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“Developing the whole child”

Dear Parent / Carer, 20th November 2015

With the installation of the Type Park and having an increased number of Mid-Day Supervisors on duty at lunchtime we have been able to review our lunchtime arrangements.

From Monday 23rd November we are asking all children to have outdoor shoes or wellies in school at all times. Those children involved in Forest School sessions should already have their outdoor footwear in school. The outdoor footwear is in addition to PE trainers which must remain clean and dry for PE lessons in the Hall.

This will allow all children to use the field at lunchtimes and from approximately 12:40 the playground will also be available. To enable this to happen and ensure a smooth start to the afternoon session the following changes have been made.

With support from parents in providing outdoor footwear we know that the children will benefit enormously from having additional play areas over the lunchtime period. For safety reasons they must wear outdoor footwear on the field and we will be reminding the children about playing safely and not getting trousers dirty etc. If parents wish to may send in a spare pair of track suit bottoms or similar to change into as we cannot avoid occasional tumbles! We also recommend Elder class to have a coat in school as they are expected to be outside with the rest of the school. We do not force Elder pupils to wear a coat and if they get wet it is because they have made the wrong choice.

Please can spare footwear and clothing be named and in a named plastic bag so any wet items can be saved securely in the cloakrooms.

As with any new arrangement, the above plans will be tweaked over the weeks. Equally should these arrangements begin to cause any problems we may have to revert to all pupils using the playground only with one class per day being able to use the Tyre Park.