/ Harnham Neighbourhood Association
website: www.harnham.org.uk / email:

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on

24 September 2014 at St George’s Hall, Lower Street

1. Those Present

Members of the Committee

Mrs Cheryl Sibson (Chairman), Mr John McGarry (Secretary), Mr David Barter, Mr Matthew Brignall, Mr Gregor Condliffe, Mr Colin Duller, Mr Steven Fletcher, Miss Frances Howard, Mrs Josa Snow.

Cllr Grahame Alexander, Cllr John Collier, Revd Becky Roberts, Cllr Ian Tomes

Other Members:. Mr Michael Bevan, Mr Graham Chubb, Mr Peter Matthews, Mrs Bronte Matthews, Mrs Teresa Middleditch, Mr Malcolm Plummer, Mr T Webb, Mrs K Webb, Mrs Jenny Wylie.

Guest Speaker: Mr David Burton, Natural England.

Apologies: Mr Bill Roper (Treasurer), Mrs Cheryl Hill, Mr Brian McLoughlin Mrs Mary Poynton, Mr Andrew Thomson.

Cllr Brian Dalton, Cllr Patricia Fagan, Cllr Sven Hocking.

Mr Ian Davidson, Mrs Patricia Davidson, Mrs Linda Stoney.

2. Welcome

The Chairman Mrs Cheryl Sibson welcomed all to the meeting.

3. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 25 September 2013

Proposed by Gregor Condliffe and seconded by Cheryl Sibson, the Minutes were approved and adopted.

4. Proposed Amendment to the Constitution

John McGarry spoke in favour of the proposed amendment, which states that, where there is a vacancy for an Area Representative and no candidate living in the Area is nominated, then a candidate from the other Area may be nominated. The intention is that the Committee and the Association should benefit from having the position filled rather than left vacant.

Gregor Condliffe and Michael Bevan spoke against the proposal, essentially on the grounds that Harnham West and Harnham East were different in character and someone from one area could not adequately represent the other.

After further discussion, David Barter proposed that the amendment be adopted, seconded by Josa Snow, and on a show of hands the motion was carried with 15 in favour, 5 against and 1 abstention.

5. Chairman’s Review of the Past Year.

For the benefit of newcomers to the Association, Cheryl Sibson outlined the role of the Association, which was founded in 1974 making this our 40th anniversary.

We are strictly non-party political and non-sectarian and we are here to promote the interests of the residents of Harnham. Through our Committee, we make representations to the relevant authorities over any concerns or issues residents bring to our attention. To that end local Wiltshire and Salisbury City Councillors sit on the Committee as ex officio members.

As an example of how this works, a potential fire hazard on Harnham Slope was brought to the attention of Committee. This resulted in the local Councillor for Harnham getting together with the Fire Service to advise on the appropriate action and taking it forward to the satisfaction of the residents whose gardens back onto the Slope. Agencies don’t always speak to each other, and the advantage of having Councillors involved is that they know the right person to speak to, or can set about finding out who it is.

The Association also supports other local activities including litter picking and Community Speedwatch. (Cllr John Collier will talk on this later in the meeting).

Other activities during the year included a talk by Michelle Caldicotte about her role as WC Housing Officer for Harnham.

The Parish Administrator Linda Baker also talked to us about the plans being formulated to celebrate the 900th anniversary of St George’s Church, in which the HNA aim to play a part.

An essential role of the HNA is two-way communication via our three Notice Boards, our website www.harnham.org.uk and our presence at local functions such as the St George’s Day Fayre and the Summer Fete. Yet in spite of this, it is clear that many people in Harnham do not know that we exist, and it is one of our objectives to improve local awareness of our work.

I would like to record our thanks and best wishes to Simon Hemmington for creating our website, and for the generous support provided to the Association by The Old Mill Hotel. Simon and his partner are now moving on from the Old Mill and we wish them every success in their new venture in the Brecon Beacons.

Thanks are also due to Cllr Sven Hocking and his brother who designed our attractive new logo.

