MEDIA RELEASE – Sunday, May 10th 2015
Prime Minister Announces Leanne Robson
Barnardos Mother of the Year 2015
Prime Minister Tony Abbottcelebrated Mother’s Day today with Australia’s top mums at the Barnardos Mother of the Year 2015 National Announcement, heldat Kirribilli House, Sydney.
The Prime Minister presented Leanne Robsonfrom Queensland with the prestigious award, which celebrates the importance of mothering and acknowledges the enormous role Mothers play in shaping Australia’s future.
Nominated by her police officer husband Geoff, Leanne was namedBarnardos Mother of the Year 2015 out of the thousands of nominations receivedby the charity, for dedicating her life to the care of her own children in addition to foster care of children with high needs.
The Prime Minister paid tribute to all the Barnardos Mother of the Year 2015 National Finalists.
The Prime Minister said The Barnardos Mother of the Year 2015 National Finalists come from every background and have very different stories – but what they have in common is a deep and abiding love for the children entrusted to them.
“They are women who look after their own children sometimes in difficult circumstances, in the face of tragedy, and who care for other children who are in need of a mother.
“They are also mothers who help other mothers that are struggling – and mothers who bring children in and make them their own.
“Today is the twentieth anniversary of the Barnardos Mother of the Year awards. Congratulations to Barnardos Australia on this milestone – and to Barnardos Australia CEO Louise Voigt who is retiring from the role in July after 30 years in the role.”
In an emotional and heartfelt ceremony, Leanne was warmly congratulated on her win by her fellow State and Territory finalists – Chauntell McNamara (ACT), Sidona Hodge (NSW), Jenne Roberts (NT), Rachel Mayes (SA), Lisa King (TAS), Dreena Lawrence-Gray (VIC) and Anne Caldwell (WA) who together embody the true meaning of motherly love and dedication to their children.
Seven News Presenter Melissa Doyle was the MC for the event, whilst Gabrielle Trainor, Barnardos Australia Chair reflected on the 20th Anniversary of the Awards and the evolution of mothering. Other Barnardos Australia Ambassadors in attendance included Professor Kerryn Phelps and Jackie Stricker-Phelps, Debra Lawrance, Dennis Coard, JodiAnasta, Natarsha Belling, Lisa Wilkinson, Dr GinniMansberg, Renae Smith and Samantha Harris.
Manisha Amin, Marketing Director for BarnardosAustralia said, “This year marks the milestone 20th Anniversary of the awards and on behalf of Barnardos Australia I congratulate Leanne on being awarded Barnardos Mother of the Year 2015. Leanne has shown incrediblestrength, generosity and selfless dedication to one of the hardest jobs there is. She has chosen to nurturefoster children with high-needs, who are without doubt the most vulnerablemembers of our community. Her unwavering commitment to giving these children the best possible start in life is just extraordinary and should be applauded. ”
“These awards showcase the importance of good mothering and aim to encourage positive parenting across Australia. Unfortunately, current statistics show that a child dies every 15 days in Australia as a result of abuse or neglect. This demonstrates the critical need for Barnardos Australia to continue our vital work with children, families and the community to stop child abuse and neglect,” said Amin
When asked about the hardest part about being a mum, Leanne continues to focus on the positives, “They can challenge you to the hilt, but the reward of seeing them learn things you perhaps thought they wouldn’t is wonderful. Geoff and I really enjoy every aspect of their development, and their kisses and hugs at the end of the day make all the hard work worth it.”
Leanneand Geoff,along with the other State finalists and their nominators,have been in Sydney for three days of festivities including a visit to the Barnardos centre in Auburn and a cocktail party at Sails Restaurant, McMahons Point.
As theBarnardos Mother of the Year 2015 Leannereceives a major prize pack worth over $5,000, including aBreville Home Chef pack, Simone Perele lingerie voucher, Dial an Angel voucher from Woman’s Day, Leona Edmiston gift voucher, Fresh Discover Beauty Online voucher, Harlequin Schoolbag gift voucher, Woman’s Day magazine 12-month subscription, Blackmores Deluxe Hamper, Magdalena Photography Portraiture photo shoot and a framed certificate to mark the occasion.
For all media enquiries, please contact:
Leonie Conley – Specific Management
Tel: 0416 927 584
Notes for editors
About Barnardos Australia and Barnardos Mother of the Year
Barnardos Australia is the leading child protection charity in Australia, committed to stopping child abuse.
Celebrating its 20-year anniversary, Barnardos Mother of the Year is the biggest celebration of Mums in Australia. The awards recognise the importance ofmothering and the enormous contribution mothers make in shaping Australia’s future.
For more information about Barnardos Australia or to donate go to: .
