Year 5Computing Curriculum – Skills and Outcomes

Information Technology / Computer Science / Online and E-Safety
Information Technology
Activity ideas / ICT Resources you could use / Skills / Outcomes
Create a multimedia presentation or lesson to teach showing what they have learnt in the topic / PowerPoint; Prezi; Smart Notebook; PhotoStory3; MS MovieMaker /
  • Organise, refine and present information in different forms for a specific audience
  • Select and import graphics from digital cameras, graphics packages and other sources and prepare it for processing using ICT
  • Understand how pages are linked together and recognise the need for clarity. Create a range of hyperlinks to produce a non-linear presentation
  • Select and import sounds from their own recording, create their own effects and music and import from other sources (copyright)
  • Format and edit work to improve clarity and mood, use a range of tools
  • Through peer assessment and self-evaluation evaluate their design and make suitable improvements
  • Download and save an audio or image file from the internet
  • Begin to use software with a timeline to layer sound, adding voice, music and sound effects
  • Use different filming techniques and camera angles e.g. zoom, panning, wide shot etc to create different mood/perspective
  • Select and edit sounds, text, movie clips and other effects to suit purpose and audience
  • Use an image manipulation package purposefully to change / add effects to a photo
/ Level 2
  • Use simple editing and formatting techniques to develop their work
  • Organise information and present in different forms.
  • Make informed choices when using ICT to explore what happens in real and imaginary situations
  • Sort and organise information and present it in simple graph form
  • Able to use a simple Y/N branching database
Level 3
  • Use editing and formatting techniques to develop and refine their work to improve its quality and presentation
  • Create and combine different forms of information, refining and presenting it for a particular purpose, showing an awareness of audience and the need for quality
  • Collect, record and organise data to answer questions and present findings in different ways, (e.g. bar graph, pie chart etc.)
Level 4
  • Create and combine different forms of information, refining and presenting it for a particular purpose, showing an awareness of audience and the need for quality.
  • Use simple ICT-based models to explore patterns and relationships, and make predictions about the consequences of their decisions
  • Know how to check for and spot inaccurate data.
  • Know which formulas to use when using a spreadsheet model.
  • Produce graphs from calculations on a spreadsheet.

Create a narrated e-book linked to a topic area or literacy for a younger class / PowerPoint; Purple Mash 2Publish; Photo Story 3
Write feelings / emotion poems
Write / add music to reflect or accompany the poem / Powerpoint; 2Publish Purple Mash
2Sequence; 2Simple Music Toolkit; Audacity; Audio Network LGfL; FindSounds:
Create a news report either for TV or radio linked to topic area / Video cameras (if for TV); Audacity (to edit for radio); Easispeak microphones; Audio Networks LGfL; MS Movie Maker (to edit for TV); Listen to/watch examples of other news reports for style
Create an animation to illustrate the water cycle / Purple Mash 2Animate; Jelly Cam for stop motion
Add effects to a photo or image to change its mood (link to literacy) or to create an art work effect (e.g. take Tudor portraits and make into Andy Warhol-type paintings) / Irfanview; Photoscape;
Link to Data Handling topics in Maths works, eg. Problem solving, ways of presenting information, Carroll Diagrams etc. / NRich has some interesting activities for data handling in KS2: /
  • Create and use a spreadsheet to create costings which are within budget
  • To consider appropriate layout and design of their information and data
  • Check for accuracy by checking data, using different views, search tools, and graphing. Be able to recognise and correct the data
  • Investigate changes in the environment using a data-logging device
  • Use graphs to provide supporting evidence for their conclusions

Use data loggers to collect information about temp / heat / light around the school and present that information to others / Data loggers and software
Computer Science
Activity ideas / ICT Resources you could use / Skills / Outcomes
Create a computer game or activity linked to a topic area. Share these and comment/review each others’ work / 2DIY; Purple Mash 3DIY; Scratch; Kodu Game Lab; Espresso Coding /
  • Control an on-screen mimic or simulation with inputs and outputs
  • Sequence instructions to control on-screen devices such as a sprite or avatar
  • Refine procedures to improve desired outcomes.
  • Combine procedures to solve more complex problems.
  • Detect errors in sequences and repetitions and correct
  • Know that algorithms may be decomposed into component parts (procedures), each of which itself contains an algorithm.
  • Understand that algorithms can include selection (if) and repetition (loops).
  • Know that the behaviour of a program should be planned.
  • Knowing one or more mechanisms for selecting which statement sequence will be executed, based upon the value of some data item
/ Level 2
  • Generate/create a sequence of instructions
  • Edit/refine a sequence of commands
  • Understand what an algorithm is and what it does
Level 3
  • Use conditional statement commands within a series of instructions (‘if…then’; ‘when…’)
  • Use repetition in program commands
Level 4
  • Create and edit variables within a program
  • Can work with various forms of input and output.
  • Understand that the behaviour of a program must be planned
  • Design and debug programs to accomplish specific goals

Control a robot to sense and respond to various conditions, e.g. ‘Robot Wars’, or create a robot pet that will respond to a clap or will sense a wall and stop etc. / Lego WeDo; Lego Mindstorms;
Control a simulated real-world environment or situation, e.g. controlling traffic lights at a junction. / Flowol 4; Go Software
Online and E-Safety
Activity ideas / ICT Resources you could use / Skills / Outcomes
Children regularly post and make comments on the school blog linked to class topics or 100 Word Challenge / Blog j2webby /
  • Develop own e-portfolio to include a range of work and stored/organised on school network
  • Talk about the different forms of electronic communication and web tools, discuss appropriateness of using different tools in different contexts, advantages and disadvantages
  • Have an understanding of personal safety when using electronic communications and possible implications of misuse
  • Understand that a password can keep information private and secure
  • Ensure they understand the need to keep to copyright rules when publishing their work
  • Modify searches further to find relevant information for a report
  • Discuss different strategies for finding relevant information e.g. using different keywords to find information on a given enquiry
  • Use a range of keywords to find different sources of information and enter them into a chosen search engine
  • To be aware that web sites are not always accurate and that information should be checked before it is used.
/ Level 2
  • Locate and use information from the internet to answer questions
  • Use ICT to communicate with others following instructions on safe use
Level 3
  • Use communication tools to share and exchange their ideas with others online
  • Use strategies for staying safe online
Level 4
  • Pupils refine searches to find, select and use information, questioning its reliability.
  • Communicate and exchange information and ideas with others online to develop ideas.
  • Manage the risks associated with the digital environment

Children save, collaborate and share work online, e.g. Purple Mash or wikis / Purple Mash; wikispaces
“Find out 5 key facts about...” link to topic / Search engines
Ask pupils to look at a given website and check it’s accuracy/plausibility / Phil Bradley has a list of useful fake websites to use for this:

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