Wednesday 30 August 2017, 6:45pm
Cllr Mr Richard Peace (Chair) / Cllr Mrs Alison KennedyMrs Carol Hatcliff (Clerk) / Cllr Mr Nick Turner
Cllr Mr Lee Ballaam / Cllr Mr Steve Pask (Vice Chair)
1. Declarations of Interest - None
2. Apologies for absence - Mrs Pippa Kennedy
3. Any other business for notification - None
4. Invite Public Discussion on Agenda item 5 - 7 parishioners in attendance who raised points in turn. It was noted the application was ambiguous and failed to properly address a range of areas. Concerns raised included: permission to use access arrangements, (shown to be via Village Street), the actual size and exact nature of the proposed enterprise, the impact of increased traffic on the conservation area (noise, disruption, congestion and impact on old buildings), environmental impact – specifically management of potentially hazardous commercial waste and effluent discharge, the siting of the stables close to neighbouring properties, encroachment and gradual re-routing of the public footpath, flooding risk, scope of the application (is it limited to buildings or does it include the paddock?), the potential impact of cutting back an historic blackthorn hedge which borders the conservation area, the belief that the proposals have an adverse impact in an unsustainable parish.
5. Planning for consideration/decision
S17/1517 –Mr Guinness, Bramble Cottage, Oasby - Erection of detached garage with stables and storage, change of use of land from domestic garden to equestrian
The Clerk has received 4 written objections to this application which were circulated to Cllrs ahead of the meeting. Concerns therein included, ambiguity of drawings, diversions and extinguishments of rights of way, waste storage and collection, positioning of the proposed stables, the failure to properly assess flood risk, the siting of the proposed stables which is next to and appears to encroach on part of a protected paddock, additional heavy equestrian traffic, impact to conservation hedge and to the conservation area generally.
Councillors shared many of the concerns and agreed the following response to SKDC.
The PC have had several representations in respect of this application and believe there are areas where the applicant has skirted over important issues, which require further clarification before this application can be properly assessed in line with SKDC planning policy. As it stands the Parish Council wish to lodge their objection to this application:
The applicant notes that there is no requirement for any change to access arrangements; therefore the assumption is access is via the drive in the site plan. The PC understands that the owner of the drive (Mr Herbert) may need to give specific permission for a commercial enterprise to use this access and more consultation may be required.
The application makes no mention of the size of the enterprise or the exact nature of it. If it is an “exercise” facility the number of vehicles could be significant. 5+ cars gives no indication at all – this could be 6 or it could be 45. The proposal will in any event result in an increase in potentially heavy traffic, which has a particularly negative impact in a vulnerable conservation area, given the suggested Village Street access.
There is an absence of information regarding a waste management plan for a commercial, equestrian enterprise. There are no details on how waste will be stored or discharged – this cannot be allowed just to soak away – if the trade is horses, the effluent is hazardous and there must be a plan in place to limit any environmental impact and/or nuisance to neighbours. This is an issue that has been raised historically and debated between SKDC the Environmental Agency.
The PC seeks confirmation from SKDC that the proposed construction of the stables complies with legislative requirements.
It is incorrect to respond in the negative to an area of flooding risk. There is documentary evidence to confirm that the corner of the site and neighbouring properties have been flooded in recent years. Any increased activity, including washing out stables will exacerbate this problem and a suitable plan needs to be agreed.
In respect of the location plan, the line of the drainage ditch and footpath is unclear. A large metal lorry has been in situ along the footpath for around 12 months and is not shown on the plan. The PC is concerned that the view of the footpath is inhibited and is in danger of being obscured/nudged over the boundary.
The application applies to the building but no mention is made of use of the paddock. The paddock is a medieval strip field of archeological importance and therefore determination of how this will or will not be used is sought. In this regard the PC are seeking confirmation if the existing temporary stabling and storage is to be removed as this relates to the amount of activity on the applicant owned area.
There is a hedge of specific importance, which is not mentioned on the application. It borders the proposed area and the conservation area. The blackthorn hedge is owned by Mr & Mrs Richardson.
The PC request the above issues are addressed before this can be considered further and believe a site visit is entirely appropriate in the circumstances.
6. AOB – None
7. Date of next meeting: 12 September at 19:00
/ Clerk to submit response to SKDC & request site visit with planning officers
Signed …………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman
Date: …………………………………..
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