A full gallery of images of State and Territory finalists, VIP and Celebrity Guests etc. for the Barnardos Mother of the Year 2015 Announcement will be available on the following URL on Monday, 11 May at 10.30am AEST:
About the recipient:
LeanneRobson has put up her hand for the really tough gigs in life. The early childhood teacher has successfully raised two children to adulthood, including an intellectually impaired daughter, who also suffers from heart defects. Additionally, for the past eight years Leanne has dedicatedher lifeto being the care-giver to three children with extreme disabilities.Leanne was nominated by her husband Geoff, a police officer who works a 24-hour rotational shift, for always being on call for her children and family. “Leanne’s dayregularlystartsat5am,withdirtynappies andtantrums, and endsafter 9pm,once school lunches are prepared for the next dayand thehouse is putback together,” says Geoff. “On top of this, she is a great support for me, her elderly widowed mother, and her recently widowed sister.” Leannehas twicebeennominatedfor fostercarerexcellenceawardsandworkscloselywiththedepartment ofchild safety.She is a tirelessadvocateforthe verybestcareforthethreeboysandis determined to give them the very best possible start in life.“Sheisanexcellentmotherandwifeandwouldbe embarrassedasall heckifsheknewshe wasnominated,” Geoff says.
PLEASE NOTE: Media to email Breda Wall at QLD Department of Communities to receive an approval letter to identify Leanne Robson as a foster carer, prior to broadcasting or printing stories about her. Please email: .
About the Runner Up State and TerritoryBarnardos Mother of the Year Finalists:
Chauntell McNamara’s heartknowsnolimits.Despite her long battlewithIVF and theloss ofherprecious son, Jacob, who was stillborn, Chauntell chose to turn her grief into a gift for other children in need of love and care. Today Chauntell is the proud mother of three “blessings”; one biological and two adopted who came to her through the foster care system, seven years ago. She also providesemergencyfostercareofbabies and is a passionate advocate for localchildrenofasylum seekers, volunteeringhertimeand teachingskiatan afterschoolprogram. Chauntell is nominated by her friend Leilah Franklin-Ayton, 34.“Chauntellopenedherown hometomeand mydaughterwhenIwasanewmumwithno family in town,andgaveusa homeandunconditionalsupportasweslowlyfoundourfeet,” says Leilah. “She has also raised thousands of dollars for local Canberra charities that support children at risk and young mothers. So manyof themumsinourcommunityare greatmumsbecauseofthesupportthey’vebeen given byChauntell,” Leilah says.
Sidona Hodge is living proof that history doesn’t have to repeat – especially when there’s an amazing mum determined to write a better outcome. Growing up in poor conditions, surrounded by mental healthissues,domesticviolence and sexual abuse, Sidona determined to give her own kids – and others in need – a better childhood and future. Theproud indigenousmotherofthree adult children, and grandmotherof three, has fostered over 20 indigenouschildren and currently has seven under the age of 15 yearsin hercare.Sidona was nominated for Barnardos Mother of the Year by her daughter, Alison, 24, who admires her mum for making a difference to children in need.
“Mumhas a diplomain welfareand suchagreatunderstandingofhowhardchildhood can be,andshe wantsto makeapositivedifferenceina child’slife. Shewantsto BEthatdifference,” Says Alison. “She isthat mum that would givea child everythingandbecontentknowingtheyhadwhattheyneededevenif shehadnothing.Sheputs all herchildren first - fosterchildrenandgrandchildren, eventhe neighbours’kids!” While kin care and keeping families and siblings together is Sidona’s priority and passion, any child that stays at Aunty Sidona’s house is considered part of the family. Sidona is considered a role model and mentor in her community and is often quoted as saying that the many kids in her life keep her young!
20 years ago Jenne Roberts made the big decision to have a child on her own. She knew she had a lot of love to give and didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life. Her daughter Saveeta, now 17, has nominated Jenne as thanks for her unconditional love and for helping her through tough times and mental health issues. “Mum has supportedmethroughmydepression,suicideattempts,therapyandrecoveryandshehas always putmefirst,makingsurethatIamcaredforevenwhensheiscompletelyexhausted,” Saveeta says. “Eventhoughsheisasingle parentshe hasnevereverfailedtoprovideforour littlefamily and sheworkssohard andinspiresmetoworkhardaswelland topushmyselfinschoolandlife. “I feelcompletelyacceptedbymyMumand I knowthat not everyoneisluckyenough tofeelthat way.”Jenne has also workedinCambodia(whereSaveetagrewup)Burma,Vietnamandother South East Asian countriescreatingpolicyfortheprevention andtreatmentof HIV/Aids and on otherpublicandsexualhealthprojects.
