Wednesday, March 15, 2017
President Stephen Frank called the meeting of the New Berlin Village Board to order at 7:00 p.m. onMarch 15, 2017 at the Village Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was said and roll call was taken.
Attendees: Mayor Steve Frank, Trustee Joel Sander, Trustee Sharon LaFauce, Trustee Diane Payne, Trustee Stephanie Synder, Trustee Curt Stephens, Clerk Debbie Lakamp, Treasurer Shanda Byer, Attorney John Myers, Supts. Garrett Kemp and Cody Morris, and Chief Terry Nydegger
Audience: Chelsea Sartore, Kris Neuman, Michael Bergschneider (Solar Panels)
MOTION: To approve Consent Agenda.
Moved by: Trustee Stephens
Seconded by: Trustee Payne
Motion carried on a roll call vote.
Trustee Sander: YesTrustee Snyder: Yes
Trustee LaFauce: YesTrustee Payne: Yes
Trustee Krall: AbsentTrustee Stephens: Yes
Clerk: No Report
Police: A written report was submitted reflecting receipt of $13 from Sangamon Co. Circuit Clerk, $20 from Police Vehicle Fund, and a $2 E-citation. There were seven written citations, seven speeding tickets and six warning tickets. Chief Nydegger introduced Officer Jim Gerberding to the Board.
Audience:MichaelBergschneider, API Solar, talked to the Board about starting a pilot program in New Berlin that would offer residents and businesses a discount for purchasing solar panels.
TIF: Nothing
Utilities:A written report was submitted and supplemented with a verbal report on activities by village employees. There was a discussion on raising water rates. Two of three permits for sewer line to new restaurant are completed.
MOTION: To proceed with advertising for bid of sewer extension from West Birch Street to Waverly Rd.
Moved by: Trustee Payne
Seconded by: Trustee LaFauce
Motion carried on a roll call vote.
Trustee Sander: YesTrustee Snyder: Yes
Trustee LaFauce: YesTrustee Payne: Yes
Trustee Krall: AbsentTrustee Stephens: Yes
Zoning:No Report
STREETS & PARKS:A school zone sign needs to be replaced. A discussion with the Veteran’s Memorial leadership will be initiated by the Mayor. A discussion of parking behind Capone’s was held.
FINANCE:Items for the next budget need to be requested by April 15.
HEALTH & SAFETY:Ordinance letters have been sent.
PERSONNEL:Employee handbook will be updated and employees asked to read and sign off on their understanding of policies.
NEW BUSINESS:Board Members need to complete Economic Statements online.
MOTION: To approve bid from Mahan Painting to paint and labor main Village Hall building and the East Building at a cost of $4,590.
Moved by: Trustee Stephens
Seconded by: Trustee Payne
Motion carried on a roll call vote.
Trustee Sander: YesTrustee Snyder: Yes
Trustee LaFauce: YesTrustee Payne: Yes
Trustee Krall: AbsentTrustee Stephens: Yes
A discussion was held about revitalizing the village website. Mediacom says cable will be available in Windrow Subdivision in 30 days.
OLD BUSINESS:Diane Payne, Joel Sander and Stephanie Snyder volunteered to help with Veteran’s Memorial.
LIQUOR CONTROL:About time to send out liquor licenses.
MOTION: To adjourn at 9:12 p.m.
Moved by:Trustee Stephens
Seconded by:Trustee LaFauce
Motion carries.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah LaKamp
Village Clerk