Great Bentley Parish Council
5 March2015
Present / Cllr J. Hills (Chair), Cllr B. Herbert, Cllr K. Plummer, Cllr R. Taylor,and Cllr l. Edwards,Cllr G. Wright, Cllr P. Balbirnie and Cllr L. McWilliams.
Also in attendance weretwelve (12)members of the public.
Public Questions /
- It was reported that a towing truck is regularly being parked on road on way to Ravens Green. Cllr Wright agreed to investigate.
- It was noted that the road sign on Thorrington Road close to Frating Abbey Road remains fallen.
- The potholes on the road outsidethe Pharmacyhave been spray painted presumably ready for repair. One has however been missed. The Clerk was asked to report this.
03.15.146 / Apologies for absence: Cllr C. Warder (work).
03.15.147 / Minutes of the last meeting:
Cllr McWilliams proposed the minutes of the meeting held on 8 January 2014. Cllr Balbirnieseconded the proposal and the minutes were agreed as a true record of proceedings.
03.15.148 / Declarations of Interest:
- Cllr McWilliams declared an interest in item 150e.
- Cllr Plummer declared an interest in item 158.
03.15.149 / Information & Reports: None.
- Drains in Forge Lane:Markings have been painted (possibly by Highways) on the road. The Clerk was asked to write to ECC asking for clarification about what work are planned and when. The Chairman asked if this could be an agenda item next month.
- Station Car Park:Cllrs Hills and Wright agreed to use the stored road planning’s to level out car park. Chase item next month. The Clerk agreed to include on next month’s agenda an item about proposed CIF application.
- Station Road – Double Kerbs: The Clerk confirmed that the task of obtaining quotations for “double-kerb” on Station Road remains outstanding. He agreed to publicise on the Website and in the Village magazine this month.
- Village Welcome Signage: Cllr McWilliams asked if an agenda item could be included next month relating to the proposal to erect welcome signs on access roads in to the village.
03.15.149i / County and District Councillors Reports:
a)County Councillor – Cllr A. Goggin:Advised of his concerns about the varying speed limits on the B1027. He is forming a sub-committee with representatives from the five parish council’s to attempt to improve the situation.
Cllr Goggin has become aware of the long delays raising the rail crossing gates. He would like to conduct a survey to obtain evidence ofthe problems to take to Network Rail and asked if anyone from GBPC would like to get involved. It was suggested that it may be easier to ask to view CCTV footage first then consider survey. The Clerk agreed to ask for a copy of service level agreement.
Cllr Goggin referred to a bollards issue on Brightlingsea Road he is pursuing and invited those with similar issues to contact him.
b)District Councillor - Cllr McWilliams: TDC recently voted on its budget. It is the first time ever that the budget was approved unanimously.
Cllr McWilliams has completed but has yet to submit the ‘Village of the Year’ application. There is still time to advise her of any achievements as these can still be added.
03.15.150 / Other Reports: Reports from Parish Council representatives were considered.
a)PCSO; PCSO Cox’s report was read out.
b)TDALC; No report this month
c)Transport; Mr Harryprovided clarification on rail crossings. He advised that the Harrington Hump is scheduled to be installed in June. There appears to be no problems with the bus timetable at the moment.
d)Footpaths; Mr Gollifer provided his monthly report and notedFootpath No 8 needs to be reinstated when the ground conditions permit.
e)Caretaker; Mr McWilliams report was noted.
f)Village Events for GBPC;A few of dates are set out under item 151 below.
03.15.151 / Correspondence:
a)Request to host the Village Show on 5 September 2015: Agreed.
b)Request by Mrs Varnava to relocate or install an additional dog bin:Cllr Herbert agreed that this is an issue. Cllr Taylor advised that the location of dog bins can be contentious and advised the need to consult residents Cllr Wright proposed and Cllr Taylor seconded. RESOLVED: To complete a survey and obtain an estimate of the cost. The Clerk was asked to attempt to resolve this matter by the next meeting.
c)Request from Circus Tyanna to visit Gt Bentley 12–19 July 2015: Agreed.
d)Notice from GBYFCthat the Club will holding its awards event on the Green on 6 June 2015:Agreed.
e)Complaint from Mr Ryan regarding the amount of soccer being played on the Green and the resultant vehicle parking:Agreed that the Greens Committee should monitor the situation.
f)Letter regarding the proposed High Barns Turbine from Mr D. Gibbon and draft response:The draft response provided was agreed.
g)Request from 1st Gt Bentley Scout Group:It was agreed that the request for financial support had missed the deadline for grant applications and therefore the Parish Council is unable to assist this year. It was agreed to direct the applicant towards the TDC Big Society fund.
03.15.152 / Parish Clerk Report:
The Clerk summarised his previously circulated report (attached as Appendix A) and invited questions
03.15.153 / Finance Report:
A copy of the revised monthly expenditure report (attached as Appendix B) containing two late invoices was considered. The expenditure report was proposed by Cllr Taylor, seconded by Cllr Herbertand approved.
