20 September 2014, 10:30am
Shaw Trust Offices: Third Floor Savoy House
140 Sauchiehall Street
Glasgow, G2 3DH
In attendance
Angie Black, Glasgow City Council
Bruce Brodie, Scottish Borders Council
Ian Bruce, Capability Scotland
Jocelyn Butterworth, Jersey Employment Trust
David Cameron, Enable Scotland
Pippa Coutts SUSE
Megan Doherty, SCLD
Tanya Gilchrist, Shaw Trust
Angela Hamilton, Fife Council, Vice Chair
Rebecca Hammond, SUSE
Deirdre McKendry, Scottish Borders Council
Mandy Morrison, SUSE
Anne O’Donnell, Scottish Braille Press
Peter Purves, IntoWork
Dawn Redpath, Fife Council
Kate Storrow, RNIBScotland, SUSE Chair
Dougie Taylor, Yoker Community Campus
Sally Witcher, Inclusion Scotland
Apologies received from John Sutherland, Leonard Cheshire.
1. Minutes from 2013 AGM
Minutes from the 2013 AGM had been circulated prior to the AGM and copies were available to the delegates.
2. Matter arising from minutes
There were no matters arising from these minutes.
3. Annual Report from the Chair
SUSE principal activity is a national umbrella organisation for those working in the field of supported employment, whether in the voluntary, public or private sector.
The company's objects are:
-to develop the concept and practice of supported employment in Scotland;
-to promote a professional approach to supported employment leading to an excellence in service delivery throughout Scotland;
- to drive the employability agenda for people with disabilities and long-term health conditions within mainstream service provision in Scotland.
SUSE’s strategic goals are:
· Source funding for SUSE to achieve its vision and mission
· Sustain the position of SUSE as the lead body for supported employment in Scotland
· Raise awareness of the social and economic value of supported employment with key stakeholders
· Increase the membership value for SUSE and its members.
The key achievement for SUSE during the year was securing a four year grant from the Big Lottery fund. This grant was awarded in December 2013 with the project starting in February 2014. The grant of £694,969 over four years is targeted at increasing employers’ understanding of disability and employment and their willingness to employ and promote people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. The work will be taken forward by three staff members: SUSE has recruited a Project Officer, who began with SUSE in July 2014.
During the first half of 2014 SUSE recruited a Scottish Government funded Third Sector Intern via an application to the Scottish Council of Voluntary Services (SCVO) to consult with members to gain feedback on what they think is the value of SUSE. Hannah Walters was employed by SUSE from 17 January 2014 to 23 May 2014. SUSE also employed a part-time administrator, Billy McWilliams until 20 March 2014. The Supported Employment Development Consultant delivered on specific projects and tasks such as the Self-directed Support Project and the preparation of the Big Lottery Grant application.
The SUSE Board continues to be a major asset, with members generously volunteering their time and expertise to the network and the development of supported employment, specifically the SUSE Chair who has managed the above mentioned posts.
2013-14 Achievements
During the period SUSE has focussed on: (a) securing funding from the Big Lottery Investing In Communities (IIC) programme (b) providing services for members, such as information on good practice and what works (c) delivering on projects funded by The Scottish Government.
a) Securing Big Lottery Funding
In 2013, SUSE was awarded a development fund by the Big Lottery Fund - Investing in Ideas Grant -to scope out the need for work with employers. This involved consultation with three stakeholder groups: disabled people, SUSE members and employers. The latter was completed in March 2013 with the publication of Strategic Approaches to Developing Supported Employment Opportunities, Smart Consultancy.
The SUSE membership consultation included a survey of members and on-going discussion with SUSE’s Directors at Board meetings and via email. The consultation with disabled people was managed through linking with 3 disabled people’s organisations. The Big Lottery development project was completed and the proposal was prepared in July – September 2013. The project, More than the Sum of the Parts, was notified of funding at the end of 2013.
b) Providing services for members
Some of this activity overlaps with the completion of the Scottish Government grant that was awarded to SUSE as a part of the Supported Employment Implementation Project.
