Rally “BTA Rally Talsi 2010” English version1.04.2010.

By Mr. A.Berkis
General Secretary of the Latvian Automobile federation
on ___. ______2010 / APPROVED
By Mr. J.Krastiņš
Chairman of council of the LAF Rally commission
on ___. ______2010
By Mr. G.Zigurs
Chairman of council of the LAF Rally- raid commision
on ___. ______2010

Latvian Open Rally Championship and Contest, Event 3

Baltic Rally Championship, Event 1

Latvian Rally Championship of Rally-raid, Event 3

International Rally

“BTA Rally Talsi 2010”

Talsi, may 15., 16., 2010.


Web address of the rally “BTA Rally Talsi 2010” -

The rally “BTA Rally Talsi 2010” will be run in compliance with the International Sporting Code of FIA (further – the Code); the Latvian Rally Regulations, the National Sporting Code of LAF General part; the Regulations of the Latvian Rally Championship 2010 (further – the Regulations of the Championship) and in compliance with the Supplementary Regulations (further – the Regulations) of the rally “BTA Rally Talsi 2010”.

Changes to these Regulations will be announced to all entrants by numbered and dated bulletins (issued by the Organizer or Stewards).

Table of contents

Program of the Rally
Administrative Check
Scrutineering, marking
Start of the Rally
Running of the Rally
Prize giving
Final Check
Publication of the Provisional Classification/ Results
Appendix 1 / Time table
Appendix 2 / Competitions Relations Officer
Appendix 3 / “Advertising on the car”
Appendix 4 / Route location scheme
Appendix 5 / Entry form
Appendix 6 / Summary of penalties
Appendix 7 / Sample of preparing for turbocharger’s marking
Appendix 8
Appendix 9 / Forms of the Scrutineering’s safety equipment
Entry form for Baltic Rally Championship

Regulations are published in Latvian, English and Russian versions. In case of difference decisive is Latvian version of Regulations.


The FIA International Sport Code is published in the translation in Latvian –

The LAF National Sport Code and the Regulations of the Latvian Rally Championship 2010 are published in

Opening date for entries:



Closing date for entries: / 30.04.2010.till 18:00
Entree fee deadline: / 10.05.2010.till18:00
Publication of the starting list of entered crews:
11.05.2010. at 18:00

Issue of the reconnaissance documents and

Administrative check:


13.05. from 18:00 till21:00

14.05. from 08:00 till 13:00.


Test stage: /

14.05. from09:00 till 19:00.

15.05. from08:00till 13:00.

14.05. from 18:30 till 21:30.

Sealing of Turbo compressors:



14.05. from 21:00 till 23:00

15.05. from 6:45till 13:45.

1st meeting of the Stewards:

2nd meeting of the Stewards:

3rd meeting of the Stewards: /


15.05.2010.at 23:00

16.05.2010.at 17:45

Publication of the official start list:

1st leg – Place: Official Notice Board, in the Rally centre, Time: 15.05.at 15:00.
2nd leg – Place: Official Notice Board, in the Rally centre, Time: 15.05. at23:30.

Start of the rally from the open-air stage Sauleskalns TC0:


15.05.2010.at 16:00

Publication of the Classification of the Leg 1:


15.05.2010.at 23:30

Finish of the rally TC 10 (Podium Sauleskalns)


16.05.2010.at 15:50

Prize giving at the open-air stage Sauleskalns


16.05.2010. from 17:00

Final scrutineering:


16.05.2010. from 16:05

Publication of the Provisional

Classification of the rally:


16.05.2010. at 18:00

Publication of the Official

Final Classification:


16.05.2010. at 18:30

1.1.The rally “BTA Rally Talsi 2010” will be run in Latvia, Talsi in May 15-16, 2010.

1.2.The rally “BTA Rally Talsi 2010” results are counted as:

- Latvian Open Rally Championship 2010, event 3;

- Baltic Rally Championship, event 1;

- Latvian Rally Championship of Rally-raid, event 3.

1.3.LAF permission: The rally has registered in the LAF 2010 Calendar.

Rally will be registered in FIA calendar like zone event.

