Chapter 38 Questions

  1. Why did America and Great Britain decide to “Get Germany first?” (P.847)
  2. What happened to 110,000+ Japanese-Americans on the West Coast during the war? (p. 848-49)
  3. What role did the war play in ending the Great Depression? How? (p. 849; 852)
  4. What contributions did women make to the war effort? (Rosie the Riveter) (p. 853)
  5. At war’s end, what became of the majority of women who went to work in the factories? (p. 854)
  6. Why did many blacks leave the South during the war? (p. 855)
  7. What was the black experience in the military like during the 1940’s? (p. 855)
  8. What were the immediate causes of the zoot suit riots? (p. 858)
  9. What other territories did Japan conquer after attacking Pearl Harbor? (p. 860)
  10. Why were the Japanese so intent on taking Midway Island? (p. 861)
  11. What is meant by the American strategy of Island hopping? (p. 862)
  12. What was the eventual fate of the German Army in the Soviet Union? (p. 863)
  13. Why did the Allies choose to begin their attack on Europe from the Mediterranean (p. 864)
  14. Why was Italy so difficult for the Allies to take from Germany? (p. 865)
  15. What occurred on June 6, 1944? (Not just “D-Day”) (p. 867)
  16. Why did Pres. Roosevelt so easily win his fourth election in 1944? (p. 869)
  17. Why did Hitler try to strike on final blow on the allies in Belgium in December of 1944? (p. 869)
  18. What were the effects of American bombing campaigners on Japan? (p. 871) (March 1945)
  19. What was the cost in American lives to retake Manila, Philippines? (p. 871)
  20. What ultimatum was delivered to Japan at the Potsdam Conference? (p. 872)
  21. Why did America originally begin its Atomic bomb program? (p. 872-873)
  22. What condition did the Japanese place on their surrender? (P.873)

Operation Torch (North Africa Campaign), 1943

Operation Overlord (D-Day), June 6th, 1944

Pacific Theater (1942-1945)