Reynolda Church

Minutes of Stated Session Meeting

April 17, 2014

Time: 6:30 pm

Elders present, (P), Absent (A):

Teaching Elders:

P / Senior Pastor – Alan D. Wright
P / Associate Pastor – Christopher E. Lawson

Ruling Elders:

A / Lynn Brewer / P / Bridgette Blackwell / P / Dan Anthony
P / Gloria Bruce / A / Tom Hull / P / Keith Avery
P / Chad Foster / P / Barrett Johnson / P / Kelly Barrett
P / Sean Giese / P / Bill Rice / P / Bob Roach

Others Attending:

P / Mickey Thigpen – Executive Director
P / Jeff Deaton – Executive Director, Sharing the Light
P / Hugh McPherson – Chair of Capital Budget Committee
P / Brandon Williams – Assoc Pastor for Discipleship



Call to Order

The Stated meeting of the Session of Reynolda Church for April 17, 2014, was called to order by Pastor Lawson.Various elders shared prayer concerns for this week. There was a time of prayer for congregational needs and the Session meeting. Pastor Wright closed in prayer.

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was moved and seconded for approvalwith the following exceptions:

  • Move item 8 before item 5.
  • Under Executive Director’s report, add Policy Proposal for Capital Expenses

Approved unanimously.

Omnibus Motion

Moved and seconded to approve. Passed unanimously.

Clerk’s Report

  • Next Session Meeting: May 15, 2014
  • Next Membership Lunch will be May 18 – elders who will attend:
  • Village Campus: Pastor Wright, Brandon Williams, Bill Rice, Jeff Deaton, Kelly Barrett
  • Union Cross Campus: Marion Blackwell, Bridgette Blackwell, Barrett Johnson, Gloria Bruce
  • Next Presbytery meeting - April 25, 26 – Black Mountain, NC
  • Correspondence from Larry Reavis – page 15

Executive Pastor’s Report

  • Pastor Lawson reviewed the Easter Egg event and the Palm Sunday service for the entire church at the Union Cross campus. Consensus is that both events were hugely successful.
  • Pastor Lawson reminded us of the upcoming Good Friday, Sunrise (at St. Peter’s World Outreach Center), and Easter services this weekend.

Executive Director’s Report

  • Mickey Thigpen covered the financial report.
  • Conflict of Interest forms for Kari Burgess, Mark Nicholson, and Mickey Thigpen were all approved unanimously.
  • Policy change recommendation from the Executive Committee: That the Session set a policy that a capital expenditure of $500 or more must be approved by the Executive Director. Since this comes as a recommendation from a Sessional committee, no motion or second is required. Passed unanimously.

Capital Budget Committee Report

Hugh McPherson, chair of the Capital Budget Committee, began his report with prayer. Hugh gave a report on the Johnston Building from the Committee.

  • Since no friable asbestos was found in the building, no action needed. Passed unanimously.
  • The committee recommends authorizing New Atlantic Contracting to engage EME Industrial Services to proceed with mold remediation of the four vestibules and affected sheetrock in room 304. Remediation would not commence until roof repairs are completed. Estimated cost: $3389. Passed unanimously.
  • The committee recommends authorizing New Atlantic Contracting to proceed with restoration of the four vestibules and affected sheetrock in room 304 upon successful conclusion of remediation. Estimated cost will be available at the next Session meeting. Passed unanimously.
  • Effective immediately, and for the duration of all remediation, room 304 will be closed. Motion and second. Passed unanimously.
  • Moved and seconded: That the Session approve Option 1 (see attachment below) for funding repairs to the Johnston Building roof from the Capital Budget Committee Report. Passed unanimously.
  • Moved and seconded: That pending concurrenceof the Clerk of the General Assembly with the Session’s interpretation of Chapter 7 of the Book of Government, the Executive Director is authorized to obtain a loan to finance repairs to the Johnston Building. If the Clerk of the General Assembly does not concur, a congregational meeting will be called to get approval to obtain a loan to finance repairs. Passed unanimously.

Administrative Commission Report

  • Rick Peacock is out of the country. In lieu of an oral report from Rick, a written report was received.
  • Jeff Deaton provided a written report.

Consideration of Union Cross Venue Worship Leader Job Description

No motion or second required since this comes from the Executive Committee, a committee of the Session. Approved unanimously.

Senior Pastor’s Report

Pastor Wright began with prayer.

  • Jeff Deaton gave an update on Sharing the Light (STL).
  • The STL board will meet in July. The Session may consider nominating two representatives to the STL board.

Executive Committee Report

  • Entered Executive Session.
  • Left Executive Session.

Union Cross Campus Update

Pastor Barrett Johnson began with prayer.

  • Barrett shared about outreach efforts ongoing for the UC campus. He and the team are praying specifically for 200 people to attend UC on Easter. (4/20).
  • Spring Folly is coming up in Kernersville in a few weeks. “Fury and the Sound” (Gene Francis’s band) will be playing, and Gene will use the opportunity to invite people to UC.
  • Chick-fil-a “Spirit Night” will be held 5/20. UC campus will collaborate with Glenn HS at this event.
  • Entered Executive Session.
  • Left Executive Session.
  • Barrett recommended Gene Francis to be the UC Worship PAL and a member of the UC Administrative Commission. The recommendation came from the Executive Commission, so requires no motion or second. Approved unanimously.
  • There is no nominee to be the UC Outreach PAL. In the absence of an Outreach PAL, Barrett Johnson will fulfill that role.

Read and approved the minutes of this meeting.

Adjourned with Prayer at 10:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jack Kelly Barrett

Clerk of Session

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