1 Happy New Year

Office Closed / 2 / 3
9:30a LET Bible Study
6:00p Bell Choir practice
7:00p Healing Service in
the Chapel
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
practice / 4
6-7:30pm Kidz Club / 5 / 6
8:15a Worship in the Chapel
10:30a Worship in the Sanctuary
11:30a Church Council meeting for new members / 8
7:00pm Trustees / 9
12:30p UMW meeting / 10
9:30a LET Bible Study
6:00p Bell Choir practice
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
practice / 11
9:00am Busy Bees / 12
7:00pm Adult Night Out / 13
8:15a Worship in the Chapel
10:30a Worship in the
Installation of new church officers and recognition of those retiring
11:30 GEMS meeting
11:30 Sunday school teachers meeting / 15
6-8:00pm We Care
9:30a LET Bible Study
6:00p Bell Choir practice
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
practice / 18
6:00pm We Care Meeting / 19 / 20
4-6:00pm Roast Beef

8:15a Worship in the Chapel
10:30a Worship in the Sanctuary / 22
Pastor Bailey to Mississippi through Jan 28. / 23 / 24
9:30a LET Bible Study
6:00p Bell Choir practice
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
9:00am Busy Bees / 26
Life Line Screening
(call to sign up today) / 27
8:15a Worship in the Chapel
10:30a Worship in the Sanctuary / 29
7:00pm Finance meeting
7:30pm Church Council
meeting / 30 / 31 / Sunday Worship: 8:15am in Eaton Chapel
10:30am in the sanctuary / Sunday School: 9:00am Gathering
9:15am Opening

The Gleam January 2007

Baden United Methodist Church * 420 Dippold Avenue * Baden, Pennsylvania * (724) 869-2720

Dear Member and Friend of Baden UMC:

Each and every day, each and every New Year, we have a chance to start over, to move beyond our past mistakes and choose a better future for ourselves in Christ. If you are a golfer, you might want to think of life as a game of golf. When you hit a lousy shot, you replace it with a mulligan your chance to take the shot over again without penalty. Or, if you are a movie fan, you might want to think about the movie, City Slickers. Remember the story? Three middle-aged friends go off on a cattle drive seeking adventure but instead, find and renew themselves. Remember what Billy Crystal tells one of his despairing friends? “Life is a do over! Move past the past and start again.”

God gives us the same advice and the same opportunity. We can move past our pasts and start again with a clean slate and renewed hope for the future. God’s nature is not to count our mistakes in life, our missed strokes, or our wrong choices. Even the great leaders in the Bible such as Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Peter, and Paul -- each made mistakes, wrong choices, but each was given a second chance. Just as God causes each day to begin with a new sunrise and each season to cycle from winter to spring, He gives us another chance to do life over. Look at this passage from Isaiah:

Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? (Is. 43:18-19)

With God, yesterday ended yesterday and God wants to bring us something new with every new day. God’s intentions and God’s nature are to bring something new into our lives. Yet so many of us are trapped in our yesteryears that we cannot see the newness God gives to us each day. It is like the Psalmist has said; I realized how bitter I had become. I was so foolish and ignorant I must have seemed like a senseless animal to You. Yet I still belong to You; You are holding my right hand. (Ps. 73:21-23 NLT)

Our past acts as a filter, distorting what is real

and what is now. Whatever we choose to layer

on this filter will determine how we act, how we

react, how we see others, and how others see

us. It can be our past with its bitterness and hurts,

or it can be the promises of God. The worst

that can happen is to allow ourselves to dwell in

the past for in doing so, we allow the enemy a

foothold in our present and into our future.

As you begin the New Year, give your past to God and receive God’s promises. Just as we can choose to give our past to God, we can choose to live by God’s promises. God’s promises are eternal and cannot be altered by mistakes that we have made. Jeremiah 29:11 is a wonderful passage of Scripture for the New Year. It talks about God’s plans are God is out to help us and not hurt us. So many people believe that their mistakes and sins alter God’s plans for us. It is not true. God has nothing but the best planned for us. This is God’s eternal promise and there is nothing we can do, mistakes we can make, or hurtful events in our lives that can turn us away from that plan.