1.4.Rally Centre:

The rally centre is placed in the organizer office – hotel “Talsi”, Kareivju street 16, Talsi. During the rally – Hall of Council of district Talsi, Kareivju street 7, Talsi.

Hotel “Talsi”, Kareivju street 16, Talsi.
Working-time of the rally cetre: / Hall of Council of district Talsi, Kareivju street 7, Talsi. Working-time of the rally cetre:
13.05.from 18:00 till 21:00,
14.05.from8:00till 20:00 / 15.05. from13:00 till23:30,
16.05. from08:00 till19:00.

1.5. Parc Ferme between 1st and 2nd leg - not suitable.

1.6.Technical Start of the rally (PF TC0) - 15.05. at 16:00, in open-air stage “Sauleskalns”, Jaunatnes street, Talsi city.

Opening Ceremony – 15.05. from 15:30, the open-air stage “Sauleskalns” Jaunatnes street, Talsi city.

1.6.1.Pre-start area on the open-air stage “Sauleskalns”, Jaunatnes street, Talsi city. All competitors have to arrive to the pre start area according to the time schedule published at the Official Notice Board in Rally Centre 15.05. at 14:30.

1.6.2. “Technical Finish” of the rally (TC 10) 16.05. at 15:50, “Rally Podium Sauleskalns”, the open-air stage “Sauleskalns” Jaunatnes street, Talsi city.

1.7.Final Parc Ferme16.05. from 15:50 in the open-air stage “Sauleskalns”, Jaunatnes street, Talsi city.

Prize giving ceremony - 16.05 from 17:00, the open-air stage “Sauleskalns”, Jaunatnes street, Talsi city.

1.8.Service park: 15.05. from 08:00 till 23:30 and 16.05. from 8:00 till 18:30, in territory “Talce” Ltd., Stendes street 3, Talsi city.

1.9. Route:

Overall length – up to 280 km;

Number of SS – 9; stages run once- 7;

Overall length of SS – up to 100 km (longest SS – up to 39 km, shortest SS – from 1 km);

The road surface - gravel. In some SS there are going to be included tarmac surface. The tarmac is not going to exceed 10% of the total length of SS. The Super special Stage SSS3, SSS4 is taking place in stadium with mixed road surface – tarmac, gravel. The rally consists of five sections, Leg 1- Sections 1 and 2, Leg 2 – Sections 3, 4 and 5.

Detailed route, timetable, and Control Points are presented in the Road Book.

1.10. Prohibited regions:

For drivers, entrants and their representatives from March 15 untill May 13 it is strictly forbidden to be present on roads located in the particular territory of the route (Appendix 4).

First established infringement of this rule would be penalized with cash penalty 500 LVL, next established infringement – exclusion from competitions.

1.11. Official Notice Board is placed in the Rally centre during the rally and the Organizer’s office before rally.

2.1.Organizer: Association “RA Motosport”, registration No. 40008124154, Celtnieku street 23, Talsi, Latvia.

2.2.Organizer office: In working days from 09:00 till 18:00, Celtnieku street 23, Talsi, Latvia(mobile: +371 29247514, fax: +371 63237840, e-mail: )

2.3. Stewards:

Chairman of the Steward’s meetingMr. Gvido Ķirsons(Latvia)

StewardMr. Arnas Paliukenas(Lithuania)

StewardMr. Toomas Diener(Estonia)

Secretary of StewardsMrs. Irena Krastina(Latvia)

2.4. Observer of Rally Commission of the LAFMr. Andris Zvingevics(Latvia)

2.4.1.Observer of Rally-raid Commission of the LAFMr. Gabriels Zigurs(Latvia)

2.5. Senior officials:

OrganizerMr. Raimonds Stroksh(Latvia)

Rally directorMr. Davis Kalnins(Latvia)

Clerk of the CourseMr. Eriks Viksne (Latvia)

Deputy Clerk of the Course – in the DistanceMr. Kaspars Erkulis(Latvia)

Deputy Clerk of the Course – in the DistanceMr. Maris Podins(Latvia)

Deputy Clerk of the Course – in the DistanceMr. Ojars Krumins(Latvia)

Deputy Clerk of the Course – in the Rally CentreMrs. Irena Krastina(Latvia)