I would also like to give my thanks on behalf of the Association for the invaluable hard work and support of John McGarry during the past 5 years in his role as Secretary. John is now stepping down and we wish him all the best for the future.

Finally I would like to thank Rev Becky for arranging the refreshments for this meeting, and Josa Snow for organising the raffle.

6. Treasurer’s Report

In the absence of Bill Roper, John McGarry read his report for the period 26 September 2013 to 24 September 2014, summarised as follows:

Income of £477.25 came from funds raised at the 2013 AGM (£67.25), proceeds of the sale of Harnham Calendars (£260.00) and a very generous donation from the Old Mill (£150).

Expenditure during the year totalled £100.92, being essential running costs only (£72.50 hire charges for the hall and meeting room and £28.42 website hosting), giving a surplus for the year of £376.33.

The opening balance as at 26 September 2013 was £400.01, plus the surplus gives a closing balance of £776.34, a position which the Treasurer regards as satisfactory.

Proposed by John McGarry and seconded by John Collier, the Accounts were approved and adopted, and a copy is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 1.

7. Secretary’s Report

Speed Limits. In April 2013 the HNA made a forceful submission to Wiltshire Council objecting to the proposed uplift in the speed limit on Coombe Road from 30 to 40 mph. At the last AGM this was still under consideration, but I am pleased to report that in the end the proposal was cancelled.

Ours was not the only objection by any account, but I like to think that our detailed submission played an important part in getting the proposal overturned.

Harnham Calendar. Looking to the future, I confirm that we are publishing the Harnham Calendar for the fifth consecutive year, which makes a significant contribution to our funds.

The format will be the same as last year, with mostly new pictures. For the first time we have outside contributors providing photographs, with four coming from the Harnham Garden Society Photographic competition, and one from Salisbury Punting, the new service on the River Avon started by three young local entrepreneurs.

The price of the calendar remains at £7.00 each, although the cost of card has gone up which will reduce our margin by a small amount.

I have ordered a print run of 148 (last year 140) and supplies should be available in about 2-3 weeks time. I hope you will all purchase a copy, and samples are on the table at the side of the hall, with a list for you to pre-order this evening if you wish.

The Old Mill and the Rose & Crown have both kindly agreed to distribute calendars again on our behalf, and we hope to have one or two additional outlets this year.

Position of Secretary

After serving 6 years on the Committee (nearly 5 as Secretary) I regret that I am now having to step down. Cheryl Sibson has details of what is involved, and I have undertaken to give every assistance to the new Secretary to ensure a smooth handover.

8. Election of Officers


The Chairman stood down and the Secretary took the Chair

Prior to the meeting Cheryl Sibson had been duly proposed and seconded and had agreed to stand as Chairman.

No other candidates offered themselves for election from the floor of the meeting, and accordingly Cheryl Sibson is declared elected to serve as Chairman for the coming year.

The Secretary then stood down as Acting Chairman, and the newly elected Chairman took the Chair.


John McGarry confirmed that he was standing down as Secretary.

No candidates had come forward prior to the meeting and no other candidates offered themselves for election from the floor of the meeting, and accordingly the position of Secretary is vacant.

Subsequently Frances Howard agreed to serve as Acting Secretary until such time as a Secretary can be appointed.


Prior to the meeting Bill Roper had been duly proposed and seconded and had agreed to stand as Treasurer.

No other candidates offered themselves for election from the floor of the meeting, and accordingly Bill Roper is declared elected to serve as Treasurer for the coming year.

9. Election of Area Representatives

Harnham West (1 vacancy)

Prior to the meeting, Mary Poynton had been duly proposed and seconded and had agreed to stand.

From the floor of the meeting Teresa Middleditch offered herself for election, but agreed to withdraw and stand for Harnham East in accordance with the amended constitution.

Accordingly Mary Poynton is declared elected as Area Representative for Harnham West for the next three years.

Harnham East (3 vacancies)

Prior to the meeting Josa Snow had been duly proposed and seconded and had agreed to stand.