For example, the provision of services to members includes training and information dissemination. Monthly e-bulletins have been sent to members; the e-bulletin list is over 100 people. E-bulletins alert members to updates on the websites, such as improvements to personalisation pages, and to relevant upcoming events and funding opportunities as well as drawing their attention to good practice documents and research.
During the period, SUSE has run 3 training days for members, which have been included post course evaluations. The sessions were: “supporting people on the autistic spectrum into employment”; “supporting the employability of blind and partially sighted people”; “preparing for bids and tenders”.
The Scottish Government asked SUSE to facilitate the development of the Professional Development Award in Supported Employment Practice in areas beyond Glasgow. The new North East College NESCOL (including what was Banff and Buchan) is planning to offer the PDA from August 2014.
c) The 7th Scottish Business Diversity Awards
At the end of November 2013, SUSE hosted the Scottish Business Diversity Awards in Glasgow. The Employer of the Year category was won by Glasgow Housing Association
The 2014 awards now are being arranged and publicised, with the awards to be given out at the time of the 2014 conference, in November 2014.
d) Supporting Service Development in Poland
SUSE, specifically the Supported Employment Development Consultant and the Chair, have been part of a EU funded project in Poland that is setting up a supported employment service for people who are blind and partially sighted. This has involved hosting study visits to the UK, and going to Poland to take part in development sessions and seminars.
e) Representation at EUSE Meetings
The EUSE representative from the Board is Tanya Gilchrist. Since the July 2013 EUSE conference in Dublin, SUSE has not physically attended any EUSE meetings although has corresponded with EUSE on a number of issues
f) Working with the Scottish Government and promoting supported employment within Employability Partnerships
In the period, SUSE has continued to meet with and work with The Scottish Government Tackling Poverty, Employability and Skills Division.
For example, SUSE provided the Government with an updated mapping of supported employment services in Scotland. SUSE took part in a proposal initially led by Social Firms Scotland, around the development of a Centre of Excellence for Supported Employment and Social Firms in Falkirk, the leadership of which was taken over by The Government.
SUSE is developing a list of 6-12 outcomes for supported employment for the Government as part of the Supported Employment Implementation work that we believe is important to carry on with their support.
g) Self-directed support
The self-directed support project from The Scottish Government ended in April 2014 and a final report to The Government was submitted on time, and accepted by the Government.
The principal sources of funding for the year have been internal SUSE funding, the Self Directed Support Grant from the Government, the Third Sector Intern Scheme from SCVO and the Lottery Investing in Ideas Grant of £9565 for specific activity working towards a full Lottery Grant application. Membership subscriptions and Scottish Business Diversity Awards sponsorship were still important.
There were some changes in the members of the SUSE Board in the period. We note our thanks to our colleagues Gordon McHugh, Paul Tytler, Clare Clanachan and Kyle Hay for all their support.
The Board has established subgroups, for example the Conference Sub-group which is developing the 2013 conference and Scottish Business Diversity Awards, and the Big Lottery Project Board which is responsible for the “More than the Sum of the Parts” project. The Project Board intends for the Key Performance Indicators and the activity plan of the Project Officer to be closely monitored. It plans to have a Finance and Administration Officer by the end of September 2014, to be responsible for the project’s finances and to assist with SUSE’s administration.
4. Proposal and vote on changes to Memorandum and Articles
The SUSE Chair, noted thanks to John Sutherland who carried out this work.
The following points were noted in response to work carried out with members in early 2014 by Hannah Walters Internship report:
Reduction in local network through loss of staff/staff changes in Supported Employment provision.
Recognise work, commitment and enthusiasm for the previous Chair and give those directors who move out of the Supported Employment environment a chance to keep involved.
Renew membership fee with an additional proposal to change the membership categories to:
Associate Member – receipt of e-bulletin, access to information, training etc.
Full Member – voting rights, subsidised conference fee, can be asked to represent organisations and networks as a Director.
Executive Member –previous chair and directors who have left the supported employment sector but are still interested in SUSE.
