Hank Tate
/ Henry H. “Hank” Tate Jr.
12954 Westleigh
Houston, Texas 77077
Home 281.870.9194
Cell 713.397.0834


Table of Contents / Hank Tate
Professional Portfolio
Basic Nature1
Servant Leadership1
“The Right Hand Man”2
Passion for People2
Key Accomplishments3
Areas of Achievement10
Operations / Planning11
Information Management19
Change Management / Training24
Graphics & Web Design28
Education & Service35


/ Hank Tate
Professional Portfolio / 1


More than 30 years of executive leadership and consulting have encompassed a variety of skills and experience which is impossible to convey clearly in a short résumé. This Professional Portfolio has been created to expand and clarify an understanding of the abilities and value that I provide to help business leaders build a company that is recognized for excellence by employees, vendors, and customers – and that earns an effective profit on efficient operations.

Even in the many pages collected in this portfolio it is impossible to fully communicate the variety of large and small projects which have been completed within companies, for clients, or in service to a variety of non-profit organizations. Please feel free to ask questions regarding any areas of interest.

Basic Nature

By nature I am a creative “generalist” with a passion for learning new things and solving new problems. My greatest value to those I’ve served has usually been from tackling new areas with a variety of unknowns and analyzing in detail the issues, needs, challenges, and then creating effective solutions – often on a limited budget.

My decades of experience in leadership in small and emerging businesses has built strongly on this basic nature. With resources to hire specialists often limited, I have often been placed into a position which required learning a needed skill to accomplish an important business goal. Consequently I have developed a reputation as a “producer” – analyzing the problem and creating the solution myself, not just talking about what needs to be done.

The downside of being a generalist is reflected in trying to communicate to others “who” I am professionally. It is a challenge to answer accurately the question, “What do you do?” Those who know me well and have worked with me say it is not arrogant of me to reply, “What do you want done?” Though the corporate world is desperately in need of generalist in many areas – especially in leadership – the traditional job placement industry is focused on specialists. To address that need I have created in following sections a number of “Areas of Specialization” that are presented as résumés for each of the selected skills areas. Hopefully this will help in your understanding of where I can bring value in meeting your needs.

Servant Leadership

I enjoy serving! Helping others turn their dreams and vision into reality. One person described me as a “Vision Engineer” because of my ability to take the pieces of an amorphous dream apart and reconstruct it piece by piece into realistic plan and description that anyone could understand and the created excitement. It is a joy to see the fruit of such efforts.

Though I often am solely responsible for producing the final assets for a project, I thrive on working with teams and building people. I have hired and personally directed teams, and I have helped build a number of non-profit organizations where effective leadership is defined by an attitude of service rather than dictating directions. I believe that the weakness in many companies comes from a culture of leadership that encourages and rewards dictatorial directives instead of collaborative problem solving. I stress the importance of the “Customer is First” as an attitude at all levels of a company, but operatively emphasize that “Employees are First – Customers are Second” is the way to empower ALL employees with the job training, peace, and emotional security which enables them to step out on a limb and move mountains to make sure customers are “excited” – not just satisfied.

“The Right Hand Man”

For many years I have been referred to as “The Right Hand Man” by a number of leaders I’ve served. This nickname originated with Jack Frey, the president of the real estate development company that I was Vice President of for eight years. Jack commented that I was the “epitome of the number two man – the ‘Right Hand Man’ – because everything I throw at you, you figure out how to do it – even when you’ve never done it before, and I don’t have to worry about it because I know you will address all of the details necessary and make sure that the job is done ‘right’!”

Other leaders have adopted that nickname for me over the years, and one client I’ve worked with for more than fifteen years suggested that I use the nickname as a “brand” for Hank Tate. Hence the name of my website – “Hank Tate, Right Hand Man”.

Passion for People

I am totally convicted that a focus on building and nurturing strong positive supportive relationships is critical to the long-term success of people AND businesses. All of my attention in building successful business operations is designed to create affirmative relationships with employees, vendors, and customers. Building people is the key to building businesses! No matter my title, I operate with the attitude of a Chief Experience Officer (CXO) to build positive experiences with the company throughout all functional areas of the company.


Known for: integrity; faithfulness; absolute commitment to excellence; constant focus on achieving customer excitement – not just satisfaction; exceptional creativity in problem solving and creating new opportunities for profitability; dependable – fulfill commitments within required time and budget – figure out how to accomplish the goal without constant supervision; initiative – act in the best interest of the company without being told to – including pulling very long days without being requested; intelligence – learn highly technical systems very quickly; detail & big picture – can look at projects from both perspectives; personable – get along well with most anyone; servant leader – lead individuals and teams supportively; positive – “can do” attitude; systems & processes focus – figure out how to create effective operations & organization from chaos.


