Jeannette McKee Elementary/Middle School


Parent and Student Handbook


This handbook has been compiled to provide the students of the Jeannette McKee School and their parents with pertinent information in an attempt to insure a successful experience during their primary, intermediate, and middle years of schooling.

It is the goal of the faculty and staff of the Jeannette McKee School to create an effective, safe learning environment that will provide each and every student with an equal opportunity to achieve success academically and socially, to lay the foundation for future career choices, and to provide a positive transition from and one grade to the next as they move from children to young adults and finally to the Jeannette Senior High School.

The School District of the City of Jeannette is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex and handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX and Section 504.
For Information regarding civil rights, grievance procedures, or services, activities and facilities that are accessible to and useable by handicapped persons, contact Stuart Albaugh, Title IX Coordinator and Federal Coordinator, at Park Avenue, Jeannette, PA 15644. (412) 523-5497 ext. 1


Letter Head

Dear Jeannette McKee School Parents,

The following handbook is a very important method of communicating between the home and the school. There are many regulations, policies and services discussed in these pages. Please read and keep this handbook readily available throughout the year.

It is our hope that this handbook will be helpful to you and your child and that it will promote a good working relationship between the home and the school. Close cooperation between the home and the school is essential to promote the best interest of your child. Parents are encouraged to visit the school and to attend scheduled meetings and events. Mutual benefits accrue when there is a meaningful exchange of information between the home and the school.

Many of your questions have been anticipated and are discussed in some detail. We are always available to clarify any school matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call (724) 523-6522.

Students and parents are asked to please sign the Student/Parent Agreement and the Photo/Video Release Form in good faith to support your understanding of the contents in this handbook and attached appendices pertaining to the Locker Search Policy, Student Dress Code, and Acceptable Use Policy. Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation.

Matthew W. Jones

Addendums may be made to this handbook throughout the year in order to maintain an effective learning environment.




August 25 First Day of Instruction

September 5 Labor Day (No School)

October 21 2 Hour Early Release

November 11 Parent/Teacher Conferences (No School)

24 Fall Recess (No School)

25 Fall Recess (No School)

28 Fall Recess (No School)

December 23 Winter Recess (No School)

January 3 School reopens

16 In-Service Day (No School)

February 17 2 Hour Early Release

20 President’s Day (No School) 1st Make-up day

March 17 No School – 2nd Make-up day

April 14 Spring Recess (No School) 5th Make-up Day

17 Spring Recess (No School) 4th Make-up Day

18 Spring Recess (No School) 3rd Make-up Day

19 In-Service Day (No School)

May 25 School Picnic (No School)

26 (No School) 6th Make-up Day

29 Memorial Day (No School)

June 2 Last Day of Instruction

(This calendar may be altered or extended in case of emergency closing

of school to provide a minimum of 180 instructional days for students.)


