Our next meeting is April 7th 2011 at 6:30, Canton Library. Pot luck dinner. Bring your own place setting and beverage.

President: William deLorraine

Vice President: Scott Sutherland

Secretary: Joanna deLorraine

Treasurer: Chris Sutherland

Field Trip Coordinators:

Bill deLorraine

Skyler Alverson

Scott Sutherland

Acting Co-Editors of Newsletter:

Bill & Joanna deLorraine

Webmaster: Glenn Simonelli

2011 Membership Dues collectible at any time but run from August 2011 to August 2012

If you do not have e-mail please let us know so we can mail you a hard copy of the newsletter.

Otherwise we strive to send all newsletters by e-mail. Make sure we are updated if your e-mail changes!

315-287-4652 or

Please mail dues to: Chris Sutherland; Treasurer, 287 Cty. Rd. 29, Canton, NY 13617

Have you paid your dues? It’s important if you plan on collecting; you’ll need current Club membership and Eastern Federation insurance cards.

Please send a check for your dues to Chris so you can continue to receive newsletters and take part in club events.

Single Membership: $10.00. Family Membership: (Family members under the same roof at the same mailing address): $20.00



Minutes from the Last Meeting

Our meeting began at 7:00 after a pot luck dinner. We talked about our new registration form and if camping during the show you must also be a member. We should take the advertisement of camping out of any ads. Bill mentioned that Scott and Chris were on vacation. Under old business, Bill noted we have three field trips for the year. The first on May 21st to Bush farm. The second on June 18th to West Pierrepont and the third during our show to Power’s farm on Sat. of the show. Bob Taillon said that on Selleck Rd. they are logging right now and heard reports of new pockets. Donnie has been at Powers digging. Bill noted that Powers has always been an area to find great things and you always find something. Great place for kids to go and just look on top to find something. Bill and Joanna went to the Albany show. Bill noted that we are not to move the tables under the pavilion at our show site. New rules and regulations were sent out notifying of new higher fees for this year. Some discussion on that was held and Bill said he would set up a meeting with Joe Finnegan to discuss. Bob mentioned that the Marine Corp. had another building down by the river that we might consider renting to use for the auction or extra dealers or the dinners. Glen will look into ordering new signs and different holders. We need to use more glue next time on the signs so the dates don’t come off. And use wire bases. We talked about getting a new bin to spin for the tickets

for the drawing. Bob has an old butter churner he will look at and Glen mentioned maybe even making one. He will check the internet for them. Bill will be giving a talk at the Rochester Symposium in April. It was mentioned that maybe we could have speakers at our show and maybe even on fluorescent minerals before the children’s hunt. Bill won the door prize (no crumpled tickets!) A rose quartz. Motion was made for Bill to spend $50.00 for minerals for the kid’s kits at the Ward’s Natural Science open house. The meeting was adjourned.

Upcoming Shows:

April 9-10th Johnson City, NY The NY Southern Tier Geology Club’s 42nd Annual Mineral Show, Johnson City Sr. Cent.

30 Brockton Ave. Al Conklin 607-625-4140

14-17 The 38th Annual Rochester Mineralogical Symposium Invited speakers to include our own, Bill deLorraine. Dr. Steve Chamberlain, (Technical Session Information) Dr. Helen Chamberlain (Registration Information) PO Box 85

Manlius, NY 13104

Radisson Inn Rochester Airport
175 Jefferson Road
Rochester, NY 14623



4th & 5th Orange County Mineral Society annual Mineral, Gem, Jewelry, Fossil Show. 10-4 Village Green Museum Village, 1010 Route 17M Monroe, NY 10950


25 & 26 47th Annual Gilsum Rock Swap and Mineral Show. www.gilsum.org

July 9-10 45th Annual Show NYS Fairgrounds Center of Progress Building “Gems along the Erie Canal” Sat. 1-5 Sunday 10-4 Syracuse

August 27-28 45th St. Lawrence County Rock and Mineral Club Annual Show;

Madrid Community Center
1835 St. Hwy. 345
Madrid, NY

Sat 9-5; Sun 9-3


17 & 18 Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4 Rhinebeck, NY Dutchess County Fairgrounds www.mhvgms.org


15 & 16 39th Annual Gem and Mineral Show, Bristol, CT Beals Community Ctr. www.Bristolgem.org


Jake Kramer, editor E.F.T.A. website: SPEEDYJAKE @aol.com

Cindy Newman

FMLS website www.amfed.org/efmls/links.htm

EFMLS/AFMS Convention

“Gems Along the Erie Canal”

Syracuse, NY

July 7-10, 2011

Gem & Mineral Society of Syracuse

Contact Cathy Patterson