God gives anyone who asks for grace, mercy, and forgiveness a second, a third, and a fourth chance. The enemy wants to play the videotape of our past time and time again to remind us of where we have been. The enemy knows that if he can get us to review that videotape again, it can cause us to fall short of the plans God has for us.

Give God your past and choose to live by God’s promises. For I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord, good plans and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.(Jer. 29:11) Let God’s promises be our guide through this New Year.

Happy New Year!

It’s Great To Be Your Pastor!

Ed Bailey, Pastor

Glenda Black; Christina Blinn; Debi Brocklebank; Katherine Collingwood; Deb Cravener; Ray S. Dzikowski; Maggie Gall; Dutch Hage; Clark Hall (friend of Donna Muders); Brent Harmon; Jason Hazelwood; Carl & Judy Jensen (friends of Nancy & Fred Dominick); Ken Jones; Betty Kolenda (Rose Ann Holcomb’s mother); Amber Mazur; Peg McFarland (Shirley Bruce’s sister); Cheri Palochak (friend of Marilyn Dobich); Phyllis Parkhurst; Helen Quinet; Homer Quinet; Charlotte Reese; Tony Short (son of Don & Kim Short); Joshua Shoup (cousin of Amanda & Ashley Hartge); Betty Smith; Leila Strobel; Cynthia Sullivan; Marge Tillery; Matthew Wadd; David Waxler.

Please note: unless the church office is otherwise notified, names will remain on the prayer list for three Sundays only. If you would like to add a name to the prayer list, please contact the church office

Volunteers in Mission

Once again, members from Baden UMC will be traveling to Mississippi to continue reconstruction from the devastation caused by hurricane Katrina. At press time the following folks are going during January 21-28 Bill Alberts, Ed Bailey, Sally Bramble, Donna Brynczak, Alan Freed, Alan Hazelwood, and Bud Meade. The following are going January 28-February 4 Bud Meade and John Parkhurst. Please keep these mission workers in you prayers.

1 Chelsea Sear

2 Ray Smith

Harry Decker

Rose Ann Holcomb

Kevin Fleming

Connor McCune

Gillian Mazur

3 Irene Chester

Bud Meade

Craig Glasser

Paige Miller

4 Nancy Dominick

5 Anthony Teny

Jacob Forrest

7 Kuniko Decker

Cody Dixon

9 Dan Gibson

Burke Sheets

10 Brenda Campana

Alex Vagias

11 Tom Patterson

Walt King

Marcie Holcomb

12 Anna Margaret


Erin Logan

Katie Gross

13 Barry Hahn

Gary McKee

Nicole DiCicco

Nicole Herrmann

14 Andy Dobich

16 Rick Hamilton

Karen Oliver

Carly Davison

17 Betty Szymoniak

18 Bob DiCicco

Marcia Hespenheide

Randy Tetrick, Jr.

19 Vance Tucker

Cindy Tetrick

20 Carolyn Butler

21 Diane Peoples

Carol Walker

23 Fred Dominick

Abby Meade-


Jan Pasuit

Jill Sanders

24 Matthew VanDeCar

25 Dan Snyder

27 Wendi Strecker

28 Debbie Fleming

Kristyn Stowers

29 Debbie McKee

31 Darlene Jewett

Ellie Lambert

Megan Futato

Please help us keep our birthday list current. If you or someone you know has a January birthday and is not included on, or would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office. Thank you.

Christine Smith 12/16

Betty Vagias 12/25


7.....…………………….Joanne McCartney

14....…………………….....….Linda Fleming

21………………...... …………Dick Johns

28……….…...... ………………..Janet Johns


7...... Nicholas Charlovich, Candle

...... Paige Miller, Bible

14...... Jacob Charlovich, Candle

...... Megan Ochs, Bible

21...... Brooke DiCicco, Candle

...... Jesse DiCicco, Bible

28...... Garrett Foley, Candle

...... Mason Foley, Bible


7...... Michele Sheets & family

14...... Teresa Fausti

Amanda Hartge

21...... Lori Hartge

Ashley Hartge

28...... Tracy Charlovich

Randi Montagna

Jan 10 Robert & Donna Muders

Jan 12 Harry & Anna Margaret Decker

Jan 25 Jerry & Barbara Dunstan

Please help us keep our Anniversary list current. If you have a January anniversary that is not included on our list, or if you would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office. Thank you.


7...... David & Betsy Woodling

14...... Fran Zimmerman

21...... Tammy Jones & family

Linda Babich

28...... Teresa Fausti


7 8:15...... Dave Woodling

10:30...... Bud Meade, Walt King

John Parkhurst, Bill Ickley

14 8:15...... Gerald Dunstan

10:30...... Bobby Charlovich, Alan Freed

Brandon Short, Bill VanDeCar

21 8:15...... Paula Hazelwood

10:30...... John & Tracy Krepps

Fred & Viki Zajac

28 8:15...... Dan Wilson

10:30...... Jen Zuratovic, Joyce Hudson

Teresa Fausti, Phyllis Parkhurst

Jan 7 11:30am Church Council

meeting for new


Jan 8 7:00pm Trustees meeting

Jan 9 12:30pm UMW meeting

Jan 14 11:30am GEMS meeting

Jan 14 11:30am Sunday School

Teachers meeting

Jan 18 6:00pm We Care meeting

Jan 29 7:00pm Finance Committee


Jan 29 7:30pm Church Council


I would like to thank the congregation for the cash Christmas gift. It was much appreciated.

~ Pastor Bailey

Roast Beef Dinner:

Mark your calendars! There will be a Roast Beef Dinner in the Fellowship Hall on January 20 at 4:00pm. Come have dinner with us and stay for the Contemporary Worship service at 6:30pm

Mark you calendars. If you are interested in spending 10 minutes that can save your life, Life Line Screening will be here at Baden UMC on January 26, 2007. For a fee, ultrasound vascular tests and osteoporosis screenings will be performed. Please check the Sunday bulletins for more information on this beneficial health service.

I would like to thank the congregation for all of their concern, calls and cards. I would also like to thank Pastor Bailey for his visits and for giving me communion. Please continue to pray for me in January and February, as I need to have more chemotherapy. Thanks to all.

~ Leila Strobel

The following is a note of thanks forwarded to the church office:

Please express my heartfelt thanks to all of your church family who purchased hoagies, pepperoni rolls and sticky bread or made cash donations towards our recent fundraiser.

Also, please express my thanks to your pastor and the committee who permitted you to conduct the fundraiser on my behalf.

I am truly blessed to have so many caring family and friends in my life. But, the outpouring of support and prayers by so many people who I do not even know has been very overwhelming.

My transplant went every well. We are praying that it was successful and I can return home and eventually back to some normalcy.

Thanks to all for the continued support, thoughts and prayers.

~ Debi Brocklebank

She is now home and on the road to recovery.

The installation of new church officers and recognition of those retiring will be held on January 14 during the 10:30am worship service.

Just a reminder: If you have not picked up your 2007 offering envelopes, please do so as soon as possible.

From Miss Linda

Sanctuary Choir:

As always, our choir did a fabulous performance of the Christmas Cantata “Sing and Shout for Joy” on Sunday, December 24 during the 10:30am worship service. I would personally like to thank all of our Sanctuary Choir members who gave of their time and talents to present this beautiful Christmas story to our congregation and friends. A special thank you to Donna Brynczak for being our narrator, Ray Smith our sound director, Matthew McClure for assisting Miss Linda at the piano, and to all of our friends and family members who came to hear all of us!

Choir rehearsals will resume on Wednesday, January 3 at 7:30pm in the choir room. If you would like to join the Sanctuary Choir, please contact Miss Linda or any member of our choir for further information. We would love to have you!

Praise Ringers:

The bells of Christmas definitely rang out in our Sanctuary on Christmas Eve as our “Praise Ringers” brought in Christmas Day with their wonderful music at the 10:30pm Christmas Eve service of Lessons & Carols. Many thanks to all of our bell ringers for their gift of “love” to the Christ child as they played beautifully throughout our worship service. We would also like to thank all of those who helped with the setup of the bells in the choir loft before the service. The Praise Ringers will resume their rehearsals on Wednesday January 3 in the parlor. Setup of the bells begins at 5:30pm. Our rehearsal begins promptly at 6:00pm.