APLMF Survey on Training Needs for 2008-2009
October 11, 2007
Working Group on Training Coordination
APLMF Secretariat
Thank you very much for your kind co operations with the APLMF activities. The APLMF Working Group on Training and APLMF Secretariat wish to assess your economiestraining needs for the period 2008-09. The results of this survey will inform the APLMF Secretariat when they apply for funding to support future trainingactivities. It would be appreciated if you could returnthe reply form by January 15, 2008 to the new APLMF secretariat in PR Chinaat thefollowing addressby e-mail or fax.
New APLMF Secretariat(Please return your replies here)
Ms. Zhen Huanxin and Mr. Li Jisni
Department of Metrology,
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ)
No.9 Madiandonglu, Haidian District, Beijing, 100088, P. R. China
Tel: +86-10-8226-0335or +86-10-8226-1849
Fax: +86-10-8226-0131
E-mail: .
Reply Form
Q 1.APLMF organises different training activities designed to promote the sharing of knowledge and to increase the harmonisation of legal metrology within the region. This question is designed to determine if you have a preference for the type of activity presented. Each activity is defined below.
Please rank each activity in order 1-3 (1 = very useful, 2 = useful to some extent, 3 = not useful).
Activity type / Definition / RankingSeminar / Purpose is to share information on identified topics. Information is presented by experts usually in lecture mode with some time for questions. Usually 2-3 days in length.
Workshop / Purpose is to discuss an issue and perform work during the workshop that delivers a result. Workshops have clearly defined outcomes and a facilitator who ensures the outcomes are delivered. Usually 2-3 days in length.
Training Course / Purpose is to ensure participants gain skills and knowledge on a particular process. Usually 5 days in length and where possible includes some practical component. High degree of interaction between trainer and participants.
Train the Trainer Course / Purpose is to ensure participants gain skills and knowledge on a particular process and/or subject matter. Usually the time length is 5 days and it may include some practical component. High degree of interaction between trainer and participants is requested and it also includes an assessment component e.g. participants present the course to their peers to ensure and confirm their understanding. Participants are expected to train others when they return to their economy and are provided with sample training materials to complete this task.
Additional comments ______
Q 2.List 2 training topics (or areas) which have a high priority for your economy and detail the outcomes (activity type, program, text books and information on the international practices including OIML recommendations) you would like from APLMF?
Priority / Training Topic / Outcomes1
Sample answers
1 / Automatic Weighing – Belt Weighers - OIML R50 /
- A training course
- Set of test procedures for testing belt weighers
- Practical hands-on component
2 / Quantity of Product in Pre-packages - OIML R87 /
- A survey to assessthe degree of implementation within the region
- Aworkshop to develop a regional implementation strategy.
Q3In February 2007, APLMF presented a Workshop on Metrology of Agricultural Products and Foods. One recommendation from this workshop was that future workshops be more focused. Please list 2 outcomes (or results) you would like from future workshops in this area.
Desired Outcomes from Workshop on Product Safety including Foods and Agricultural Products planned for early 20081
Q4Which factors are important in determining if your staff can attend an APLMF training activity? Please rank each factor in order 1-3 (1 = essential, 2 = important, 3 = not important)and add comments if any.
Factors / Ranking (1-3) / CommentsTime length (time away from their job)
(If ranked 1 or 2 state the preferred length for training activities) / Preferred length for training activities
Topic covers a priority area
(If ranked 1 or 2 state the preferred topis) / Preferred topics:
Type of activity: train the trainer / training / seminar / workshop
(If ranked 1 or 2 state the preferred type) / Preferred type:
Place for the training
(If ranked 1 or 2 state the preferred place) / Preferred place:
Trainers (speakers) / Any comments:
Travel support e.g. APEC, APLMF / Any comments:
Language for the training
(If ranked 1 or 2 state the preferred language other than English) / Preferred language:
Other (please list these)
Q5The following table outlines the training program set down for 2008-09.Please indicate the number of people from your economy who will attend each training activity listed below. Show 0 if your economy will not be participating in the training course
Activity title / Duration / Host / Timing / Numbers attendingWorkshop on product safety including foods and agricultural products
/ 5 days / PRC / March/April 2008Training course on mechanical weighing scales
/ 5 days / TBA / 2008Seminar on medical measurements
/ 5 days / TBA / 2008Training course on utility meters (water meters)
/ 5 days / TBA / 2008Workshop on product safety including foods and agricultural products
/ 7 days / TBA / Early 2009If your economy is interested in providing trainers or hosting any of the above training activities, please outline your support here: ______.
Q 6 How do you value APLMF training activities? Tick only one box please.
□Very useful□Sometimes useful□Never useful
Please comment on the aspect that is most useful to your economy.
Any other comments:
Thank you for your time
APLMF Secretariat
Department of Metrology,
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ)
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TEL +86-10-8226-0335/1849, FAX +86-10-8226-0131