03.15.154 / Village Green Working Party:
Cllr Herbertthe Chairman of the Working Party presented a verbal report.
It was agreed to ask the Clerk to contact Open Spaces Society to obtain advice about how to deal with the Southside Track road repairs and report back next month.
There was a discussion about Parish Council contractors and agreed that it is important to view all contractor’s relevant qualifications. The Clerk was asked to include an agenda item at next month’s meeting to agree preferred contractor list.
03.15.155 / Village Bus Shelters:
Cllr Edwards proposed, Cllr Taylor seconded and it was RESOLVED: To agree to submit an application to the Tendring Highways Panel for a bus shelter on Thorrington Road opposite Sturrick Lane.
03.15.156 / Parish Council Elections 2015:
Due to the National and local elections on 7 May, the Parish Council agreed to reschedule a number of meetings. The dates for the next three months are as set out below.
- Planning Committee meeting, 7.15pm on Thu. 2 April
- Monthly Parish Council meeting, 7.30pm on Thu. 2 April
- Planning Committee meeting, 7.15pm on Thu. 14 May
- Annual Council meeting, 7.30pm on Thu. 14 May
- Monthly Parish Council meeting, 7.45pm on Thu. 14 May
- Annual Parish meeting, 7.00pm on Thu. 4 June
- Planning Committee meeting, 7.30pm on Thu. 4 June
- Monthly Parish Council meeting, 7.45pm on Thu. 4 June
03.15.157 / Naming of the new access road for the housing development at the north of Sturrick Lane:
The Parish Council noted the proposal to name the new access road to the Sturrick Lane housing development ‘Abrey Close’
03.15.158 / Parish Council Grant Applications:
Cllr Plummer presented a summary report of the applications received and the grant aid proposals. Cllr McWilliams proposed schedule of grant aid for 2015/16 en bloc. The motion was seconded by Cllr Balbirnie and agreed unanimously.
RESOLVED: To grant aid the following list of organisations in 2015/16 to the sums shown.
- Gt Bentley Luncheon Club £300
- Bentley in Bloom £300
- St Mary’s Church Yard £350
- Parish Magazine £250
- Gt Bentley Youth Club £300
- Gt Bentley Youth FC £300
- Gt Bentley Pre School £265
- Gt Bentley Carnival £250
- Gt Bentley Village Show £250
- Gt Bentley Village Hall £286
03.15.159 / Future Agenda Items:
Agenda items requested during this meeting include;
- Car Par and Plough Road Congestion.
- Forge Lane Drainage
- Station Car Park – CIF Application.
- Station Road – Double Kerbing.
- Erection of ‘Welcome to Gt B’ signage on village access roads.
- Dog Bin Consultation.
- Southside Track Repair Options
- Preferred Contractors list.
Public Questions / The Chairman invited questions pertaining to the agenda from the members of public in attendance.
- Mr Gibbon complained that his letter to the Parish Council had not been discussed at the meeting The Chairman pointed out that the Parish Council does not necessarily discuss the contents of every letter it receives in Parish Council meetings. He agreed in the circumstances to forward both Mr Gibbons letter and the Parish Council response to the Parish Magazine for publication.
- Mr Drew volunteered to assist with the rail crossing survey.
- Mr Harry noted that the youth football complaint was accurately outlined.
- Mr Harry asked why the housing development item is being discussed in private. The Chairman explained that preliminary consideration is being given in anticipation of pressure for housing development in the Parish and that no decisions will be taken.
03.15.160 / Exclusion of the Public:
The Chairman closed Part A of the meeting at this point thanking the members of public for attending and wishing them good night.
03.15.161 / Grass Cutting Contracts:
Members received a summary evaluation report of the quotations received. The Chairman thanked those involved in the evaluation process.
- Grass Cutting on the Green: It was proposed by Cllr Plummer, seconded by Cllr McWilliams and unanimously RESOLVED: To award a three year contract 2015-18 to Mr M. Dorling based on an hourly rate basis.
- Strimming: It was proposed by Cllr Plummer, seconded by Cllr Balbirnie and unanimously RESOLVED: To award a three year contract 2015-18 to Conkers Cutters.
- Verges: It was proposed by Cllr Plummer, seconded by Cllr Taylor and unanimously RESOLVED: To award a three year contract 2015-18 to Landscape Services on a per cut basis.
03.15.162 / Housing Development in Great Bentley:
Members held an informal discussion about the anticipated pressure for large scale housing development at Station Field, Great Bentley. A draft letter of objection fromthe Parish Council to Planning Services, TDC was considered and agreed.
5 March 2014
- Parish Council Website:
Technical problems that have yet to be resolved have been encountered publishing the Event Calendar. This is in addition to the technical problems with the server of the website, which has resulted in the website being ‘down’ from 27 February to 4 March.
