Rotary Club of Point West – Sacramento

Minutes of the Board of Directors

Meeting of August 12, 2014

2700 Watt Ave., Sacramento, CA

Board Members Present:

Rich Graber, Jim Fritzsche , Toney Sebra, Steve Thomas, Gardiner de Back, Dan Baker, Tony Park, Don Jamison, Bea Maurer, Joan Thompson, Karl Forste, Roger Gilleland, Desirée Wilson

Board Members Absent:

Gary Pevey

Others Present:

Matt Byers, Dan Hall, Rick Bixler, Mary Lyn Kagan, Anne Osborne

Call to Order and Determination of Quorum

President Graber called the meeting to order at 7:03 a.m. and determined a quorum was present.

Secretary’s Report

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting of July 8, 2014 were presented for approval. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Bea Maurer, seconded by Karl Forste and passed unanimously. The minutes of the special session meeting of August 8, 2014 were presented for approval. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Joan Thompson, seconded by Roger Gilleland and passed unanimously.


-  Attendance: Desirée reported that 19 members were at less than 50% attendance for the current term and eight members had missed the last four consecutive meetings.

-  Resignations: Ed Harrington and Gary Guenther submitted letters of resignation, effective July 29, 2014. The Board accepted both letters of resignation.

Exempt Status (Rule of 85) requests: Bob Berger is eligible for and has requested exempt status. A motion to approve Bob Berger for exempt status was made by Bea Maurer, seconded by Joan Thompson, and passed unanimously.

-  Leave of Absence: Jerry Avila requested a leave of absence for the period August 15th through September 5th. A motion to approve Jerry Avila for a leave of absence was made by Roger Gilleland, seconded by Bea Maurer, and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Jim Fritzsche presented the financial statements as of July 31, 2014. He stated that not all members had paid their dues. Rich Graber will announce at a meeting that dues are due.

Prospective Member Interviews

Anne Osborne, sponsored by Mary Lyn Kagan and Tom Knox, was interviewed by the board as a prospective member. A motion to approve Anne Osborne as a prospective member was made by Karl Forste, seconded by Don Jamison, and passed unanimously.

President’s Report

·  Honorary Membership: There was a suggestion about making one of our current active members an honorary member. More information is needed to ensure it is the desire of the active member to become an honorary member.

·  Single Charitable Focus: Past President Gary Pevey is forming a committee to explore the concept of a single charitable focus for fundraisers. There was also discussion about providing a larger percentage of the net proceeds from the fundraisers to the charitable partner.

Point West Rotary Foundation Report

Dan Hall (Vice President of the Foundation) provided a hand-out to the Board listing various alternatives to the relationship structure between the Foundation and the Club. Dan will be presenting the same list to the Foundation Trustees at their next meeting.

New Business

No new business was discussed.

Old Business

No old business was discussed.

Board Member Reports

Joan Thompson – Vocational Service

Joan reported that Dwight Chambers is still looking for co-chairs for the 2015 Festa di Vino to be held on March 28, 2015. She also reported that Gerry Goodie and Amanda Decker will be working together on the Rotarians at Work Day and Veteran’s Day program. Also, Keith Petkus is in charge of the Community Service awards.

Dan Baker – Youth Services

Dan reported that no Jesuit Interact students were able to attend the iPETS conference, due to short notice, but Brad Asbury, Trish Harrington and Dan all attended. He also reported that the Encina Booster Club was having their first meeting of the school year tonight.

Karl Forste – Club Service 1

Karl stated that Brewfest activity was in full swing. Also, our RYE student will be arriving August 19th from Japan.

Bea Maurer – Club Service 2

Bea reported that the 1st Annual Lunar Lunacy was a great event. As Club Trainer, Bea also reported that there will be a district workshop on social media – she will be sending out more information to the board and general membership.

Tony Park – Club Service 3

·  Tony reported that he, Samantha and Desirée had met to discuss revising all of the new member documents (application, financial participation, activity participation, red-to-blue badge and new member handbook). There was discussion about what should be the level of financial participation for our fundraisers since we have added two new major fundraisers (golf tournament and Lunar Lunacy). It was decided that Rich Graber, Toney Sebra, Tony Park, Samantha Hoshida and Desirée Wilson would meet again to discuss new member requirements further.

·  Tony reported the chairs of his committees:

o  Greeters Table – Craig Heiser

o  Invocations – Gerry Goodie

o  2x2s- Dave Abbott

o  Fun Committee – Tom Knox, Rick Bixler

o  Membership – Samantha Hoshida

·  Tony also reminded the Board about the Sunglass Social coming up on August 28th and the new member mixer at River’s Edge Café on August 18th.

Don Jamison – Community Service 1

Don thanked the Board for helping Larry Challis’s son, Conner, on his work project.

Roger Gilleland – Community Service 2

Roger reported that the first meeting of this term’s Grant Review Committee will be held on August 13th. Russ Fujii is continuing as the chair.

Adjournment: There being no further business, President Graber adjourned the meeting at

9:02 a.m.