The Odyssey: Film Comprehension


Answer the questions below as we watch the film in class. Answer in complete sentences. You may go back and review the movie in youtube if you cannot remember. This assignment is due on Thursday, November 10th. You should take notes on this original, and download a fresh copy from Gradelink or Edlio to type in your answers.


Who is Odysseus’s wife? What is their child’s name?

Why must Odysseus leave his home, Ithaca? Where is he going?

Who and what does Odysseus leave at home?

What does Odysseus make Penelope promise him?

Who is Odysseus’s protector? Describe his relationship with her.

The Trojan War

Describe the Greeks’ siege of Troy.

Who kills Hector, the man in the gold armor?

After Achilles’s death, the Greeks feel very defeated. Odysseus persuades them to stay and comes up with a clever plan to defeat the Trojans. Describe his plan.

After the Greeks sack Troy, how does Odysseus offend Poseidon?

The Cyclops

What rules does Polyphemus break?

How do Odysseus and his men escape Polyphemus?


Why does Aeolus help Odysseus? What help does Aeolus offer?

What prevents Aeolus’s gift from getting Odysseus back to Ithaca in the promised nine days?


What does Circe do to Odysseus’s men?

Who helps Odysseus defeat Circe? How does this person help?

Back at Ithaca

What promise does Penelope make to Telemachus?

What does Odysseus’s mother do? Why?

More on Circe

How long does Odysseus stay with Circe?

What advice does Circe give to Odysseus?

Back at Ithaca

Who comes to Ithaca as Odysseus prepares to go into Hades? What is the purpose of these visitors?

Describe the argument between Telemachus and Penelope.

Journey to the Underworld

When their ship docks near the river of fire, what instructions does Odysseus give his men before going to find Tiresias?

What news does Tiresias give Odysseus?

Who else does Odysseus see while in Hades? How does one person really motivate him to get home?

The Suitors

How does Penelope avoid choosing a new husband?

Scylla and Charybdis

Describe Scylla.

Describe Charybdis.

Who escapes these monsters?

Who distracts Odysseus from his troubles after Scylla and Charybdis?

Telemachus’s Troubles

Describe the problems that Telemachus experiences in Ithaca.

What advice does Penelope give him?

Doe the men of Ithaca help Telemachus?

What do the suitors plan for Telemachus?

Who actually helps Telemachus?


How long is Odysseus stuck with Calypso?

Why does Calypso let Odysseus go?

How does Calypso help Odysseus?

The Suitors, Again

Explain why Penelope’s plan to avoid choosing a husband fails.

More on Calypso

How does Calypso try to entice Odysseus to stay?

Telemachus in Sparta

After traveling to Sparta on Athena’s advice, Telemachus meets Menelaus. What does Menelaus tell him?

Odysseus at Sea

What does Poseidon want? Consider his conversation with Odysseus.

Who helps Odysseus get home?

What change enables Odysseus to return safely to Ithaca?

Back Home at Ithaca

What challenges face Odysseus upon his return to Ithaca?

How does Athena help Odysseus?

How does Odysseus save Telemachus during his fight with Antinous?

What does Odysseus, disguised, promise Penelope?

How will Penelope choose a new husband?

According to Odysseus, what crime do the suitors commit? How are they punished?

In your opinion, does the punishment fit the crime? Explain.

Describe the story’s ending.