Please visit my website at:

Selected samples of work performed for clients can be found on my website. These will provide insight into the type and quality of work performed. All materials are shared with the permission of the client.

Key Accomplishments


/ Hank Tate
Professional Portfolio / 1
Analysis / Created a methodology for performing a Business Health Assessment on a company to identify areas that are dysfunctional and opportunities for cutting costs, enhancing efficiency, and increasing profits. Applied process to two major legal firms to identify opportunities to save an average of $500,000 per year in operational cost.
Software Development / Project manager, lead programmer, designed user interface, developed training workshops, and presented training for Lotus Notes program that saved more than twenty-five Fortune 1000 clients of Deloitte & Touché over 10% of the implementation costs for SAP. Estimated aggregate customer savings over $30,000,000.
Change Management / Developed documentation, training materials, and presented workshops to Fortune 1000 companies covering the implementation and use of Lotus Notes program developed for Fortune 1000 clients of Deloitte & Touché.
Information Management / Collaborated with leadership of largest home builder in U.S. to identify opportunities to use technology to save money. Up sold initial $30,000 contract to a $300,000 contract within one week. Created and programmed solution for translating printed Employee Manual into an electronic web-based version that saved over $250,000 per year in printing, distribution, and updating expenses.
Follow through / Hired as programmer for rollout of network upgrade for all regional offices of largest video rental in the world. Became assistant project manager within 3 days. Learned all details of network and server builds. Solely saved project schedule when company staff failed to follow through by personally working all night to complete server build and deliver to airport by 6 AM to meet 10:00AM installation deadline.
Operations / Solely designed infrastructure, amenities, legal documents, and marketing program for five country subdivisions totaling 1,100 acres with final developed value in excess of $16 million. Directed development staff.
Marketing / Designed new website and online marketing program for water treatment equipment company that produced more prospects in the first 30 days than the company had in the previous 4 years under the prior system.
Communication / Designed partnership package describing details for oil and gas drilling exploration project that over-subscribed the $1.6 million investment in less than three months.
Problem Solving / Designed and built creative engineering solution for a road crossing with quicksand at the bottom of a gully. Saved 75% on cost. Recognized for creative excellence by Harris County Engineering Department. Crossing still in use more than 25 years later with no significant repairs.
Planning / Developed business plan and financials for biotechnology company. Produced a value analysis that increased investor’s perceived value more than 300% of original company expectations.
Learning / With two days notice, less than one day of preparation, and using new materials, presented “Principles and Practices of Project Management” to Fortune 500 company. Received excellent ratings. First of many Project Management workshops.
Public Speaking / Developed and presented over 250 educational workshops with attendance of more than 25,000. Including teaching “Principles of Project Management” to Fortune 1000 companies. Numerous keynote presentations at conventions around the nation. Over 40 radio and TV interviews.
Software Development / Managed software project and co-wrote program for largest Toyota distributor in U.S. that improved contract processing from 30 days to 3 days and saved $1,000,000 per year in accounts receivable.
Operations / Developed all operations systems and processes for non-profit youth sports program serving over 200 students. Created a membership management data base, forms, and process documentationfor staff training. Wrote newsletter and marketing materials.Systems and materials still in use more than 15 years later.
Analysis / After only 3 months of Lotus Notes programming, was able to analyze corrupted database used to run reporting and billing for all company projects. Manually rebuilt database and recovered all data within 36 hours – with no backup available.
Planning / Developed Business Plan and Financial package for startup biomedical company which produced $1.2 million first round funding in less than 6 months.
Analysis / For Biotechnology company, was sole technology interface with scientist at A&M University to learn science of bioluminescence expression from Vibrio Fibri bacterium and analyze opportunities for commercial applications of the technology in medicine and industry.
Facility Design / Re-designed space planning and functional design for new community clubs built by major subdivision developer. Cut staff requirements in new facilities by 60% while improving efficiency of operations compared to original club designs.
Learning / After one night of self-study on surveying, ran 2 mile loop through rough brush with manual transit and 100' tape to layout main subdivision roads and locate site landmarks. Closed loop within twenty feet.
Education / Co-founder and past President of South East Texas Home School Association, an educational non-profit serving over 5,000 families per year. Created and co-managed for more than 13 years an annual educational conference with more than 100 workshops and attendance of 2,500.
Teaching / Founded the Educational Support Foundation, a non-profit educational organization in 1985. Vehicle through which have presented over 250 workshops on homeschooling to families around the United States. Referred to as the “Grandfather of homeschooling in Houston” because of24+ years leadership in the homeschool community and the many thousands of families that have attended the “How to Homeschool Successfully” beginner workshops at the Gulf Coast Home Education Conference since 1987.
Teaching / Taught over a dozen “Homeschooling: Is It Valid?” workshops to public school officials and school districts, including two international conventions of the International Association of Pupil Personnel Workers. A major national homeschool organization says no other homeschooling leader has pursued building similar bridges of understanding with public educators.
Author / “Homeschooling: Is It Valid?” published in the professional journal of the International Association of Pupil Personnel Workers.


