Matthews -- 12 Accel Fall Final Review 2010
Part 1: Literature
Be able to answer all of the following questions.
The Anglo-Saxon Period
1. Define kenning and be able to identify an example.
2. Define alliteration and be able to identify an example.
3. Define caesura and be able to identify an example.
4. You will be given an excerpt from the poem to read and then answer questions based on that excerpt.
The Medieval Period
5. Who is the source of the stories and traditions that became ballads?
6. What are the characteristics of ballads?
7. How were ballads preserved?
8. What type of meter did most ballads have?
9. What is the plot for “Get Up and Bar the Door”?
10. In the Canterbury Tales where did the travelers first meet and how many were there?
11. Where were the pilgrims going and why?
12. Who was the highest ranking pilgrim?
13. Describe the Nun Prioress, Madame Eglantyne.
14. Describe the Friar, Hubert.
15. Describe the Merchant.
16. Describe the Wife of Bath.
17. Describe the Pardoner.
18. What is the contest proposed by the Host?
19. What is Chaucer’s main object in the Prologue?
20. What is the purpose of the pilgrim supposed to be?
21. How does Chaucer’s characterize members of the clergy?
22. Which character is most admired by Chaucer?
23. Why could the Wife of Bath be considered the most experienced pilgrim of the group?
24. What does the Pardoner say he cares the most about?
25. What is the theme of all the Pardoner’s sermons?
26. What alarms the three young revelers at the beginning of The Pardoner’s Tale?
27. How does the old man the revelers meet feel about death?
28. What information do they learn from the old man?
29. How do the revelers plot against each other?
30. How does the story end for the three revelers?
31. To whom does the Pardoner offer to sell pardons to as most in need of absolution?
32. A quarrel breaks out over the Pardoner’s insulting remarks; who puts an end to it?
33. What is the subject of The Pardoner’s Tale?
A Christmas Carol
34. Describe Scrooge’s lifestyle.
35. Why does Scrooge refuse to have Christmas dinner with Fred?
36. How does Scrooge respond to the two gentlemen asking for charitable donations?
37. Why does Marley’s ghost visit Scrooge?
38. Describe the Ghost of Christmas Past.
39. What were Christmases like for Scrooge when he was a little boy?
40. Who is Fan? Does she have any children?
41. What was Mr. Fezziwig like as a boss?
42. Who is Belle?
43. What power does the Ghost of Christmas Present have? Hint: torch.
44. What does Scrooge see when the Ghost of Christmas Present takes him to the Cratchit’s house?
45. How does Scrooge react to the party he sees at Fred’s house?
46. Which spirit is Scrooge most afraid of?
47. Who is the unmourned dead man that the last spirit shows Scrooge?
48. What is Scrooge’s reaction to life after the last of the spirits?
49. Describe Scrooge.
50. What are Scrooge’s reasons for hating Christmas?
51. What does Marley’s ghost urge Scrooge to do?
52. Describe the Ghost of Christmas Past.
53. Who is Mr. Fezziwig?
54. Why does Scrooge have trouble viewing his past?
55. How does Scrooge’s attitude change with each ghost?
Part II: Writing
Directions: Choose one of the following options to answer in a thorough and complete paragraph.
Option 1:
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” To what extent does one of the works we have studied this semester present concepts of good and bad as a matter of perception.
Option 2:
If one of the roles of literature is to provide insight into human nature, by what techniques and to what degree did one of the works we studied this semester offer you such insight?
Matthews 2010 Page 2