Table of Contents


Board of Directors and Administration Personnel 8

Faculty and Staff 9-10

Student Information 11

Progress, Evaluations, and Report Cards 11-12

School Hours 12

Student Arrival and Dismissal Procedure 13

Transportation and Bus Routes 14-15

Attendance Policies 16-18

School Closings and Delays 18

Dress Code 19

Visitors 20

Guidance; Student Assistance Program 21

Grading System and Honor Roll 21

Homework and Make-Up Work 22

Homebound Instruction 22

Report Cards, Promotion 22

Obligations, Text Books 23

Care of School and Personal Property 23

Student Emergency Cards 23

Withdraw from School 23

Student Planners/Hall Passes 23-24

School Office Phone 24

Lockers and Locks 24

Back Packs 24

Lost and Found 24

Fire Drills, Student Safety, Student Insurance 24-25

Student Health Program 25

Illness/Injury at School 25

Medication at School 25-26

School Cafeteria 26

Student Activities and Clubs, Student Field Trips/Social Activities 26

Field Trip and Social Activities Eligibility Policy 27

Discipline 27-28

Student Responsibilities/Behavioral Expectations 28

Behavior in Assemblies 28

Elementary Positive Behavior System 29

Disciplinary Action 30

General Provisions 31

Primary Offenses 31-34

Secondary Offenses 35-36

Locker Search Policy

Dress Code Policy

Student/Parent Agreement Sign Off

Photo/Video Release Form

Attendance Policy

Internet Policy

Transportation – Video/Audio Recording

Jeannette City School District


Mr. Morrison Lewis Jr., President

Ms. Patricia Caralli., Vice-President

Mr. Mark Gogolsky, Treasurer

Mr. William Brasco

Mr. Mark Gogolsky

Mrs. Kelly Marquis

Mrs. Anita Mash

Dr. David Valerio

Mrs. Karen Welshons

Mr. Joseph Yorio


Director of Education K-8…………………… Mr. Matthew Jones

Middle School Principal

Elementary Principal…………………………… Miss Shelley Muto

Assistant Principal K-8…………………...…… Mr. James Raible

McKee Middle Secretary ……………………... Mrs. Nicole Schwartz

McKee Secretary…………………………………... Mrs. Karen Wolfe

School Nurse…………………………………….……. Mrs. Cynthia Manolis

Director of Student Activities………………. Mr. William Petko


Faculty Assignment

Lisa Abreu / Social Studies
Jennilee Avoilo / Second Grade
Jared Bailey / Learning Support
Valerie Barber / Family and Consumer Science
Erica Bartholow / Math
Gina Beckwith / Learning Support
Katie Bell-Fawcett / French and Language Arts
Marcia Binda / Third Grade
Margaret Blivin / Math
Thomas Brannigan / Learning Support
Jessica Brecht / Library
Kelly Capana / Speech
Katie Carter / Second Grade
Ivy Cerra / Art
Dana Coiner / Fourth Grade
Angela Cook / Learning Support
Kevin Cordera / Social Studies
Faith Crooks / Reading Specialist
Carl Davis / Health and Physical Education
Stephanie Davis / Second Grade
Carla Dellapenna / Music
Valerie DeMichele / Kindergarten
Jennifer Detruf / Third Grade
Maggie Dominick / Fourth Grade
Christopher Donato / Music
Joe Dlugos / Learning Support
Tammy Fleming / Science
Pat Florey / Fourth Grade
Brianna Flynn / Business and Computer Technology
Tiffany Gajski / First Grade
Louanne Gansor / First Grade
Jennifer Greenlee / Health and Physical Education
Justin Gogolsky / Math
Tami Gogolsky / Third Grade
Angela Gray / Special Education
Faculty Assignment
Cathy Harbaugh / First Grade
Lauren Harris / Kindergarten
Jason Huether / Math
Ashley Issac / Second Grade
Barb Keffer / Math
Diana Kikel / Learning Support
Nicole Klimczyk / Language Arts
Nichol Laskey / Fourth Grade
Greg Leonard / Science
Robin Mattes / Art
Jessica McClain / Kindergarten
Carey Mortimore / Kindergarten
Christina Mumford / Language Arts
Chandra Orbin / Math Specialist
Jason Outly
Reba Parry / First Grade
Learning Support
Cary Pelzer / Language Arts
William Petko / Math/Learning Support
Karen Polechko / Math
Renee Reich / Science
Jaime Rininger / Social Studies
Nicole Robinson / Third Grade
Richard Rogers / Technology Ed
Missy Sarnelli / Language Arts
Tara Saunders / Learning Support
Amy Schultheis / Reading Specialist
Sandy Shaw / Kindergarten
Paul Shifko
Jennifer Schulte / Language Arts
Learning Support
Carly Tetkoski / First Grade
Kyle Vuksan / Health and Physical Education
Suzanne Vuksan / First Grade
Heather Wallace / Learning Support

Classroom Assistants:

Bobbi Jo Akins

Courtney Gansor

Ryan Hayden

Cindy Hutcheson

Candy Weightman


Emergency Forms:

Two emergency cards are kept on file for each student, one in the main office and one in the nurse’s office. This is necessary for use in the event of an illness or emergency. Parents and Guardians should sign both cards and answer all questions. Please return the cards to school as soon as possible and inform the school of any changes throughout the year.

Unlisted phone numbers will be kept confidential. You MUST have an emergency contact other than yourself who can pick up a student from school. This emergency contact should live within close proximity to the school.

Change of Address/Telephone/Cellphone:

Any change of address, telephone or cell phone number should be reported to the main office. A parent or legal guardian must call or come to school to make complete this change. New bus information will be provided at that time.

Student Transfers:

Should you move into another school district during the school year, we suggest you utilize the following procedure:

1.  Contact the main office several days prior to your moving date

2.  Inform the school of the new district, so that we are able to get necessary paperwork gathered

3.  Be sure your child has returned all textbooks, workbooks, library books, or other materials belonging to Jeannette City School District.