From the floor of the meeting:

Teresa Middleditch agreed to stand and was duly proposed by Grahame Alexander and seconded by Gregor Condiliffe;

Graham Chubb agreed to stand and was duly proposed by Grahame Alexander and seconded by John Collier.

Accordingly Josa Snow, Teresa Middleditch and Graham Chubb are declared elected to serve as Area Representatives for Harnham East for the next three years.

10. Any other business

Community SpeedWatch

John Collier recalled that the Harnham SpeedWatch team was set up some three years ago with 6 volunteers which subsequently grew to a team of 10. Two of these have since been forced to drop out and he is now looking for a few more volunteers to come forward.

The team currently operates one week in three, and the larger the team, the easier it is to maintain a substantial presence.

In the past 3 years a total of 756 speeding vehicles have been reported to the Police, who then write to the offenders, and may take further action with serious or repeat offenders.

SpeedWatch volunteers make a valuable contribution to Road Safety in Harnham, full training is provided, and the roster is arranged around each volunteer’s availability.

Improving Awareness of the HNA

Suggestions from the floor included a full leaflet drop thoughout Harnham, and placing notices in St George’s Hall.

The AGM was declared closed a 8.45 pm.

11. Refreshments

There followed a short break, during which refreshments were served (kindly provided and organised by Rev Becky) and tickets sold for the raffle (kindly organised by Josa Snow). The draw for the raffle was made by our Guest Speaker David Burton

Thanks also to all those who donated prizes and purchased raffle tickets

A total sum of £nn.nn was raised for Association funds.

12. Guest Speaker

Mr David Burton of Natural England gave an interesting illustrated talk providing a personal view of his work and wider issues affecting the local environment, and then opened the meeting to questions.

A lively question and answer session followed.

Cheryl Sibson thanked him on behalf of the Association for a most entertaining and informative talk.


Appendix 1 – Treasurers Report

Appendix 2 – List of Committee Members 2014-2015

Appendix 1

Harnham Neighbourhood Association AGM 2013

Treasurer’s Report

For Period 264h September 2013 to 24th September 2014

£ / £ / £
Balance as at 26/09/13 / 400.01
Funds raised at AGM on 25/09/13 / 67.25
Sale of Calendars / 260.00
Donation from Old Mill / 150.00
Total Income / 477.25
Hire of Halls for Meetings / 72.50
Secretarial Expenses / 0.00
Website Expenses / 28.42
Total Expenditure / 100.92
Excess of Income over Expenditure / 376.33
Balance as at 24/09/14 / 776.34
W Roper

Appendix 2

/ Harnham Neighbourhood Association
website: www.harnham.org.uk / email:
AGM 2014 Elections – 24 September 2014
Status of Elected Committee Members
Newly elected members shown in RED
Position / Committee Member / Last elected or co-opted / Next
Retirement date
Chairman / Mrs Cheryl Sibson / Sep 2014 / Sep 2015
Secretary / VACANT
Treasurer / Mr William Roper / Sep 2014 / Sep 2015
Area Representatives / Harnham East
(6 positions)
Mr David Barter / Sep 2012 / Sep 2015
Mr Graham Chubb / Sep 2014 / Sep 2017
Miss Frances Howard / Sep 2012 / Sep 2015
Mrs Teresa Middleditch / Sep 2014 / Sep 2017
Mrs Josa Snow / Sep 2014 / Sep 2017
Mr Andrew Thompson / Sep 2012 / Sep 2015
Area Representatives / Harnham West
(6 positions)
Mr Matthew Brignall / Sep 2012 / Sep 2015
Mr Gregor Condliffe / Sep 2013 / Sep 2016
Mr Colin Duller / Sep 2013 / Sep 2016
Mr Steven Fletcher / Sep 2013 / Sep 2016
Mr Brian McLoughlin / Sep 2012 / Sep 2015
Mrs Mary Poynton / Sep 2014 / Sep 2017
Harnham Neighbourhood Association: Minutes of AGM held 24 Sep 2014 / Page 7 of 7