Romeo & Juliet

Unit Projects

Choose from the following projects:

1.  Create and present original music or artwork that would serve as an introduction to the novel. **

2.  Create a detailed diorama depicting the story's climax. **

3.  Choose one character and write a sonnet about that character. **

4.  Choose 25 challenging or interesting words from the play and make flash cards with their definitions. Write a story using at least 15 of these words. Note: Use context clues to clarify their meanings. **

5.  Find 5 examples of figurative language and make artwork illustrating the literal interpretation. **

6.  Make a PowerPoint citing at least 20 literary terms and examples from the play.

7.  Complete the entire set of worksheets found in the purple folder. **

8.  Answer in complete sentences all of the “Response and Analysis” and “Listening and Speaking” questions that follow each of the acts in the book. Completion of this option requires going “above and beyond” normal question-and-answer assignments. **

9.  In complete sentences and according to the directions given, complete each “Vocabulary Development” activity at the end of each of the acts in the book. Completion of this option requires going “above and beyond” normal question-and-answer assignments. **

10.  Make a working board game that illustrates the plot of the novel. **

11.  Create puppets of two major and two minor characters (four puppets, total) and perform a scene from the play that illustrates a major conflict or solution. **

12.  Create and present a full-size movie poster, complete with director, actors, release date, studio information, web site, etc. **

13.  Write an alternative ending. Your ending must be at least three double-spaced typed pages, and should fit logically into the existing play. **

14.  "Become" one of the characters. Write the equivalent of six one-page diary entries (in period handwriting and on “authentic” parchment), revealing the author’s characterization of your person and appraising the plot development. Bonus points will be awarded for students who dress and act as their character. **

15.  What would it have been like to live in Verona at that time? Research Italian life in Elizabethan times. Use the information to create the front page of a newspaper from the period. Include articles on culture, fashion, sports, leisure, science, etc. **

16.  Research and present general information (at least three double-spaced typed pages) on two famous feuds throughout history, similar to the one in Romeo and Juliet. Use your imagination when deciding on the subjects of your research; remember, not all feuds are between two families. Create a diorama of a confrontation between one of your feuding pairs. **

17.  Research the US legal system and how a person is charged with and tried for a crime. Make sure you know how a court case is carried out in a courtroom. Decide who is responsible for the outcome of the play and "try" the person(s). Select a jury, have lawyers, agree upon a verdict, etc. ** Deep MP3 - Music Store
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18.  Propose your own project. **

Note: When presenting the project to the class, you may use only one note card. Maintain eye contact with your audience. Do not read to the audience. Follow any and all of the teacher’s special directions. In order to receive full credit, all aspects of the project must be neat and students must show evidence of time and effort put into the project.

** Follow MLA guidelines to include a works cited page.

Romeo and Juliet Project


100-93 / 92-85 / 84-77 / 76-70 / 69-0 / Score
of Theme / -demonstrates extensive knowledge of theme
- in-depth clarity
-  - stays on theme topic
-  very clear communication of theme / -  demonstrates quite a bit of knowledge of theme
-  reasonable clarity
-  mostly on topic
-  clear communication
of theme / - demonstrates some knowledge of theme
- some clarity
- sometimes of topic
- little communication
of theme / -  Is there a theme?
-  no clarity
-  off-topic of theme
-  no communication
of theme / -  project off topic, not turned in, or 5+ days late / _____
of Theme / -  extensive examples
-  of theme
-  extensive explanation
of examples
-  very clear relation of examples of theme / -  some examples
of theme
-  decent explanation
of examples
-  evidence somewhat relates to theme / -  few examples of theme
-  some explanation
of examples
-  evidence vaguely related to theme / -  little or no examples
-  little or no explanation
-  evidence doesn’t relate to theme / -  project off topic, not turned in, or 5+ days late / _____
Reflection / -  well thought out reflections
-  clearly demonstrates opinion
-  shows understanding of theme / -  somewhat thought out personal reflections
-  somewhat demonstrates opinion
-  shows some understanding of theme / -  little personal reflection
-  little demonstration of opinion
-  shows little understanding of theme / -  little or no opinion demonstrated
-  no meaningful reflections
-  Do you have an opinion? / -  project off topic, not turned in, or 5+ days late / _____
and Effort / -  lots of time spent
-  very original
-  complete appearance
-  very appropriate to topic
-  clear personal touches / -  quite a bit of time spent on project
-  some originality
-  somewhat complete appearance
-  somewhat appropriate
-  some personal touches / -  little time spent on project
-  little originality
-  almost incomplete appearance
-  little appropriateness
-  little personal touches / -  almost no time spent
-  Project has a twin
-  virtually incomplete
-  not appropriate
-  no personal touches / -  project off topic, not turned in, or 5+ days late / _____