
Physical Ability Testing


This guideline outlines procedures for physical performance assessments to establish physical performance standards for all members and prospective members, and to assist all members in attaining and maintaing the physical fitness necessary to perform essential functions of the job.


All members must satisfactorily complete the physical ability test (hereafter referred to as PAT) annually. The PAT will be administered in the month of February.


The Glenwood Springs Fire Department designee will administer a PAT to each member and prospective member (hereafter referred to as candidate). The PAT will follow the guidelines outlined in this Standard Operating Guideline. The events outlined within this PAT guideline are subject to change, and other requirements may be added, at the discretion of the Fire Chief.

The following sub-components of physical fitness will be assessed:

1.  Cardiovascular fitness

2.  Muscular strength

3.  Muscular endurance

4.  Flexibility

5.  Body composition

The Physical Agility Test must be completed in 4 minutes or less; the time shall stop at the completion of the dummy drag.

If a candidate fails one part of the test, the whole test must be retaken.

An EMT will be on-scene and available during the testing.

Blood pressure and pulse will be taken on all candidates before and after attempting the PAT.

The data from these tests will be treated confidentially.

Clothing and Safety Equipment:

During the six-station PAT described below, the following clothing and safety equipment will be worn by each candidate:

1.  Bunker coat with liner

2.  Helmet with liner

3.  SCBA with a composite bottle, excluding face piece

4.  Athletic shoes

5.  Comfortable pants or sweatpants

6.  Structural firefighting gloves

Candidates will be provided all required clothing and safety equipment, except footwear, which the participant must supply.

Physical Ability Testing Stations

The components for GSFD PAT for all members are as follows:

Aerial Ladder Climb

After completion of all the stations, each candidate will be required to climb an aerial ladder 105’ at a 65 degree angle. The ladder climb will be accomplished wearing a bunker coat, helmet, long pants, proper footwear, and a pompier belt. A prospective member, undergoing initial testing, shall wear a harness and be belayed during the ladder exercise for safety reasons. During assent, the participant must maintain 3 points of contact and assure proper movement from every rung. Once at the top, the participant will lock into a rung, look down, and identify an object on the ground. Once the object has been verbalized, the participant will climb down in the same manner as the assent. This event is not timed but must be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time.

Station 1 – Stair Climb

With 50 feet of 2 ½” hose the candidate will proceed up and down a flight of stairs 4 times. During the stair climb, the candidate must hit every step on the way down. A missed step will make the participant start the stair climb over while the clock continues. A brisk walk is permitted; running is not. The candidate may use the railings going up and down. On the 4th stair climb, the candidate will release the high rise pack at the bottom of the stairs (stair entry) and proceed to the next station.

Station 2 – Rope Pull

The candidate must follow the course through the apparatus bays as provided and raise and lower a 2 ½" hose roll 15 ½’. The candidate must pull the hose load up and lower it down in a controlled manner. The candidate cannot let the rope slide through his or her hands. The candidate may pull the rope up and use their body as support for the rope. Once the hose is returned the ground the candidate will move the next station.

Station 3- Hose Drag

The candidate will walk the course through the apparatus bay to the hose drag. The candidate will proceed to pick up a charged 1 ¾” hose line, advance the line 75 feet, and show water from the nozzle . The candidate may pull the hose as he/she chooses, however the use of a hose strap is prohibited. The candidate may run with the hose. After spraying water from the nozzle the candidate will move to the next station.

Station 4-Breach Pull (Sled Drive)

While standing on a sled, the candidate will grab the hammer provided and drive the weight to the opposite end of the sled, as delineated by the decreasing number scale on the device. No “round house” swings are allowed and the candidate’s hands are not allowed to extend below the level indicated on the sledgehammer handle. The proctor will advise when the weight has reached the required distance, the candidate will then place the hammer on the ground, and proceed to the next station.

Station 5 – 165 lb. Dummy Drag

The candidate will pick up the dummy and walk backwards 35 feet, make a 180 degree turn, and return to the start. The candidate will pull the dummy backwards and will be permitted to use straps attached to the dummy. The candidate may not drag the dummy by the extremities during this station. The proctor will advise candidate when the dummy has reached the required distance and the time clock will be stopped.

Station 6- Appliance Assembly

Immediately following the dummy drag, the candidate must walk, passing through the appropriate route, to the hydrant on west side of the apron at station 2. The candidate will remove the 2 ½” hydrant cap, connect a 2 ½” hose to the hydrant, and connect a 2 ½” nozzle to the hose. The candidate must open the nozzle to signify they are finished. The proctor will advise of station completion and communicate time to department representative for documentation.

Safety during the PAT

This is a timed test; candidates should rest, if needed, at the stations or in between stations. If the candidate indicates he or she feels light headed, dizzy, or uncomfortable, the test monitor will terminate the test, and the participant will be evaluated and treated, if necessary.

discuss potential solutions.