City Plan code template

This code template supports the preparation of a development application against either the acceptable outcome(s) or performance outcome(s) contained in the code. Development assessment rules are outlined in Section 5.3.3 of the City Plan.
Please note:
For assessment against the overall outcomes, refer to the appropriate code.
Note: The whole of the planning scheme is identified as the assessment benchmark for impact assessable development. This specifically includes assessment of impact assessable development against this strategic framework. The strategic framework may contain intentions and requirements that are additional to and not necessarily repeated in zone, overlay or other codes. In particular, the performance outcomes in zone codes address only a limited number of aspects, predominantly related to built form. Development that is impact assessable must also be assessed against the overall outcomes of the code as well as the strategic framework.

9.3.3Child care centre code

This code applies to assessing material change of use for development for a Child care centre where indicated within Part 5 Tables of assessment.

When using this code, reference should be made to Section 5.3.2 and, where applicable, Section 5.3.3, in Part 5.

(1)The purpose of the Child care centre code is to provide safe and accessible Child care centres.

(2)The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes:

(a)Child care centres meet community needs through location, access, safety, health and quality.

(b)The character and amenity of the surrounding environment is protected through appropriate design and screening. benchmarks for assessment

Table 9.3.3-1: Child care centre code –for assessable development

Performance outcomes / Acceptable outcomes / Does the proposal meet the acceptable outcome?
If not, justify how the proposal meets either the performance outcome or overall outcome / Internal use
Design and character
The Childcare centre is designed to reflect the intended character of the zone. / AO1
The materials, colours and finishes used are non-reflective and reflects the intended character of the area.
Safety and amenity
The design and location of the Child care centre, outdoor play areas, car park and set-down areas must not result in any safety and health hazards for users of the centre. / AO2.1
Buildings and outdoor play areas are located more than 100m from any high-voltage electricity supply easement.
Car parks, set-down areas, vehicle access-ways and crossovers are separated from areas used by children by solid fencing.
Convenient, safe and clearly visible pedestrian access is provided to the site.
The Child care centre does not adversely impact on the amenity of the area.
Note:An acoustic report is the Council’s preferred method of demonstrating compliance with this Performance outcome. / AO3
No acceptable outcome provided.
The Child care centre is conveniently located to minimise vehicle trips and encourage walking to drop off and pick up children. / AO4
The Child care centre is located no more than 200m from a community focal point, such as:
(a)an activity centre;
(b)a major employment establishment;
(c)a shopping centre;
(d)a library;
(e)an active parkland area;
(f)an educational establishment; or
(g)a sports field.
The Child care centre is located within the Medium density residential zone or the High density residential zone.
The Child care centre is located to minimise:
(a)the hazards of heavy traffic; and
(b)the introduction of additional traffic into minor residential streets. / AO5
The Child care centre is not located on:
(a)a state strategic road, regional road, district road or an arterial road; or
(b)a minor residential street.
Note:Refer to the zone maps for the location ofstate strategic, regional, district or arterial roads.
The Child care centre is sufficiently separated from industrial areas to avoid users from being exposed to harmful air pollutants. / AO6
The site is located at least:
(a)250m from land in the Waterfront and marine industry zone, Extractive industry zone and Medium impact industry zone;
(b)500m from land in the High impact industry zone in Reedy Creek; and
(c)750m from land in the High impact industry zone in Yatala/Stapylton.