BUS 308.01 and 308.02 Organizational Behavior
Fall 2002
Course Syllabus

BUS 307 Finance Spring 2001Page 1 of 1

Instructor: / Patricia Matisz Smith,
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Phone: / (252) 985-5172
E-Mail /
Office: / Room 239, Braswell
Web page /
Office hours: / MW 10:00 – 12:00
TTH 1:00 – 2:00
(See door for other times. Any other time by appointment.)
Class Meets: / TTH 11:20 - 12:50 p.m.
TTH 2:40 – 4:10
Braswell Room 240
Credit: / 3 semester hours


Organizational Behavior: Emerging Realities for the Workplace Revolution (2003); McShane, S. & Von Glinow, M.; Second Edition; McGraw-Hill-Irwin

College email account


BUS 206 Principles of Management

Junior Standing; Grades of C or better.

Objective of the course: Study of organizational behavior of individuals and the collective behavior of humans in organizations; emphasis on development of managerial skills, interpersonal communication, behavioral dimensions of decision making, motivation, leadership, and organizational development. (Writing intensive)

Attendance is required for this class. Please be ontime, in your seat, with all materials ready at the beginning of class.

Absences: After excessive absences, I will withdraw the student from the course. (Catalog p. 73)

Make-up exams are given only with a writtenmedical excuse.

Grading / Points
Written Case Study, Business Week, or Discussion questions
10 @ 100 / 1000
Team or self-assessment exercises. 10 @ 10 (participation points) / 100
Mid Term / 200
Final / 200
Total / 1500
Grade / %
/ 92
A- / 90-91
B+ / 88-89
B / 82-87
B- / 80-81
C+ / 78-79
C / 72-77
C- / 70-71
D+ / 68-69
D / 60-67
F / 59

Academic Honesty: The College and faculty guarantee the integrity of the academic process. The definition of cheating is "giving or receiving of information illicitly with intent to deceive the instructor in his or her effort to grade fairly any academic work." (41 words)

Writing Intensive: Writing is an essential component of a college education at Wesleyan. All students are required to enroll in and complete within intensive courses before graduation. (See degree requirements for specific requirements. The general characteristics of a writing intensive course are:

Expression of ideas and information is at least as valued as the ideas and information [themselves]

Writing occurs on a regular basis both in and out of class.

Writing is evaluated carefully, in detail, for style and grammar.

At least 3,000 words of written work is expected.

Writing should be shaped by class discussion with the possibility for revision. (107 words)

Written Responses to Case Study, Business Week Case Study or Chapter Discussion Questions: Ten written case discussion questions will be required. Each will contain at least 200 words and will follow guidelines listed above. (Retyping the question will not count in the count!) Grammar and spelling will count!!

A hard copy of written responses to the questions will be due at the beginning of the class.

Revisions will be due by email attachment by 8:00 a.m. each Monday. These must be sent from your personal North Carolina Wesleyan College account.

Responses to questions will be double-spaced, spell checked, 12 font, and name and class in the header justified to the left. (Check your CIS 195 textbook for Word directions, or read the help files in Word.)

Mid term and final exams: Written answers will contain at least 500 words.

Grammar and spelling will count!!

These will be double-spaced, spell checked, 12 font, and name and class in the header justified to the left. (Check your CIS 195 textbook for Word directions, or read the help files in Word.)

Campus Cruiser: Check for assignments of specific case discussion questions.

Web Page: This syllabus is posted on my web page. Assignments will be posted there in the event that Campus Cruiser is not functioning.

BUS 308 Organizational Behavior Fall 2002 Course Syllabus and SchedulePage 1 of 3

tuesday / Thursday
8/27 Introduction
Ch. 1 Intro to field of Org Behavior / 8/29
Ch. 2 Individual Behavior and Learning
Ch. 3 Perception and Personality / 9/5
Ch. 4 Workplace Values / 9/12
Ch. 5 Employee Motivation
Ch. 6 Motivation practices / 9/19
Ch. 7 Stress Management / 9/26
Ch. 8 Team Dynamics / 10/3
Midterm Exam
Ch. 9 Decision Making and Involvement / 10/10
Ch. 10 Creativity
Ch. 11 Communicating / 10/17
Fall Break 
Ch. 12 Power, Politics and Persuasion / 10/24
Founders Day 
Ch. 13 Conflict and Negotiation / 10/31
Institutional Assessment Day. (No classs!!)  / 11/07
Ch. 14 Leadership
Ch. 15 Culture / 11/14
Ch. 16 Change and Development / 11/21
Ch. 17 Structure and Design / 11/28
Thanksgiving Break 
Ch. 18 Relationship and Career Dynamics / 12/5
Reading Day = Read Read Read
12/10 Final Exam
TTH 11:20 Time = 11:00 – 1:00
TTH 2:40 Time = 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

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