October 15, 2015

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Olney ES students will celebrate Halloween on Friday, October 30, 2015 with a parade in costume followed by classroom parties. To ensure that our students are safe during this event, we ask that only Room Captains and 1 or 2 designated volunteers attend the parties. If you are not a Room Captain or volunteer, you will not be admitted into the classroom. Should you have any questions, please contact an administrator.

If, for any reason, your child is not allowed to participate in the Halloween parade and/or party they will enjoy an alternate “Fall Festival” activity in the Cafeteria. A letter was sent home asking for volunteers for this event in early October.

To provide for a fun time for children, their safety and security, and an orderly dismissal, we have changed some of our procedures. We will follow the schedule below:

2:15 p.m. Room Captains and two to three designated parent volunteers (dependent upon age groups) will sign in at the table in the front lobby, receive their guest pass, and go to the classrooms to prepare for the parade and parties. Non-classroom staff will also be available to help the younger children with their costumes.

2:30 p.m. All Parents/Guardians are invited to gather near the blacktop area (basketball courts) to watch the parade.

3:00 p.m. After the parade, only the students, teachers, Room Captains, and designated volunteers will go back to the classrooms for the parties.

3:30 p.m. All parties will end.

3:35 p.m. All parent volunteers will be finished with their assistance in the classroom and sign-out by the Gym entrance. Students and teachers will begin preparation for dismissal.

Student Sign-Out

We would like to facilitate dismissal of the students of our Room Captains and volunteers. If you wish to take your children home with you at the end of the day please send a note to each of their classroom teachers a day in advance. When you arrive to set up for the parties you will sign out your children with a 3:15 departure time. An announcement will be made at 3:15 to dismiss your students to the Gym to meet you. All other students will be dismissed according to our normal procedures.


If you have been asked to donate refreshments for a party, you should drop them off in the office with the teacher’s name on them. All items should be store bought and prepackaged. In addition, please do not bring in peanut products. Staff will deliver them to the classrooms at a time that is least disruptive to instruction.


Please send students with costumes that are easy to put on. Older students should be able to dress in their costume independently. There will be staff members and designated parents in the younger grades to assist with costumes as needed. If your child’s costume includes a sword, knife, wand, or similar accessory, he/she should leave that accessory at home on Thursday. Students will not be allowed to carry accessories in the parade or classroom.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.


Carla Glawe
