Gunnison City Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 7:00 p.m.

Gunnison City Hall-38 West Center

Gunnison, UT 84634

Present: Mayor Bruce Blackham, City Council Members: Robert Andersen, Thayne Carlisle, Blake Donaldson, Brian Jensen and Melissa Judy, Recorder Janell Braithwaite and Citizen Steve Burr

Presiding: Mayor Bruce Blackham

Invocation: Council Member Thayne Carlisle

Public Comment

Steve Burr questioned the status of Fieldstone Academy. He stated he worked there 2 years ago, and as their enrollment began to drop, the administrators began to seek other ways to generate revenue. At that time, he stated they contacted a business in Parowan that was going out of business, trying to secure those students to come to Fieldstone Academy. He stated just because it is a boarding school, doesn't mean it isn't a program for troubled teens. He would like to start a discussion looking into protecting the community from the businesses that don't represent the values the community would like. He noted he had spoken to representatives of law enforcement who reported to him they spend a significant amount of their time responding to incidents from those troubled teens. Steve wanted to find out what is being done proactively to be sure the programs that come operate from a financial perspective where they can provide adequate supervision for the kid. Council Member Jensen responded stating the city's current ordinance is as tight as state law will allow, and is probably as tight as anybody in the state. He reported these businesses cannot be zoned out by law. The rules are established and put into place, and once they meet those there is nothing the city can do. The city has to allow them to come and function as a business. Steve would like to be sure the city is in a position where the citizens best interests are protected so neighborhoods are still safe and businesses are not getting broken into.

7:10 p.m. Chief Trent Halliday arrived

Council Member Jensen thanked Steve for his concern, and noted the city had worked hard to get this ordinance as tight as possible. Steve stated he was concerned whether the Academy was still meeting all of their obligations to maintain their ability to operate the school to the city's standards. Recorder Braithwaite reported the school operates under a conditional use permit issued by the city with the restrictions being very tight, and if they fail to follow the conditions implemented by the permit this would allow the city the ability to begin a due process that would need to occur prior to anything happening with the license or the permit. She also reported the water has been turned off for about 3 weeks and the power has been turned off even longer. Discussion ensued regarding Fieldstone Academy and the future of the facility.

7:20 p.m. Dick Gillham and JoAnn Otten arrived

Dick Gillham stated he would like to see if the roads could be repaired west of 100 West on Center Street. Council Member Carlisle answered by stating there wasn't as much money spent last year on roads nor will there be currently until the water project gets going since the roads will be torn up. At that time, the roads will be assessed and worked on accordingly. Dick then questioned the location of the taco stand at the city park on Main Street. Recorder Braithwaite noted this was allowed when the Council was looking at economic development for Legacy Plaza, and noted the Council will be determining the amount of power used by the truck and billing them for the power and garbage while working on containment of their water. Dick informed Council Member Judy he would like to be on the Economic Development Committee. Recorder Braithwaite reported the taco truck does have a current business license, and it is for the city to determine whether to allow the truck to continue at this location with a conditional use permit.



Proposed Approval of Resolution 2014-4, Declaring April as Child Abuse Prevention Month~ JoAnn Otten

JoAnn Otten stated her intentions were to request the Councils adoption of a resolution declaring April as child abuse prevention month. JoAnn proceeded to explain the tragedy that their family had encountered with her grandbaby, Miley. She explained Miley had suffered child abuse, and will suffer several life long health problems because of this. JoAnn stated they are speaking out as a family and would like all of Sanpete County to know this is not acceptable, no matter what kind of abuse it may be. She reported Utah is the second highest state with shaken baby syndrome in the country. She stated Sanpete County has a center in Ephraim that has serviced approximately 100 abused children in one year. She is not asking for any donations, but would appreciate help from the communities in bringing forth an awareness for this problem and acknowledging this resolution.. She also reported KSL has run their story on TV. Miley just turned one in March. JoAnn handed each Council Member a blue pin to wear during the month of April to signify this declaration.

Council Member Donaldson made the motion to approve Resolution 2014-4, declaring April as child prevention month. Council Member Anderson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote . Those voting aye were Council Members Andersen, Carlisle, Donaldson and Jensen. Council Member Judy had stepped out of the room at the time of the vote.

Proposed Approval of Donation to Sanpete County Search and Rescue Radio Days

Recorder Braithwaite presented the donation request from the Sanpete Search and Rescue for Radio Days. She stated the city had never donated to this event. The Council discussed the donation budget and determined to make a donation at this time.

Council Member Andersen made the motion to approve a donation of $100 to the Sanpete County Search and Rescue Radio Days. Council Member Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 5-0 vote. Those voting aye were Council Members Andersen, Carlisle, Donaldson, Jensen and Judy.

Discuss and Proposed Approval Gunnison Valley Recreation Bylaws ~ Council Member Andersen

Council Member Judy pointed out some of the areas in the bylaws that contradict themselves. Council Member Andersen recommended the Council get together with the other entities to review the document. Council Member Judy listed her areas of concerns as such: how a resignation takes place-the dates and how to, and also the statement noting the records should be kept by the secretary that should be housed at the office of the director. Council Member Carlisle stated they had just found something online for bylaws and used it. Council Member Judy noted Mayor Sorensen told them at a previous council meeting this document had gone through the attorneys office, Peter Stirba. Council Member Judy added to her list of concerns: Article 6 contradicts Article 4(B). She also reviewed Article 5(4)b listing the receipt of all monies. Council Member Andersen explained his understanding of this item. He also specified the Interlocal Agreement had been run by the attorneys in order to meet all of the state requirements, but questioned the review of the bylaws. He stated he was not involved at that time. Council Member Judy then reviewed Article VI(C) and voiced her concerns regarding this article. Council Member Andersen stated he was sure amendments could be made following further reviews of the document. The Council also discussed the required background checks and certifications for officials in the document, records and evaluations, records and evaluations. Council Member Andersen stated he would organize a meeting to include all of the involved entities for a review of the document. He will also get a copy of Salina's Recreation Bylaws for comparison. Mayor Blackham gave his recommendations.

Council Member Judy wanted to be sure the new water project had planned for growth at the prison and questioned the size of growth planned. Council Member Donaldson reported the water project included growth of up to 1,000 more inmates.


Review Social Media Policy, Review Training Offered at Utah State Archives

Council Member Carlisle had recommended the document be amended on (i) to include: "content that promotes any religious or political affiliation". This will be on the agenda for proposed passage at the next council meeting.

Discuss 4th of July Celebration ~ Council Member Carlisle

Council Member Carlisle reported the committee had held a meeting Monday night. He stated they had locked in the band, The Fat Old Professors. This would cost $1,700 which included the sound system and the band. They had also decided to change the meal from the wards being in charge to having vendors. He had received a list of vendors from Manti City and had also spoken with the high school to see if any of the clubs were interested in doing this for a fund raising project. Chief Halliday stated he knew of some clubs that were very interested. Council Member Anderson suggested the stake help promote the dinner with these changes to ensure a good turnout considering the changes. Council Member Carlisle noted this first meeting was mainly an idea gathering session, and felt good about the decisions made. He also noted everything would be held at the park. Council Member Judy wanted to be sure there were activities geared towards the teenagers. Council Member Andersen gave his suggestions to get the teenagers involved. Chief Halliday reported the committee wanted to try to keep things from within as much as possible. Council Member Carlisle reported there would be enough good food with a good variety and they would encourage vendors to keep the prices as low as possible. Chief Halliday reported the auction brought in about $17,000 last year proving there was still a great interest from the community in donating. Discussion ensued on how to determine what organization to award the auction to including the ideas of what would benefit the whole valley. Council Member Andersen noted the valley has been very good in supporting the auction over the years. Council Member Carlisle stated the committee would be making a decision on this at their next meeting. Chief Halliday commented the Police Dept. would take care of obtaining the parade permit. Council Member Carlisle reported the Lions would be over the lunch on the 4th, the American Legion over the breakfast, the JayCees would take care of the carnival, there are people assigned to work on the DSA award, and the entertainment and fireworks are lined up. He reported he just needed a chairman for the parade. He also stated the city would be charging for booth space for the vendors.

Future Items to be Listed on Agenda

Water: Council Member Donaldson reported he had spoken with Lou Brown from the Office of Trustlands Administration. He reported the city has a lease with the Trustlands for the property where the city's water tank is located. This is for 1.113 acres with an annual cost of $640. With the addition of the city's second water tank as well as the added treatment plant, the acreage will be increased to 2.919 acres with a proposed increased cost totalling $1280 annually. Lou Brown recommended the city make an offer of what cost is deemed to be fair, and he will see if he can get that amount accepted. Council Member Donaldson recommended the city make an offer to pay $1,000 annually for this lease. The Council agreed.

Spring Run-off: Council Member Judy reported the Gunnison Middle School will be holding a Spring 5k Run on April 5th, and the city will be giving its support for this event this year, and then get a committee together to organize the annual Spring Run-off for next year. Council Member Carlisle reported he had been to a presentation called 211which is a public service that is run through United Way and are beginning to volunteer it. So if there is an event that even mentions races or marathons, they would give direction to those people who would volunteer and love to do those races, and would come down and help. He reported the Salt Lake Marathon calls them every year.

Streets: Recorder Braithwaite reported Supervisor Childs had questioned when the Council would like to have the streets sprayed for weeds. Following a brief discussion on the best timing, the Council determined to have them sprayed anytime within the next couple of weeks. Council Member Jensen pointed out the water project could have an impact on the number of times needing to spray this year with the streets being torn up.


8:30 p.m. Sheriff Brian Nielson arrived

BMX Track: Council Member Donaldson reported he would really like to see the BMX track work. Brian Nielson reported there were several people who were interested in helping out with the track. Council Member informed the Council of the plans for utilizing the equestrian park for Dairy Days. He reported Supervisor Reber had a gentleman from Mesquite that had put on a lawnmower race in Mesquite who has been helping Supervisor Reber put in an oval track by the equestrian arena to hold a lawnmower race during Dairy Days. They have also scheduled a milk can dinner and a youth rodeo in the rodeo grounds. The fireworks will also be at the rodeo grounds. Council Member Donaldson stated he would like to see this BMX track started up there, and noted Supervisor Reber had checked with Lyle Young regarding the fencing that would need to be installed. Ideally, a 4-foot fence would be put up around it with Lyle's posts and a rail around the top. This would cost about $3.00 per foot for this requiring about 1,000' of fence to go around a BMX track. It would be 300' long and 180' in width. Council Member Andersen suggested the city get some volunteers to help weld the fence during the installation to help save money. Council Member Donaldson also reported he had checked with Scott Hermansen to get a price on a net fence. The rolls of wire were $160 per roll, and this would take 3 rolls of wire as well as about 100 posts. This would all cost less than about $1,500. So for double the price, the city could get all that is needed. Council Member Donaldson stated all the dirt that would be needed would already be there and the city has the needed equipment. He questioned what additional costs would be incurred to run this track. Brian noted the dirt up there would work just fine when it was rolled as there was enough clay in the soil already. He also reported Richfield would loan their starting gate to Gunnison for the first year, however the city would need a pneumatic ram to operate the gate at a cost of $1,000, a cadence box at $1,000 and lights which are $300 a piece, and there are two lights. Brian felt there would be one race event held per week, one race event every other Saturday and one practice per week. Brian reported he had called around and stated there were businesses between Ephraim and Richfield who would like to donate and help out with this as far as money goes. He then explained the revenue the city could receive from these events. He reported when a race is scheduled and sanctioned through USA BMX, the USA BMX takes $1 per rider up to $60 which covers the insurance through USA BMX and the sanctioning fee. Anything after that $60 goes back to the track which in this case would come back to the city. The kids pay $10 each to race. There is also a little additional cost for trophies and such after the $60 that goes to USA BMX. He explained on a practice night, they are only required to pay USA BMX $20 with the kids paying $3 each to practice. The first family member pays a $60 membership fee to USA BMX with each fee being $5 less in $5 increments for each additional family member that pays a membership per year. He then reviewed the number of current members throughout the area. Brian explained the track could be self sustaining financially. Discussion ensued regarding the future of the equestrian park and the agreement with the Riding Club. Brian would really like to put numbers behind the sponsorships to help get a better idea of where everything stands. He will pursue this and get back with the Council. Mayor Blackham questioned if this area could be a multi-use area if the BMX fell through. The Council determined it could. Brian did note BMX racing is the fastest growing sport in North America, and invited the Council to the Black Hawk Arena to watch the races the last week of March. The Council continued to discuss funding possibilities for the track. The Council would like the approval for funding listed on the next agenda. The Council gave Brian approval to solicit help to move this forward. Council Member Andersen suggested the name of Hell's Kitchen as a name for the track.