the Bible means in describing the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of God?

As best you can, explain the connection between the Holy Spirit and God’s presence.

What things does the phrase “the mind of the Spirit” (Rom 8:27) indicate about the Holy Spirit?

Do you think God’s omnipresence (being present everywhere) is through the Holy Spirit?

Are there any attributes listed that you had not previously associated with the Holy Spirit? Can you think of any other attributes of the Holy Spirit that were not mentioned in the verses?

How can we be open to the Holy Spirit working through us, enabling us to do great things (cf. Zec 4:6b–7; Rom 15:18–19)?

Some people teach that the Holy Spirit is a thing or a force rather than a personal identity. What aspects of the above teaching suggest otherwise?

How do you find it helpful or encouraging recognizing the personal nature of the Holy Spirit?

Is there anything you find difficult to grasp about the Holy Spirit? Discuss this with the group.

Write down how you would explain the Holy Spirit to someone who had not heard of him.

How does Matthew 28:19 imply a very close association – even a oneness – between God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?

What is your understanding of the Holy Spirit’s relationship to God and Jesus Christ?

How do God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit work together in saving people? What parts does each of them play?

What does the “glory” of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit involve?

What is the significance of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit all having divine attributes?

Are there any differences in any of these attributes in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit? For example are there any differences in their power or in their expression of it?

How do you explain the same roles or acts being attributed to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?

If God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are so closely identified with each other, why in 2Thessalonians 2:16–17 (for example) does Paul mention Jesus Christ and God the Father separately in regard to a common role, rather than use a single term for both of them – and moreover not mention the Holy Spirit?

Are there any differences in the parts played by God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in accomplishing things?

Do you believe in angels? Why or why not?

Some biblical passages describe angels in terms of a human-like form, but the Bible also says that they are spirits (e.g. Heb 1:14). How should we understand this apparent contradiction?

To what extent are you mindful of angels? Does any teaching in this section encourage you to be more conscious of angels?

What does the teaching about angels in this section show about God?

What similarities and differences are there between how angels serve God and how we should serve him?

Is there anything in this study that should impact our attitudes and/or actions? If so, what and why?

Have you or someone you know of had an experience that you think involved angels?

In what ways do you think angels help Christians today?

In what ways do angels act on behalf of God?

Why are angels so important?

What is something in these studies on angels that you either: did not know before; gained greater insight into; or needed reminding of?

How does the teaching about angels in this and the previous sections encourage you?

Why do you think that Satan is opposed to God and Jesus Christ?

What is one strategy that Satan uses to deceive people?

How can we guard against being deceitful ourselves?

How should John’s statement that “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1Jn 5:19; cf. John 16:11b above) influence our outlook?

Why reasons are there to be wary of but not frightened of Satan?

What can we do to help unbelievers, knowing that to some degree at least Satan works in and through them?

What role do you think Satan plays in temptation – as opposed to sinful human nature?

What role do you think Satan plays in bad things that happen to Christians – as opposed to God’s providence and “chance”?

What can we do to counteract Satan’s work against us?

Have you or someone you know of had an experience that you think involved demons?

How does a person come to be possessed by a demon?

What can be done for a person who is demon-possessed?

Do you believe that God made everything? Why or why not?

Is there anything that you find hard to understand or accept about the Genesis account of creation? If so, discuss this with your group.

What inspires you the most - or what do you appreciate the most - about God’s creation, all of which is “very good” (Gen 1:31a)?

How should we respond to the teaching in Job 12:10 (cf. Every creature’s life is dependent on God)?

The Bible speaks of God’s provision of rain and food as being abundant, satisfying “the needs of all” (Ps 145:16). How do we reconcile this with the increasing depravation and starvation in the world?

How mindful and appreciative are you of God’s provision? How could you be more so?

Jesus Christ has a major role in God's making and maintaining of creation. What does this illustrate about how God interacts with his world?

How can it be that things were created by God simply speaking (cf. God made and maintains all things by his word or command)?

Would scientists generally agree that “the earth was made from water and with water” (2Pet 3:5b)? If this is the case, what is the significance of this statement being in the Bible?

What does God being the creator of us and our environment mean for our relationship with him?

What are some implications of all things belonging to God and existing for him?

What is something about creation that exemplifies for you the incomparableness of God’s power and wisdom? (Perhaps you could use a phrase from a verse in your answer.)

Choose one thing that you find particularly significant about God’s creation of people, and say why.

Think of at least one way that the brevity of our lives should affect our thinking and/or our actions.

How is blood used in the Bible to signify life?

What is our spirit?

Give at least one reason why our spirit is significant.

In what sense or in what way do our spirits exist after death?

Think of one person who you should treat differently, bearing in mind that they have been made by God in his image. How could you treat them differently?

How are people different to other creatures?

What could you do to better care for other creatures and/or the environment?