4.  Contact the new district in which your child will be enrolling in order to begin the new registration process.



At the end of the first quartile an in-service day will be scheduled for the teachers to set up Parent/Teacher conferences. This is a great time for you to come in and discuss your child’s first report card as well as any other information you or the teacher may have in regards to your child’s education.

Conferences may be requested at any time throughout the school year by contacting the teacher. To assist in preparing for a requested conference, please give a general reason for the conference.


First Quartile
August 25-October 27 / Progress Reports
September 26
Second Quartile
October 28-January 13 / Progress Reports
December 1
Third Quartile
January 17-March 19 / Progress Reports
February 15
Fourth Quartile
March 23-June 2 / Progress Reports
April 27

Progress Reports

At the midpoint of each quartile grading period, progress reports will be sent home for students. Progress reports may also be sent for a student whom the teacher may feel is underachieving at any time during the year. These reports are to inform the parents of a student's progress and do not mean that the student will receive that grade as a final quartile grade. By being informed of a student's lack of progress, the parents have the opportunity to encourage them to attempt to improve his/her grades.


Grade 5-8: Arrival 8:15 am Late Bell/Doors Close: 8:20 am Dismissal: 3:15 pm

Grades K-4: Arrival 8:45 am Late Bell/Doors Close: 9:00 am Dismissal: 4:00 pm

Any student reporting to school after the late bell, must report directly to the main office to check in and submit a written excuse/reason for arriving late.

All students and parents should enter the McKee Building for all purposes in the North Entrance, closest to the playground and Park Street.


STUDENT DROP OFF/PICK UP PROCECURES: All students K-8, parents, and visitors will be required to enter the McKee building through the main doors next to the playground and Park St.

All parents and guardians should take note of these changes to ensure a smooth transition and efficient system of loading and unloading students in the morning and afternoon.

MORNING STUDENT DROP OFF AND BUS UNLOADING: Students who will be dropped off in the morning are to remain in their vehicle until they have approached the designated unloading zone. The designated unloading zone will be located at the crosswalk near the playground (North Entrance/Exit). Buses and vehicles will be unloading in this area one at a time, families dropping off are not to park or idle their vehicle at any time during drop off. If you would like to walk your child to the school, you will need to park off of school grounds and walk your child over to the main entrance.

AFTERNOON STUDENT PICK UP: Entry to McKee school grounds will be closed each day at 2:45 to all parents and visitors. There will be a gate blocking the entrance; there will be access to the circle nearest Thrift King for student/walker pick up. At the designated dismissal times all walkers K-8 will be dismissed through the doors nearest the basketball/tennis court (South Entrance/Exit). To ensure an efficient student pick up, no vehicles are to be parked or idle in the circle during this time. It should be noted that Thrift King parking lot will remain available as in the past for parent parking during pick up times.

PARKING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS: There will be no parking on school grounds between the hours of 8:00am to 9:30am and 2:45pm to 4:15pm. Any vehicle parked on school grounds will be asked to move, failure to move your vehicle could result in a traffic citation.

Parking in either the North or South end circles during the hours of 9:30am to 2:45pm is limited to 15 minute visitor parking. A parking location can be found behind the Vincent Aiello administration for visits exceeding 15 minutes.


Every child is assigned as a walker or to a designated bus. Any changes in the usual manner of dismissal MUST be IN WRITING AND APPROVED BY BUILDING ADMINISTRATION.


Parents and the school (administrators, teachers, and bus drivers) share the concern for safety and congeniality on the way to and from school. Each child is entitled to a safe trip to and from school without intimidation or injuries. PROBLEMS BETWEEN CHILDREN WITHIN NEIGHBORHOODS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS. The school will become involved only as it affects the children at school.

It should be understood that riding a school bus is not a right—it is a PRIVILEGE. Students who violate the rules required for safe busing will LOSE this privilege and it will be necessary for them to find their own transportation to and from school. The bus driver has the authorization to assign seats. At all times students are to cooperate with the bus driver.

In accordance with the Jeannette City School District Policy 810.2 adopted April 28, 2014, all school buses may be equipped with both video and audio recording devices. Please see Policy 810.2 at the end of the handbook.

The following rules and regulations have been established in order to facilitate a safe and satisfactory program: