JUNIOR SCHOOL / Juniper Road
(023) 8022 7692

26th February 2018

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 4 visit to Stonehenge – Monday 11th June 2018

As part of our Stone Age topic, we are planning a visit to Stonehenge in Salisbury on Monday 11th June for a day organised by English Heritage. The visit will incorporate many themes of core importance in the new National Curriculum, particularly for History. As part of the trip, we will be visiting the new Neolithic houses where pupils will be able to walk inside to see how people may have lived 4,500 years ago.

We will be leaving school at 9.00 am. In order to get the full benefits of the day we will be leaving Stonehenge at 2.30pm and anticipate arriving at school at about 3.15pm depending on the traffic.

Children will need to wear school uniform and suitable footwear ready for a day out in the countryside. If the weather is warm, please ensure pupils have sun cream, sun hats plus plenty of drinking water. If it is wet, please ensure they bring a waterproof coat.

The children should also bring a packed lunch and a drink in a suitable bag, i.e. a rucksack.

If your child is entitled to a free school meal, they will be provided with a packed lunch but we would ask that you indicate this on the reply slip. If your child has any special medical or other needs, please ensure their class teacher is aware of these.

Please note that children will not be visiting the gift shop so spending money is not necessary.

We are asking for a contribution of £12.50 per child to cover the costs of the trip.You are welcome to pay by instalments if you wish, however the total should be paid by Monday 4th June 2018.

As you may be aware, if not enough parental contributions are received we may have to cancel the trip at short notice. The trip is available to pay on-line, cheques to be made payable to Beechwood Junior School please.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Year 4 Teachers

Please complete and return to the school office by Monday 4thJune 2018.

Year 4 visit to Stonehenge – Monday 11th June 2018

I have enclosed / paid online (please circle) the contribution of £12.50.

I wish to pay by instalments and have enclosed ______in cash/cheque. I understand that the remaining balance must be paid by Monday 4thJune 2018.

My child is entitled to free school meals and will/will not (please circle) require a packed lunch for this visit.

Child’s name: ______Class: ______

Parent/Carer signature: ______Date: ______

Hamwic Education Trust. Registered Address: Unit E, Mill Yard, Nursling Street, Southampton SO16 0AJ.

A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (Company Number 10749662)