SNSF Grant applications: Confirmation of general conditions and infrastructure

Please send the completed and signed form by 1 April / 1 October (project funding) or 15 January (Sinergia)
as PDF to:

 To be completed by the applicant

Funding instrument: / Projects
(Div. I – III) / Interdisciplinary project / Sinergia
Project title:
Requested: / Starting date: / Duration (mths): / Funding (CHF):

Employment of the applicant

Work-time percentage: / %
Is the employment secured for the project’s whole duration? / Yes No*, it is limited until

Local support

Is the framework in place for the successful realization of the project in case of approval (availability of
infrastructure, personnel, rooms)?
Yes, with reservations*

Medicine / Vetsuisse faculty

If it is part of the project to use facilities or infrastructure of the following centers, please provide the signature of the respective director(s).
Center of Clinical Research (ZKF/CTC)
Center for Clinical Studies (ZKS)
Children’s Research Center (CRC) / Signature of the director(s):

Further comments (* please comment)

 Confirmation by the head of the institute / seminar / clinic

Date: / Last name, first name:
Signature and stamp:


Purpose of the form

The form serves as confirmation to the Vice President MNW that in the case of approval by the SNSF the structural framework is in place for a successful realization of the project at the UZH. Based on this form, the Vice President MNW will submit an institutional statement to the SNSF, which is a

necessary part of the application. The form itself will not be forwarded to the SNSF.

In addition, it is important for the head of an institute, seminar or clinic to be informed about all submitted SNSF grant applications in order to coordinate the research activities.

How to fill in the form

Employment of the applicant:

As a prerequisite, the responsible applicant and any other applicants must have secured positions for the requested duration of the project. Salaries can only be requested for personnel and staff. A possible temporary appointment of the applicant has to be declared and commented on.

In case of retirement of the applicant during the project’s duration, please indicate if access to the necessary infrastructure is granted for the time beyond and how the supervision of personnel and staff (PhD students, etc.) will be organized (under „Further comments“).

Local support:

The head of the institute, seminar or clinic confirms that in case of approval the necessary resources and infrastructure (rooms, equipment, etc.) for the successful realization of the project are available (see in this respect the information on locally available funds provided in the application under “10. Available or requested funds”).

Signature of the head of the institute / seminar / clinic:

The form has to be signed by the official director of the institute, seminar or clinic. If the applicant himself/herself holds the director’s position, his/her signature is adequate.


Funding for Individuals and Projects, phone +41 44 634 20 32, e-mail:

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