/ Hank Tate
Professional Portfolio / 1
/ “Hank Tate is the epitome of the number two man. He was my Right HandMan. His exceptionally thorough research and analysis made decision making easy. He performed everything with excellence! I trusted him enough to leave the company completely in his hands for three months a year.”
Jack Frey, Owner & President
Jack Frey Properties
1977-1985 VICE PRESIDENT: With no previous experience, Hank Tate designed almost all aspects of five subdivisions: land planning, utilities distribution, drainage engineering, road design, recreation facilities, deed restrictions, contracts, marketing materials, and image design.
/ “I think he does almost everything” (when asked what Hank Tate did for RENEW)
“Do you need expertise in some area? Give the assignment to Hank. He will become an expert in minimal time. I've seen it a number of times. He combines a super intellect with a vast capacity for learning, and a great desire to accomplish the task in an excellent manner. And then he can communicate with other experts, or break it down into simple terms where the layman can understand. - He’s the only person I recommend for helping companies produce Business Plans and Financial Proformas.”
Ron Shelby, CPA
“I value and admire Hank's thoroughness in researching and internalizing totally foreign and often extremely technical subject areas. He is fearless, relentless and mostly flawless in attacking projects with the intent of providing complete/usable analysis and recommendations."
Andy Dekaney, CEO
former President of RENEW Development International
1987-1988 VP of PROJECT DEVELOPMENT:Hank Tate established office operations, purchased all office equipment, researched technology, primary scientific interface, translated all technical materials into layman’s language, produced Business Plan.
/ “Hank walks the talk! I trust him completely. He does what he says – even when it costs him, and he does it incredibly well. He made me look VERY good as the founder and President of the company. Hank is an extremely competent person with excellent communication skills. His attention to details, creativity, and unwavering integrity were critical elements while he served as my right hand man managing a multi-million dollar public company”
Dr. Bob Bohannon, Founder & President
ONASCO, Inc. (AIDS related Public biotech company)
1991-1992 VICE PRESIDENT & DIRECTOR: Hank Tate served as RIGHT HAND MAN to the founder. Almost solely developed 5-year Business Plan and Financials that increased the initial perceived value of the company by investors to 300% of original estimates. Assisted with establishment of corporate operations.
/ “Hank’s like a concierge on steroids. He can accomplish almost anything I throw at him. He’s very intelligent and creative. He makes things happen by creatively solving complex problems – even when he’s never done it before. In one emergency, someone corrupted a mission critical database – and with no one available to fix it – Hank jumped in working around the clock to fix it, 36 hours later the database was back in production. Based upon my working experience with Hank, I knew he'd take care of the problem, even though he had only limited technical experience dealing with problems of this type. To this day, I regularly meet with, and hire Hank for his creative abilities.”
Mark Reed, Founder & President
xnet, inc.
1994-1996 CONTRACT SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT MANAGER:Hank Tateredesigned all user interfaces, established & implemented quality assurance, created all documentation and training. Became Product/Project Manager and Lead Programmer for major project involving multiple Fortune 1000 companies.
1996-present Still provide “Right Hand Man” support services through a wide variety of endeavors. Serve as the “ad-hoc” Board of Directors and Business Coach to assess and plan personal and business direction and growth.
/ “Hank ‘saved our bacon’ on a project rolling out new network servers to all regional offices in North America for a multi-billion dollar international entertainment company. He was hired to do Lotus Notes programming, but quickly became my right hand man – the acting assistant project manager. He taught himself how to do everyone’s jobs and one night when the company's staff failed to follow through and finish a critical server that had to be in Canada by the next day he saved the project. Without being asked, Hank stayed all night and worked 26 hours straight to complete the construction, configuration, packing, and delivery to the airport by himself. Only because of his commitment, the server arrived on time for the installation crew enabling the project to stay on schedule. It's extremely rare to find someone like Hank who will take such initiative to insure success of a project.”
Steve Borsch, Project Manager
1998 CONSULTANT:Hank Tate provided project management assistance to Project Manager handling all aspects of building, configuring, and shipping racks of new NT Servers to all Blockbuster regional offices in the United States.
