A.Furnish plate and frame heat exchanger(s) Graham Series GPE, as manufactured by Graham Corporation or approved equal.
B.The plate and frame heat exchanger shall consist of (304ss, 316ss, or titanium) plates with a minimum thickness of 0.5 mm. Design of plates must permit metal to metal contact betweenadjacent plates. Each plate shall incorporate a tongue and groove interlock design with glued (nitrile or EPDM) gaskets. Use of epoxy or heat cured adhesives is not permitted. Glue-less gasket designs, which may become dislodged during assembly, are not permitted. Gaskets shall have leak detection grooves vented to the atmosphere to prevent intermixing of fluids.
C.Individual heat transfer plates shall have asymmetrical quadrangle pattern corrugations to optimize heat transfer rates for both the hot and cold fluids. Each circuit shall be hydro tested independently at 1.3 times the design pressure of the unit.
D.The plate and frame heat exchanger shall be guaranteed to perform to the capacities and pressure drops as indicated on the specification sheet.
E.All materials in contact with the hot and cold fluids shall be (304ss, 316ss, or titanium). All connections 4 inch and larger shall be studded port, designed for connection to a 150 lb flange. Studded ports shall be lined with a metal similar to the plate material. Unlined ports, or ports with elastomeric liners shall not be used. Corrosion resistant stud bolts shall be provided by the manufacturer.
F. Plates must be fully supported by the carrier bar. Carrier bar surfaces that are in contact with the plates shall be stainless steel. The bottom guide bar shall be designed to maintain plate alignment, and shall not be used for support. Guide bar shall be stainless steel.
G.Frame shall be bolted construction, welded frame assemblies are not acceptable. The fixed and movable covers, or heads, shall be fabricated of SA-516-70 carbon steel and be of sufficient thickness to meet ASME requirements without the use of welded stiffeners. All steel surfaces are to be sandblasted to SSPC-SP6, followed by a minimum of 1.5 - 3 mils dft of alkyd enamel paint. Frame design must allow for a minimum of 20% expansion.
H.For units over 60 inches in height, the movable cover shall ride on a steel roller for ease of maintenance.
I.Tie bolts shall be electrozinc plated SA-193B7 alloy steel.
J.The unit shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section VIII, Division 1 for a pressure of 150 psig (and stamped if required).