Deputy Clerk of the Course – “Green light”Mr. Janis Lusens(Latvia)

Safety OfficerMr. Guntis Citlavs(Latvia)

Deputy Safety OfficerMr. Aldis Pilens(Latvia)

Deputy Safety OfficerMr. Ivo Akulis(Latvia)

Deputy Safety OfficerMr. Uldis Saltans(Latvia)

Chief Medical Officer Mr. Janis Smits(Latvia)

Chief ScrutineerMr. Iiro Palmi(Finland)

ScrutineerMr. Girts Auzins(Latvia)

ScrutineerMr. Didzis Moisejs(Latvia)

Chief Secretary Mrs. Ilona Gaigale (Latvia)

Administrator of the Results systemMr. Andris Rigerts (Latvia)

IT administratorMr. Uldis Grinbergs(Latvia)

Chief timekeeperMr. Juris Aperans (Latvia)

Chief of the Press CentreMr. Viesturs Kundzins(Latvia)

Competitor’s relations officerMr. Gunars Kosojs(Latvia)

3.1. Opening date of entries: 31.03.2010.

The duly filled and signed entry form (Appendix 5) must reach the Organizer by fax +371 67551465 or e-mail at the least 30.04.2010. at 18:00. If competitorhas sent the entry form to the Organizer, but will not take part in this rally, he must to inform the Organizer in writing form. Otherwise LAF will be informed about that for penalizing.

If the entry form is sent by facsimile or e-mail, the original entry form with a relevant payment document or a letter of guarantee must reach the Organizer at the latest the moment of receiving of reconnaissance documents.

Details concerning the co-driver could be specified at administrative check of crew.

3.2. The rally is open for every physical or legal entity holding a valid competitor’s license issued by LAF or other ASN.

The entry application will be accepted only if it will be accompanied by a total amount of the entry fee.

Signing of the entry means that the entrant allows to the Organizer to publish the declared information in their media channels and press information.

3.3.Maximum number of the entries in rally will be 75, in rally-raid - 10. In case if the Organizer will receive more entries, crews will be selected by opinion of Organizer.

It is allowed to participate in the Rally by cars of groups A, N and R by FIA Code Appendix J and national technical regulations of cars of respective national groups, who are divided in classification groups and classes in accordance with the Regulations of the Championship.

It is allowed to participate in Rally-raid by cars of groups T; R; N, according to the Latvian Rally-raid championship 2010 Regulations.

3.4. In the rally “BTA Rally Talsi 2010” is allowed participation for participants who has made a Donation or paid the Entry Fee invoice until 10.05.2010., 18:00.

3.4.1. The Donation 300LVL must be paid until 10.05.2010, 18:00 to the Organizer. The donation could be transferred in the bank account of the Organiser – Association “RA Motosport”, Reg. No. 40008124154, bank: Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka, account LV60LHZB1000154178001, SWIFT: LHZBLV22 or paid in cash directly to the Organiser. The Organiser will not issue the invoice for the donation.

3.4.2The Entry Fee 300LVL + 63LVL (VAT 21%) – total 363LVL must be paid until 10.05.2010, 18:00 to the Organizer. The Entry Fee could be transferred in the bank account of the Organiser – Association “RA Motosport”, Reg. No. 40008124154, bank: Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka, account LV60LHZB1000154178001, SWIFT: LHZBLV22. The invoice could be ordered with sending of payers details to the e-mail till 07.05.2010.

3.4.2The donation or entry fee (Art. 3.4.1. and 3.4.2.) is set for crews who accept full set of Organizer’s additional advertising.

3.4.3.If the crew refuses to carry Organizer’s additional advertising, entrant must pay double of the entry fee and mark refusal from advertising on their entry form. Advertising on the rally plate and starting numbers are compulsory advertising and refusal from this advertising is impossible.

3.5. In the rally “BTA Rally Talsi 2010” is allowed participation for participants with single LAF RK Licence in separate offset group “Debut rally cup 4WD” and “Debut rally cup 2WD” from LAF Rallysprint discipline. Participants of this group has to donate - 170 LVL, the donation must be paid until 10.05.2010., 18:00.The donation could be transferred in the bank account of the Organiser – Association “RA Motosport”, Reg. No. 40008124154, bank: Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka, account LV60LHZB1000154178001, SWIFT: LHZBLV22.

3.6. Participants, who are going to take part in Baltic Rally Championship, has to pay Entry Fee 100EUR + 21EUR (VAT 21% included) – total 121EUR (Or this amount in lats (LVL), according to the actual currency rate of Latvian Bank) until 15.10.2010. The Entry Fee could be transferred in the bank account of the Organiser – Association “RA Motosport”, Reg. No. 40008124154, bank: Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka, account LV60LHZB1000154178001, SWIFT: LHZBLV22. The invoice could be ordered with sending of payers details to the e-mail till 07.05.2010.

3.7. Entry fees will be refunded:

- in case of rally not taking place due to fault of the Organizer – 100%,

- in case of rally not taking place due to force majeure - 75%,

- to applicants whose the entry has not been accepted – 100%,

- if entrant cannot start due to force majeure, duly accepted by his parent ASN - 25%.

All competitive cars must hold valid Green Card or insurance of 3rd part liability. Entrants must comply with traffic laws of Republic of Latvia throughout the event.

Starting numbers, the rally plates and the Organizer’s advertising should be affixed on a competitive car according to the Appendix 3 before scrutineering.

A crew will be penalized with prohibition of starting in the rally if the regulation above mentioned would have violated. Crew not allowed changing form or size of the advertising materials without co-ordination with the Organizer.Any crew failing to comply may be subject to a penalty at the discretion of the Stewards.

An entrant is allowed to place any advertising in accordance with Latvian Rally Regulations.

6.1. The reconnaissance documents will be available for competitors at:

May 13, from 18:00 till 21:00 and May 14, from 08:00 till 13:00 at the Organizer’s office Hotel “Talsi”, Kareivju street 16, Talsi, Latvia.

The Organizer will hand out labels for recce cars and recce cards when an entrant will receive the reconnaissance documents.

During receiving of the recce documents, entrants must inform the Organizer on details of the recce car, crew’s mobile phones and accommodation information.

During the receiving of the recce documents, entrants must inform about the chosen location in ServicePark for crew or groups of crews.

6.2. Reconnaissance is allowed:


SS 5(7); SS 6 / st. No. 1 – 40 from 09:00 till 12:00,
st. No. 41 - ...., 201-210 from 12:00 till 15:00
SS 9 / st. No. 1 – 40 from 12:00 till 16:00,
st. No. 41 - ...., 201-210 from15:00 till 19:00
SS 1(2) / st. No. 1 – 40 from 16:00 till 19:00,
st. No. 41 - ...., 201-210 from 09:00 till 12:00


SSS 3 / st. No. 1 – 40 from 08:00till 09:30,
st. No. 41 - ...., 201-210 from 11:30 till 13:00
SSS 4 / st. No. 1 – 40 from 09:30till 10:30,
st. No. 41 - ...., 201-210 from 10:30till 11:30
SS 8 / st. No. 1 – 40 from 10:30till 12:30,
st. No. 41 - ...., 201-210 from 08:00till 10:00

SS 8, SSS3 and SSS4 may be driven twice, on other SS’s passages limit will be three. Fact Judges or special devices will register runs.

The Organizer has rights to change order of reconnaissance; in this case he must inform entrants at time of receiving the recce documents.

6.3. Restrictions:

6.3.1. It is allowed to use reconnaissance car only complying with Latvian Rally Regulations.

6.3.2. The recce cards must be given to representatives of Organizer or to Police if it is requested. The recce cards should be returned in Rally Centre to a representative of Organizer till 15.05., 13:30., at the same time, the competitor has to show the drivers licence of both drivers.

6.3.3. Crews are not allowed to drive in opposite direction of the rally on the SS, except SS8 and SS9 where parts of SS are located on motorway P128.

6.3.4. Maximum speed limits set by traffic laws- 50 km/h in inhabited locations, 90 km/h outside inhabited locations, if maximum speed limit isn’t lower in accordance with the traffic signs or the Organizer instruction in Road Book. Use of radar detectors is forbidden.