/ "Hank is someone I feel comfortable introducing to my clients. I can trust his integrity and his practical wisdom. Also, his real-world experience is invaluable with my clients. I have called on Hank when I was facing a challenge and within 48 hours he was with a client, providing the assistance that they needed. He understands what makes a business work and how to get things done."
Ray Sheen, President & Founder
Product & Process Innovation, Inc.
1999-2000 PROJECT MANAGEMENT TRAINER: Hank Tate taught workshops on the Principles and Practice of Project Management to teams from a number of Fortune 1000 companies. Overwhelming ratings of "Excellent" from attendees.
/ “On a scale of 1 to 10, the quality of his work is a 12.”
Charles Calderwood, Owner & President
Calderwood Solutions
2001-2002 CONSULTANT: Hank Tate created a marketing system and all materials for performing a “Business Health Assessment” of legal firms and analyzing areas for operational improvement. Created a five-year proforma for expansion into national market.
/ “When Hank does financial proformas no one can question the numbers. The Synogy Financial Proforma Program that he developed is so complete, easy to follow, and addresses the details so well that the only thing that can be questioned is the assumptions. And he makes the company analyze assumptions in small enough detail that there’s nothing left to question.”
Tom Maples, CFO
Institutional Investors Consulting Corporation
2001-2001:Hank Tate produced the Business Plan and Financial Package for NuStem Technologies, a biomedical company that became IICC’s “crown jewel” project.
/ “Successful Leadership in Business is realizing that you MUST surround yourself with people who provide support to you with excellent skills sets that you might not have. People who truly care about your success and are committed to faithfulness and excellence to help you achieve it. Hank Tate is my Right Hand Man. He is my personal business consultant who I constantly seek out for his wide expertise as I face critical decisions in multiple arenas. His insight and analytical perspective always helps me make wiser decisions.”
Elizabeth A Walter, VP of Business Development
NuStem Technologies
2000-2003:Hank Tate provided NuStem with strategic and financial planning services. Created the Business Plan and Financial Package. Was involved in a number of investor presentations.
/ "As a consultant, we found Mr. Hank Tate's services invaluable. His amiable nature and winning personality were added bonuses that made working with him a true pleasure!"
Jo Beth Harris, Director
HoustonIndependentSchool District - Virtual School Department
2002-2003:Hank Tate provided market development consulting to assist HISD's VirtualSchool to expand into a new market. Directed market research, development of marketing materials, creation of booth for conventions, and initiation of strategic contacts. Provided quality analysis on a variety of courses.
/ In a Word " OUTSTANDING". Hank's attention to detail and exhaustive research into our industry, has given my partner and myself a definitive leg up in raising the capital required for a successful launch. I continue to seek his council, and will gladly recommend him to anyone interested in putting together a "World Class" Business plan.
Edward Schulenburg, President
Premier Publishing, LLC.
2003:Hank Tate developed a Business Plan and Synogy Financial Proforma Package equipping Premier Publishing to raise capital for the establishment of a national magazine showcasing farms and ranches.
/ Hank Tate is a talent in his own right. He embraces a good challenge. Hank has proven himself as an incredible talent at creating detailed, professional business plans & projected financials. "He's the man". When he began working on developing a business plan for MiniCheck-OCR, Inc., he demonstrated an amazing attention to detail and professionalism. As an added bonus, I discovered that Hank has a strong background in software development, this knowledge has proven to be an invaluable asset to the company. According to Bo Yan at Expervision, the software specifications Hank created "were the best I have ever seen". As a graphic artist, Hank has displayed an amazing talent. To this day, Hank continues to be a valued advisor and confidant to the company.
Bruce Brenner, Founder & President
2004-present:Hank Tate initially provided consulting services to develop a complete business plan and financial package for providing automated electronic clearing of checks. His understanding of technology and value in developing detailed software specifications for the product led to position as Chief Technology Officer.
/ If I had to choose one word to describe Hank's attributes it would be "thorough". It did not matter what was asked of him he immediately went to work and did whatever it took to complete the project. It was done efficiently and thoroughly. He was an asset to us in every way.
Randy Hart, President
Geotek Industrial Distributors
2005:Hank Tate served as Director of Financial Development. Developed systems for all client agreements and investments: all legal documents, agreements, financial analysis, and presentation packages. Also developed new Internet marketing program that produced more prospects in one month than had been produced in previous four years.
Operations / Systems


/ Hank Tate
Professional Portfolio / 1

SYNOGY, Houston, Texas1985-present