The Weekly Buzz

Room 22

October 9, 2015

A Note From the Teacher

This week in your child’s Friday Folder is our first Language Arts test. This test is almost entirely read aloud to students and encompasses all the skills we have been discussing for two weeks. Students are permitted to use their Storytown book for the writing portion to get ideas but NOT to copy directly out of the book. Please be sure to review this test with your child, sign it and return it to school on Tuesday. (Remember there is no school on Monday!)

Students earned thirty mars to fill our jar! (Compliments from other teachers and overall good jobs put marbles in our jar.) As a reward for our classroom, pajama day is scheduled for Thursday, October 15th. Congratulate your child on a job well done!

Mrs. Glick

This & That!

  • A field trip permission slip was sent home in your child’s Friday Folder today. Room 22 will be going to Pool Wildlands Sanctuary on Friday, October 16th. We will be both inside and outside so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately.
  • Continue to save Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup labels. The proceeds from these labels help fund special events including Field Trips at Shoemaker!
  • Room 22 is collecting UPCs from Sunny D labels. If I submit twenty labels, we can get 20 new books for our class library!
  • The community service club is collecting canned foods this month for the Zionsville Food Bank.
  • Due to our field trip next Friday, October 16th, we will not be having a spelling test.

What We’re Learning

Language Arts:This week, Room 22 worked with words that had long vowel sounds. REMEMBER long vowels say their name! At times, words with a long vowel have an e at the end. (The ending e forces the vowel within the word to say its name. For example, bake, ride and grate.)

Our story, this week was Henry and Mudge. Henry has no brothers or sisters and no kids live on his block. He wants to move or get a dog. His parents agree to get him a dog. Henry was picky, looking for certain qualities in a dog. He finally found Mudge, a small dog who grew and weighed over 100 pounds! Students described Mudge and then made a paper dog to display their writing.

We continued to discussed answering questions a second grade way. Do not start a sentence with ‘and’ or ‘because’. To answer a question, restate the question to start your answer.

Together, we reviewed the four types of sentences. Questions require an answer. Statements tell you something. Commands tell you to do something. Exclamations have an exclamation mark and share something exciting. Write onesentence of each type about your weekend and bring it to school on Monday!

Coming up: Adding ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ words, more on long vowels, and our first nonfiction story

Math: We discussed tens, ones and place value. Together, we talked about expanded form. For example, 28 = 20 +8. Remember the number 2 has a value of 20! It is in the tens place and needs to stay there. Students looked at writing numbers with words.

Coming up: Comparing numbers

Science: We finishedour experiment from last week and reviewed the steps of the scientific method.

Upcoming Events

  • October 12th – NO SCHOOL!
  • October 14th – Wear pink to support breast cancer awareness month!
  • October 16th – Pool Wildlife Sanctuary trip! Wear your Shoemaker shirt!
  • October 16th – Shoemaker garden dedication.
  • October 30th – Room 22’s Halloween celebration! More in the coming weeks! Below is information from Shoemaker’s website concern Halloween costumes and parade.
  • November 6th – Picture re-takes!
  • November 19th – 24th – Parent-teacher conferences! Early dismissal at 1 pm!
  • November 25th – Early dismissal at 12 pm!

Shoemaker’s Policies Halloween Parade and Celebrations

On Friday, October 30th Shoemaker Elementary will hold our Halloween Celebration with a parade and classroom parties. Parents are invited to join us at 1:45 p.m. for the parade.

Here are some costume and parade guidelines:

Please stand on the macadam street starting at the side of the building near the bus parking and circle around the front of the building to the playground. Please do not stand on the sidewalks so students can parade through these areas.

There is no theme for costumes this year; however, we are encouraging costume recycling or "GARDEN and Flower" oriented costumes. When selecting costumes please choose costumes that do not have weapons. Scary costumes are fine as long as they do nothave weapons or extreme “blood and guts”.

Please allow yourself extra time getting to school because our parade will begin promptly at 1:45 and we don’t want you to miss your child! Kindergarten will lead the parade followed by first, second, third, fourth, and ending with fifth grade.

Parking will be scarce and part of the lot will be blocked off for the parade so you may want to carpool with other families.

Thank you for your cooperation.