inRes 2015

Very Early Stage Acceleration Program

CMU Portugal Program

Entrepreneurial Team Application Form


Entrepreneurial Team Application Form


If you are interested in submitting a proposal for the 2015 Editionof the inRes Initiative, organized by the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program, please follow the instructions below:

  1. The application is submitted in English, on behalf of an entrepreneurial team, by the two team members that will participate in inRes.
  1. The application describes: the team and the members that will participate in inRes; the technology, product/service and market, business model; the development stage and path to market.
  1. The CMU Portugal Program is looking for applications with:
  • a strong and committed team, capable of taking advantage of an immersion period in the US;
  • an ICT-based product/service, with proven technical feasibility, a clear value proposition, and a clear competitive advantage;
  • a product/service that caters to a strong need, in a large market, with a favorable competitive position;
  • a realistic path to market;
  • a reasonable level of initial interactions with target markets and industries, and minimally consistent product/service and business concepts;
  • projects that are not yet established regularly selling products/services.
  1. The deadline for submission of applications is May 8, 2015.
  1. The application, the CVs, motivation letters of the team members, and a minimum of two reference letters must be sent by email to mailto:.

inRes is coordinated by the CMU Portugal Program, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh Regional Alliance (PRA), UTEN Portugal, and INESC TEC.

Application Form

1.Project Name

2.inRes Team Identification

Team members who will participate in inRes.
Team Member 1 - Name
Email / Phone
Project Role
Other Current Positions / Affiliation
Team Member 2 - Name
Email / Phone
Project Role
Other CurrentPositions / Affiliation

3.Entrepreneurial Team Members

Team Member 3 - Name
Email / Phone
Project Role
Other CurrentPositions / Affiliation
Team Member 4 - Name
Email / Phone
Project Role
Other Current Positions / Affiliation

4.Project Endorsers

Endorser Name
Email / Phone
Position / Affiliation
Involvement with the Project and Team
Endorser Name
Email / Phone
Position / Affiliation
Involvement with the Project and Team

5.Technology andTeam Expertise

Describe the technology and the team expertise that go into your product/service, in generic technical terms, and highlighting unique aspects. Include a brief history of the team and how the technology emerged.

6.Customer and Need

Describe your customer segments, and the main customer contacts that you have performed.
Describe the problem that your product/service addresses. Discuss the strength of need and your need validation efforts.
6.3Market Size
Provide estimates of market size and growth for each of your customer segments. Include sources for your data.


7.1Functional Description
Provide a detailed functional description of your product/service, i.e., what it does and how. Describe its key features, highlighting the unique aspects.
Explain how the customers in each of your segments benefit from your product/service.
7.3Competitive Advantage
List and describe competing products/services, and compare them to your product/service, explaining your advantages.
7.4Competitive Position
List and describe your current and potential competitors. Discuss your relative position.
  1. Business Model
Describe your envisaged business model, focusing on each of its building blocks, as outlined in the Business Model Canvas (
Value Proposition
Customer Segments
Customer Relationships
Revenue Streams
Key Partners
Key Activities
Key Resources
Cost Structure

9.Stage of Development and Path to Market

9.1Stage of Development
What is the current stage of development of your product/service and business?
9.2Path to market
What are the key activities that you need to carry out, and the key milestones that you need to achieve, to get to market?
What are the key risks in your business model and path to market?
9.4Role of inRes in Your Path to Market
What is the role of inRes in your path to market? How can you benefit from this initiative?
  1. Additional Information
Include additional relevant information that you would like to be considered in your application.

11.inRes Participation

11.1Each member of the inRes team is expected to dedicate a minimum of 8 hours/week to the program in Portugal, besides the participation in the sessions scheduled,to join the immersion in Pittsburgh for seven weeks, between September and November 2015, and to present the results in a public session in December 2015.
Yes, we commit to the expected effort described above.
11.2Each inRes team is expected to participate in the “Caixa Empreender Award”in January 2016.
Yes, we commit to participatein the event described above.
  1. Additional Documents

Curriculum Vitae (C.V.);

Motivation letters;

Two reference letters (minimum);

The application form, the CVs, motivation letters, and a minimum of two reference letters must be sent by email to .

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