Fernanda Ferreira
Bridgewater State College
Tillinghast Hall 332
(508) 531 2298
Ph.D., Spanish and Portuguese, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 2001.
M.A., Portuguese Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, 1996.
B.A., French and Translation Studies, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, 1991.
Chair, Department of Foreign Languages (2007- present). Unanimously elected by colleagues to lead the department for three academic years. Responsible for strategic planning for the department, evaluating full-time faculty, hiring and evaluating visiting lecturers, organizing departmental budget and advising majors and minors.
Acting Chair, Department of Foreign Languages (2006-2007). Unanimously elected by colleagues to chair the department in a transitional period, evaluate visiting lecturers, organize departmental budget and advise majors and minors.
Chair, Programs and Policies Subcommittee (2008- present). Unanimously elected by colleagues in Undergraduate College Committee to chair this subcommittee. Guided the approval of new programs (minors, certificate programs); organized meetings, agendas, and submitted approved changes to the larger Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
President, HERS at BSC (2008 - present). Elected by alumnae of HERS (Higher Education Resource Services) programs to lead the local organization. Responsible for enlisting prospective candidates to HERS programs, which promotes the professional preparation of women in academic leadership positions.
“Marcadores de plural no português brasileiro e crioulo caboverdiano”, to appear in Português em Contato, by Ana M. Carvalho (Org.) Madrid-Frankfurt: Iberoamericana-Verveut Editorial. Série Lingüística Luso-Brasileira (2009).
“Portuguese Heritage Language Learners: Proficiency Levels and Sociolinguistic Profiles” v. 2, fall 2007, Portuguese Language Journal.
“The Everything™ Learning Brazilian Portuguese Book”, Adams Media: Avon, MA (2007).
“A linguistic time-capsule: plural /s/ reduction in Afro-Hispanic and Afro-Portuguese historical texts.” In Structure and Variation in Language Contact, Ana Deumert and Stephanie Durrleman (Eds.), Creole Language Library, v. 29, 2006:263-289, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Review of “Portuguese: a linguistic introduction” by Milton Azevedo. Revista Iberoamericana de Lingüística, Vervuert/Iberoamericana, v. 9, spring 2007.
Review of “A History of Afro-Hispanic Language” by John M. Lipski.
Arizona Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, v. 10, 2006. 272-74.
“That's not how my grandmother says it: Portuguese heritage learners in southeastern Massachusetts”. Hispania 88(4): 800-814, 2005.
Review of “Teaching and Learning in a Multilingual Classroom” Goldstein (2003)
LINGUIST List, July 22, 2004 http://linguistlist.org/issues/15/15-2129.html#1
“The African Contribution to Brazilian Portuguese: to what extent did
the speech of slaves influence the mother tongue?” Bridgewater Review, Fall 2002.
Review of “Sociocultural and Historical Contexts of African
American English” Lanehart (2001), LINGUIST List, April 1, 2002
“Português como Língua de Herança Cultural em Massachusetts”
SIMELP – 1 Simpósio Internacional de Estudos da Língua Portuguesa (First International Symposium on Portuguese Languages Studies)
University of São Paulo/University of Cruzeiro do Sul
São Paulo, SP, Brazil, September 1-5, 2008
“Complex Plurals in Popular Brazilian Portuguese”
6th Annual Hawaii Conference on Arts and Humanities
Honolulu, HI, January 5-8, 2008
"Teaching Portuguese Language and Culture"
(Chair and Presenter of Session Sponsored by the AATSP)
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages – Annual Convention and World Languages Expo
San Antonio, TX, November 16-18, 2007
"Portuguese Heritage Language Learners: insights from attitudinal surveys"
Fifth Conference on Portuguese Language Education
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Dartmouth, MA, September 28-29, 2007
"Current Issues in Language Studies" CART Celebration
Bridgewater, MA, May 16-17, 2007.
"Popular Brazilian Portuguese as a semi-creole: evidence from complex plurals"
Annual Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL)
Anaheim, CA, January 6-8, 2007.
"Portuguese Heritage Language Learners: insights from proficiency levels"
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
Salamanca, Spain, June 28-July 3, 2006.
"The Language of Coimbra: implication for Brazilian Portuguese" CART Celebration
Bridgewater, MA, May 17-18, 2006.
"Plural Marking in Popular Varieties of European and Brazilian Portuguese"
Annual Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL)
Albuquerque, NM, January 5-8, 2006.
"Complex plural marking in Popular Brazilian Portuguese"
Annual Meeting of the Association of Spanish and Portuguese Lexically Based Creoles (ACBLPE)
Orléans, France, June 27-30, 2005.
"Social Factors and Pluralization Strategies in Caribbean Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese: placing Labov's contribution to an old controversy"
Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association (MLA)
Philadelphia, PA, December 28-30, 2004.
"De Gil Vicente a Sor Juana: huellas lingüísticas del lenguaje afrohispánico en textos históricos"
10th AATSP Biennial Northeast Regional Meeting
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, September 12, 2004.
"Definiteness and Referentiality in Creole and Semi-Creole Determiner Systems"
Curaçao Creole Conference hosted by SCL-SPCL-ACBLPE
Willemstad, the Netherlands Antilles, August 11-15, 2004.
"That's not how my grandmother says it: Portuguese Heritage Learners in Southeastern Massachusetts"
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
Acapulco, Mexico, July 28-August 1, 2004.
"Learning Disabilities and Online Courses"
Annual Massachusetts Colleges Online Conference on E-Learning
Bridgewater, MA, June 14-16, 2004.
"In a Foreign Land: An Immigrant Experience" with Dr. Julia Stakhnevich
CART Presentation
Bridgewater, MA, April 22, 2004.
“Pluralization Strategies in Cape Verdean Creole and Brazilian
Portuguese: a variationist approach”
Annual Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL)
Boston, January 9-11, 2004.
“Service Learning and the Language Classroom” CART Presentation
Bridgewater, MA, November 24, 2003.
“A Linguistic time-capsule: plural /s/ reduction in Afro-Portuguese
and Afro-Hispanic Texts”
Annual Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL)
Atlanta, GA, January 3-4, 2003.
“Previous Creolization Hypothesis in Caribbean Spanish and
Brazilian Portuguese: a new perspective on an old controversy”
Annual Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL)
San Francisco, CA, January 3-6, 2002.
“Lexical Frequency in Brazilian Portuguese”
Fourth Annual High Desert Linguistics Society Spring Conference
Albuquerque, NM, June, 2001.
Member, Global Studies Council. Chosen as ex-officio member of the College-wide committee charged with the task of internationalizing the College’s curriculum. As Chairperson of the department, took a leadership role in explaining the central role of in-depth language learning in the transformation of students into Global Citizens. Spring 2008 to present.
Member, Search Committee for Dean of School of Management and Aviation Science. Chosen faculty member from Arts and Sciences to serve in College-wide search committee. Participated in all meetings, reviewed and screened candidates’ qualifications, participated in telephone and campus interviews, participated in all meetings to discuss finalists. Spring 2004.
Member, Curriculum Committee (Department of Foreign Languages) Faculty member of Foreign Languages Curriculum Committee; participant in all meetings; discussed various projects including minor proposals, various course modifications and suggestions for departmental program review. In spring 2004, the proposal for a Portuguese minor was approved by the Curriculum Committee and later the Department of Foreign Languages. Fall 2002 to Fall 2006.
Member, Screening Committee for Chairperson of Foreign Languages Department. Faculty member of four consecutive Search Committees for Chairperson of Foreign Languages department. Worked collaboratively with colleagues to draft job descriptions, participated in all meetings, attended hiring workshops, reviewed and screened candidates’ qualifications, conducted telephone and campus interviews with colleagues, participated in meetings to discuss finalists. Spring and Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Spring 2006.
Coordinator, Ross Family Scholarship. In spring 2004 was designated by the Foreign Languages Department to coordinate the nomination of candidates from the Spanish major for this scholarship. Collected nominations, discussed candidates and informed award recipients.
Member, Pride Coalition (formerly Safe College Coalition). Participated in scheduled meetings; developed Survey for BSC community, organized presentations for the college community on GLBT issues. Spring 2001 to present.
Asian Studies Minor. Faculty committee. Participated in scheduled meetings, collaborated with Coordinator Dr. Wing-kai To (History Department) on the scheduling of Asian language offerings. Spring 2006 to present.
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Minor. Faculty committee. Participated in scheduled meetings, collaborated with coordinators Dr. James Hayes-Bohanan (Earth Sciences and Geography) and Dr. Sandra Faiman-Silva (Anthropology), suggested course proposals and program revisions. Fall 2001 to present.
La Sociedad Latina. Organizational Advisor, participated in all student meetings and student-sponsored events; guided students with decision-making and budgeting for the upcoming academic year. Spring 2004.
HERS BRYN MAWR Summer Institute. Selected among BSC faculty to participate in the HERS program for woman academic administrators, Summer 2007.
BSC Presidential Grant. Awarded a 3,500 dollar competitive grant to create student-engagement course titled LASP 172 Business Spanish, which incorporated language learning and an internship component. Spring 2008.
Web-Based Course Grant. Awarded a 2,500 dollar competitive grant to participate in College’s online initiative by transferring LASP 290 Spanish Phonetics and Dialectology to an online format, Fall 2006.
Selection Committee for conference papers and workshop proposals for the international conference of AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese), San Diego, 2008.
BSC Award for Academic Excellence, in recognition of published work, 2006-2007.
BSC Award for Academic Excellence, in recognition of published work, 2005-2006.
CART Summer Grant (Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching). Awarded a 2,500 dollar competitive grant to conduct quantitative and qualitative research on Portuguese Heritage Learners at BSC, Summer 2006.
FLRG (Faculty and Librarian Research Grant) from CART (Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching). Awarded a 7,100 dollar competitive grant to fund research titled “Sociolinguistic Study of European Portuguese”, in March 2005.
FLRG (Faculty and Librarian Research Grant) from CART (Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching). Awarded a 7,500 dollar competitive grant to fund research titled “Heritage language learners: proficiency levels and sociolinguistic profiles”, in March 2004.
Advisor of the Year award, given by the members of La Sociedad Latina, a student organization at Bridgewater State College, in Spring 2004.
CART Summer Grant (Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching). Awarded a 2,500 dollar competitive grant to conduct sociolinguistic research in Cape Verdean Creole in Southeastern Massachusetts, in April 2002.
September 2007 to present associate professor, Dept. of Foreign Languages
September 2001 to 2006 Assistant professor, Dept. of Foreign Languages
Freshman Year Seminar (Brazil: Multicultural Multilingual World). Developed course content, created online tasks, developed writing intensive assignments. This course added to the College’s offerings of FYS courses.
Sophomore Year Seminar (Brazil: Multicultural Multilingual World)
Developed new course content, established speaking-intensive activities. This course added to the College’s offerings in SYS courses.
Portuguese 151 and 152: Intermediate Portuguese I and II
Developed courses, which were offered for the first time in several years at the College; created innovative classroom activities for multi-level learners, wrote and graded testing materials and compositions. Classes are conducted entirely in Portuguese.
Portuguese 101 and 102: Elementary Portuguese I and II
Developed a distance-learning class, as well as regular day courses; developed syllabus, prepared extensive communicative classroom activities, wrote and graded all testing materials.
Foreign Languages 300: Languages of the World
Developed new syllabus, created new online weekly assessments, invited guest speakers, wrote and graded course materials.
Spanish 290: Spanish Phonetics and Dialectology
Developed new course, which was approved by college governance and offered to Spanish majors and minors; developed syllabus, prepared listening activities, wrote and graded course testing materials, invited guests speakers, guided students with final projects on Spanish dialects. This class is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Spanish 271: Patterns of the Spanish Language
Developed new syllabus, prepared additional classroom activities, wrote and graded course testing materials and compositions. This class is conducted entirely in Spanish.
English, near-native fluency
Portuguese, native speaker
Spanish, near-native fluency
French, advanced language skills
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
Modern Languages Association (MLA
Society for Pidgin and Creole Languages (SPCL)
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