Crews must drive in a manner that does not endanger other traffic or cause inconvenience for people living near the stage roads. Crews not allowed driving dangerously or aggressive on the rally route, any in fragment of that rule will be reported to the stewards.

6.3.5. If entrants and crews who have sent or are going to send the entry for participation in the rally “BTA Rally Talsi 2010” would have needed to be present on roads located in particular strictly forbidden territory of the route before May 14, they must to inform the Organizer and must to obtain a permission in written from the Organizer.

6.3.6It is allowed to use in reconnaissance tires with summer tread only, according to the road traffic law. Tires like: “for rally use only”; “competition use only”; “for close circuits”; winter tread tires or M+S, tires are not allowed to use in recce time. Breaking this point of regulations will be reported to the stewards for making decision as far as start refusal.

6.4. Keeping to regulations of reconnaissance rules will be controlled by the Organizer and police.

Unauthorized early reconnaissance before May 14, 2010 is going to be penalized by cash penalty of 500 LVL. Exceeding of permitted passage’s limit will be penalized complying with the Steward’s decision as far as start refusal.

Penalties for infringements concerning to speed limit and other reconnaissance rules are complying with:

1st infringement: cash penalty – 10 LVL for each km/h above speed limit

2nd infringement: cash penalty – 20 LVL for each km/h above speed limit

3rd infringement:in accordance with the Steward’s decision.

If infringement is over than 40 km/h (radar measurement) – refusal from Rally. Infringement up to 10 km/h – not penalized. Competitor should sign the actual radar measurement.

Organizer has rights to send relevant report to offender’s ASN.

6.5. Following documents are going to be issued by the Organizer crews (together with reconnaissance documents):

- Start number set and the rally logo,

- Organizer’s advertising and additional advertising,

- two labels “Serviss” for service cars,

- participant’s and service personnel ID cards.

7.1.All competitors must arrive to the Administrative checks at the Rally Centre at 13.05. from 18:00 till 21:00 and 14.05. from 8:00 till 13:00. The Administrative checks will take part during the issue of the reconnaissance documents.

7.2.Following documents have to be presented at the administrative check by each crewmember:

- For foreign entrants - license issued by ASN,

- Entrant’s license and driver’s license,

- Driver license for road use,

- Green Card or insurance of 3rd part liability,

- Registration documents of car.

A crew must provide the Organizer with information regarding its service car.

7.3 Competitors cars driving from trailers to scrutineering and service zones should obey to scheme of service zones. Penalty 50 LVL.

8.1.All crews or their representatives and competitive cars must arrive in pre-rally scrutineering in the territory of JSC“Talsu Autotransports”, Talsi, Stendes street 5, in May 15, according with the schedule:

from 6:45 – 7:00 Starting No. 201-210

from 7:00 – 8:40 Starting No.61-75 and „0”

from8:40 – 10:20Starting No. 41-60

from 10:20 – 12:00 Starting No. 21-40

from 12:00 – 13:40 Starting No. 1-20

8.2.Starting numbers, rally plates and Organizer’s advertising must be affixed on competitive car before pre-rally scrutineering according the Appendix No.3.

8.3.Marking of the gearboxes, differentials and engine’s bloc will be done during scrutineering of the competition cars.

8.4.Following documents should be presented in scrutineering checks:

- technical passport,

- for cars of groups A and N – homologation,

- correctly filled and signed safety equipment form,

- annual technical control list or sticker (for cars of registration countries where it is actual), LV car will not allowed to receive it here on this time.

8.5. The sealing of Turbo compressors will take place at 14.05. from 21:00 till 23:00 in the territory of JSC “Talsu Autotransports” Stendes street 3, Talsi.

9.1. Publication of the start list:

Leg 1–15.05. at 15:00, on Official Notice Board at the Rally Centre,

Leg 2 – 15.05. at 23:30, on Official Notice Board at the Rally Centre.

9.2. All fines from recce time must be paid at15.05. until 13:30 at Rally Centre to a representative of Organizer. Otherwise the Stewards will be informed.

9.3. Start of the rally – Opening Ceremony, May 15, from 15:30, the open-air stage “Sauleskalns”, Jaunatnes street, Talsi city.