In the past month hits on the website increased by 77% with the percentage of new visitors increasing from 38% to 60%. This is judged to be entirely due to a higher prominence on google search engine.
- Community Clear Up Day:
The Government recently announced its first Community Clear-Up Day. This is a ‘national spring clean’ to be held on Saturday 21 March 2015, the first day of spring, with the aim of sprucing up the country’s high streets, residential and business areas, villages and parks. A tool kit and information pack has been produced which includes customisable posters, leaflets and banners. Material can be downloaded FOC:
- VAT Return:
The Council has received the sum of £4,021.11 as its annual VAT repayment.
- Station Car Park:
The developer of the Bold Venture site has erected a 2m palisade fence along the northern perimeter of the Station Car Park site. This has had the impact of tidying-up the area and provides an opportunity to level off the car cark using the road planning’s being stored on site in order to increase capacity.
- Parish and Town Council Community Resilience Event Tuesday 10th March 2015
All parish councils are invited to send (1 or 2) representatives to this event. Great Bentley PC is one of three parishes who are being particularly encouraged to attend. I am personally unable to make it and invited members go along. Cllr Taylor has indicated that he may be able to attend on the understanding that he cannot stay for the whole seminar as he has another meeting one hour later that evening.
- Tree Donation
I am pleased to report that that replacement tree donated by Mr Nobby Clark has been planted on the Village Green.
Kevin Harkin
Clerk to Great Bentley Parish Council
Items of Expenditure for Approval 5 March 2015Ex VAT / VAT / Total
05/03/15 / SO / Mr K Harkin (mth 11) / A010 / Clerks Salary / 845.87 / 845.87
05/03/15 / DD / E.ON (Feb '15) / L010 / Energy / 267.45 / 53.49 / 320.94
05/03/15 / DD / Talktalk (inv date 27-02-15 ) / A065 / CRC Rent, Equip, Maint & General Costs / 48.87 / 9.77 / 58.64
05/03/15 / DD / Verilocation Ltd (inv date 01-03-15, 10of36) / G010 / Grass Cutting/Green(inc.Gas oil for Tractor) / 15.00 / 3.00 / 18.00
05/03/15 / 101530 / GBVH (hall hire) Mar '15 / A060 / Village Hall Hire / 22.00 / 22.00
05/03/15 / 101530 / GBVH (CRC hire) 1-31 Mar '15 / A065 / CRC Rent, Equip, Maint & General Costs / 190.00 / 190.00
05/03/15 / 101531 / Mr R McWilliams / A013 / Village Caretaker / 69.24 / 69.24
05/03/15 / 101532 / Cartledge / L020 / Call Outs & Repairs / 369.98 / 74.00 / 443.98
05/03/15 / 101532 / Cartledge / L020 / Call Outs & Repairs / 164.37 / 32.87 / 197.24
05/03/15 / Affinity (Standpipe Aug 14 - Feb 15) / G030 / Environmental /Trees/Pond/Standpipe / -78.86 / -78.86
05/03/15 / 101533 / G+K Tree Services / G030 / Environmental /Trees/Pond/Standpipe / 390.00 / 390.00
05/03/15 / 101534 / Mr K Harkin / A065 / CRC Rent, Equip, Maint & General Costs / 66.66 / 13.33 / 79.99
TOTALS / 2370.58 / 186.46 / 2557.04
Great Bentley Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 March 2015
Present: Cllr J. Hills (Chair), Cllr B. Herbert, Cllr L. Edwards, R. Taylor, Cllr L. McWilliams, Cllr G. Wright, Cllr K. Plummer and Cllr P. Balbirnie.
Also in attendance were ten (10) members of public.
Public Questions: None.
03.15.61Apologies for absence: Cllr C. Warder.
03.15.62Declarations of Interest: None offered.
03.15.63Minutes of Last Meeting: The minutes of meeting held on 8 January 2015 were proposed by Cllr McWilliams, seconded by Cllr Balbirnie and agreed as a true record of proceedings.
03.15.64Planning Applications: To consider planning applications, the summary details of which are set out in the table below.
Planning Reference No. & Email Link / Application Details / Address/ Location / Comments15/00242/FUL
Mr R Paveley / Single storey rear extension. / 4 Wren Close Great Bentley Colchester / Cllr Edwards proposed, Cllr McWilliams seconded and it was unanimously agreed no comment and no objection.
a)Mr D. Gibbon’s letter regarding the High Barns Wind Turbine proposal was noted and it was agreed to consider it during the Parish Council meeting immediately following the Planning Committee meeting.
b)The confirmation letter advising that the name of the access road to the housing development off Sturrick Lane will be named Abrey Close was noted. Cllr McWilliams expressed the thanks of Arthur Abrey’s family for this honour.
03.15.66Planning Matters for Report: None.
Public Questions:
Clarification was provided that the plan for four new dwellings behind ‘Bold Venture’ replaced the previous plan build nine dwellings on the site.