Rachel Mayes was already a busy mum of six – four biological children and two stepchildren – when her partner’s ex-partner passed away, leaving three young girls orphans. Determined to keep the sisters together, Rachel and her partner became legal guardians of the three girls, two years ago. Today Rachel is an even busier mum of nine children and wouldn’t have it any other way. Running the kids around to dance lessons or to work, organizing camping trips for the whole clan, or helping her 13-year-old manage her diabetes – it’s all part of the fabric of life in her family of 12. “What standsout themosttomeisthefactthatif youdidn’t knowthesituationyou would neverknowthattheywerenotallherbiological children,” Natalie says. “Theloveshehasfor each and everyoneof thosechildrenisbeautiful. “I'djust liketoshowRachelwhatagreatjobshedoesandhowproud Iam ofher.”
As a mother and wife, Lisa King has endured unbearable hardship and loss but continues to be the rock of her family, and an inspiration to mothers from all walks of life. Lisaandherhusband Aaronare parents to four boys: Jalen,Noah (who wasborn withacondition calledHydranencephaly), Harriand Kobe.Noah’s brain condition left him with the mental capacity of a three-month-old and a lifespan of just a few years. However, due to the love and positivity of both parents, and the fulltime care of his school teacher-trained mum Lisa, Noah madeit tohis10thbirthdaybeforehistiredbodygaveout.Just as the family began to cope with the loss of their “little monkey”, tragedy struck again – at just 39,Aaronsuffereda fatalheart attack.
“Weall wonderedhowLisawould cope withthisdoubletragedy,” says Reeve McLennan, Lisa’s friend and nominator for Barnardos Mother of the Year. “Shehashowevercontinuedtobeinspirational.Lisaisalwaysupbeat andpositiveandthinksofothers.EvenwhileshehadNoahshespenttimewithafamilybased caregroupthattookfamilieswithdisabled children onoutings.”Lisaisalso aregularbloggerand hasinspiredmanypeoplearoundtheworldwithhowshehasremainedpositivethroughout herordeals and has twicebeen voted Australian MumBloggerofthe Year.
Dreena Lawrence-Gray was a single mum who already had a “lively,rebelliousteenager” when she made the extraordinary decision to invite another one into her home. Lana Guest, then 17, was a trouble friend of her daughter’s. Born to heroin-addicted parents, Lana was just 2 years old when her father died and her mother abandoned her to a life of mental, physical and sexual abuse.
Lana, now 22, has nominated Dreena for Barnardos Mother of the Year for choosing to take her in and look after her as one of her own – baggage and all. “ImetDreenawhenI was17 afterbefriendingherdaughter,Rijana, whoIhadmetoutandaboutwhileI was livingparttimewithmygrandparentsandparttimeon friends’couches,” Lana says. “Iwasalsostruggling fromdrugaddiction andhadjust dropped outof school.Istartedspendingmoretimewith Rijanaand DreenaaskedmeonedayifI wantedtomovein.
“Iinitiallyfeltlike aburden and wasn'ttoosurebutaftermuchconsiderationIdecidedtomove inanditturnedmylifearound. Dreenatookmeinand made mefeellike Iwasa partof thefamilyandtothis dayIintroduceher asmymother.” Under Dreena’s watchful eye, Lana cleaned up her act, got a job and discovered the simple joy of family. “DreenahasopenedsomanydoorsformeandIholdher responsibleforthepositive changesImadetomylife.WithoutDreena'shuge generousheart andherbeautifulfamilyIwouldnotbethepersonIamtoday - Imightnot even behere todayatall.
“I am eternally grateful.”
Anne Caldwell raised her two children according to the Caldwell Creed: Try, every day, to do something nice for family, friends, a neighbour, a child, a stranger and an animal and you’ll live a happy life. Despite living belowthepovertyline, and experiencing the stress of the family court system, Anne instilled in her children the importance of character, above all else. Today her two adult children call her ‘The Energiser Bunny Mummy’ because she never stops caring for others. Her daughter Tammy-Anne nominates Anne, 26, who credits her and her brother’s bright futures to their mother’s generous, selfless and loving nature.
“Statisticallyspeakingthere’sagoodchancewe wouldhave ‘pooroutcomesacrossarangeofdimensionsoflife’ and‘entrenched disadvantage’.Butthanks toouramazinglystrong,resilient caring,loving,thoughtful,talented, creativemother we had one of the happiest, best,most interestingchildhoods Icanimagine,” Tammy-Anne says.Tammy-Anne and her brother were home schooled for many years, and now have twouniversity degreeseach.“MumtaughtmybrotherandIabouteverythingfromanimalcaremechanicsand bushsurvivalskillsto cookingetiquetteand fashionsense.Mumhas instilled inusbothadeepawarenessthatyou canachieveanythingifyou believeyoucanandare preparedtoworkhardtomakeitcometrue.
“BecauseofMumweare comfortablestandingup forourselvesand for whatisrightand goodinthisworld.As I saytomyMum:Iwouldn’tbemewithoutyou.”