Fees have not yet been set but changes will be implemented in April 2015 for FY 15-16.
Fes will be discussed at Board level and information available in early 2015.
No fee increase likely.
There were no votes against the proposal so the Memorandum and Articles are now amended.
Callum Macgregor was also confirmed as Executive Vice President.
5. Treasurers Report
Jocelyn Butterworth (JB) informed members that page 16 of the accounts gave a summary of income and expenditure for April 2013- March 2014. She stated that the opening balance at 1 April 2013 was £94, 951 with £31879 in unrestricted funds and majority £63,072 in redistricted funds; this is mainly grants for specific purposes for example Lottery Funds. Over the 12 month period we spent a total of £72,170 of which £22,883 unrestricted funds and £49,287 Restricted funds. JB references Kate Storrow’s Chairreport and given the level of activity during this period, she felt they had achieved many outcomes for SUSE with this level of expenditure. JB informed the members that details of the expenditure could be found on pages 23/24 of the accounts. Income in period was at Total £29,125 of which £4,558 was unrestricted and £24,567 from restricted grant sources; for this period all restricted funds were from the two Lottery Grants which Kat e had explained in her report. Details of income could be found on Page 22 of the audited accounts. JB asked if there were any questions at this time, as there were none, JB invited members to contact her with any queries at a later date when they had fully reviewed the accounts.
6. Appointment of the Auditors
The existing auditor, Armstrong Watson has carried out audits for SUSE for at least 4 years. The current Treasurer suggested that it was good fiscal practice to put this activity out for tender for FY 2014-15 and there were no dissentions to this.
Action: David Cameron to liaise with Mandy Morrison regarding tender specifications.
7. EUSE Report
A warm welcome was extended to SUSE, the board were delighted to see representation and look forward to working more with the Scotland representation.
The last EUSE Council meeting was held on 10th May 2014.
· An application from the Belgium National Association of Supported Employment has been received to become a member. This was agreed by the Council members, the Belgium Association was ratified as a member of EUSE.
· World association of Supported Employment – the president of EUSE, Margaret Haddock, had contacted the World Association of Supported Employment and met with him at the conference in Brazil. Michael Kamp had forwarded a proposal to Margaret regarding the membership and relationship between WASE members. This included a rotating Chair and membership fees. Margaret was concerned the fees were very high but had felt that the proposal has opened up discussion between EUSE and WASE.
· Membership fees – All members to remember to pay their fees via Robert Elston.
· ESES Step Project – Instigated by EUSE to bring together research and supported employment organisations across Europe to review the impact of Supported Employment Toolkit. 11 partners are involved.
· The European Toolkit for Diversity – Launch will occur on 25 September 2014 at 09:30, Vienna, Austria. This is Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project. In summary, progress to date includes:
Needs Analysis Report has been completed and this will be translated into 9 languages.
EUSE Supported Employment Toolkit has been adapted by the partners for the 3 target group areas (i.e. young people not in education, employment or training, offenders and ex-prisoners and people recovering from substance abuse).
Training materials have been developed and will be delivered to at least 2 organisations from the target group areas.
Newsletter and Press Release has been produced.
Website has been designed
All partners will host a final local dissemination event.
· EUSE Strategic Plan: Cluster Groups were formed to discuss:
What’s happening with NGO’s
Concerns x3
Margaret summarised the feedback from the cluster groups:
No consistency of legislation for Supported Employment across members.
Limited funding available for Supported Employment and for National Associations.
Fragmentation of provision – Supported Employment is clearly being recognised across Europe however, there is still an emphasis on Sheltered Workshops.
Quota schemes and wage subsidies still widely used across Europe but they are not monitored or enforced.
Quality of service.
More evidence and more statistics required to support SE model.
Strategy by governments.
· 12th SUSE Conference Update – the 2015 conference will launch he Job Shadow week which fits with the Leonardo Transfer of Innovation Fund.
Date: 27-29 May 2015
Location: Estoril, Lisbon, Portugal