Life Science Final Review Questions Human Body
Describe the lock-and-key process your body uses to maintain homeostasis.ANSWER: Molecules have a shape that only fits specific receptors. / Give one example of a negative feedback system.
ANSWER: blood sugar, blood pressure, temperature, respiration rate
Name the organization of an organism from the smallest part of a human to largest part of a human.
ANSWER: cell->tissue->organ->organ system-> organism / Name two of four types of tissue.
ANSWER: Muscle, Nerve, Epithelial, and Connective tissue
Name two of the five functions of the skeletal system.
1. Supports the body and gives it shape
2. Protects organs such as the heart and lungs
3. Enables movement
4. Store calcium and phosphorus
5. Produce blood cells / Name four out of five types of joints and where are they located?
1. Hinge-> elbow
2. Gliding-> ankle
3. Ball and Socket->shoulder
4. Pivot-> cranium of neck
5. Suture->bones of cranium
What are the three types of muscles? Where is each found?
• Skeletal-> on bones
• Smooth-> organs
• Cardiac -> heart / What is the difference between an involuntary and voluntary muscle?
ANSWER: You can control your voluntary muscles; you cannot control involuntary muscles.
What are the six main nutrients of the body?
1. Carbohydrates
2. Fats
3. Proteins
4. Minerals
5. Vitamins
6. Water / What are the building blocks of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins?
• Proteins -> amino acids
• Fats -> fatty acids and glycerol
• Carbohydrates -> sugar
What is the difference between mechanical and chemical digestion?
ANSWER: Mechanical is when physical action is used to digest food, while chemical digestion uses chemicals like enzymes to break food down into nutrients the body can use. / Where does the most nutrient absorption take place?
ANSWER: Small intestine
Where are proteins digested?
ANSWER: Stomach and small intestine / Name two of the components in the blood and the function of each?
· Red Blood Cells -> carries oxygen in the bloodstream
· White Blood Cells -> fight infection and disease
· Plasma -> provides a medium through which blood cells can move
· Platelets -> proteins used to help repair injured blood vessels
What are the differences between capillaries, veins, and arteries?
ANSWER: Arteries carry blood away from the heart. Veins carry blood towards the heart. Capillaries join arteries and veins, site for gas exchange. / What are the functions of the respiratory system?
ANSWER: To provide conducting passageways to allow oxygen to be used in the body to release energy. Purifies, humidifies, and warms incoming air. Filters out irritants from the air.
______are small air sacs, and looks like a bunch of grapes.
ANSWER: Alveoli / What is the function of the excretory system?
ANSWER: To remove waste products from the body.
What is the function of the medulla?
ANSWER: Controls the functions of internal organs and controls some reflexes. / What one function of the nervous system?
ANSWER: To sense the environment around us and react to it. To learn and apply what is learned. To recall memories. To regulate body metabolism.
Name two glands and the hormones each gland produces.
Hypothalamus -> regulatory chemicals
Pituitary -> human growth hormone
Adrenals -> Adrenaline
Thyroid -> Thyroxine
Pancreas -> Insulin
Ovaries -> Estrogen and Progesterone
Testis -> Testosterone / What is the function of the endocrine system?
ANSWER: To regulate body activities through the use of chemicals known as hormones.
What is the role of antigens?
ANSWER: Molecules that the immune system recognizes either as part of your body or as coming from outside your body. T-cells recognize these antigens. / What is the role of antibodies?
ANSWER: Antibodies are proteins that help destroy pathogens.