Our Mentoring Network allows you, as a senior member of The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), to share your knowledge and help those new to the profession to develop their marketing skills.

Through joining the scheme, you will be mapped to a mentee with requirements suitable to your skills and expertise and supported in developing a mentoring experience that suits you both.


To ensure our mentees get the most beneficial experience, and to provide the most suitable outlet for your knowledge, we ask that you have all of the following before applying:

-Current membership of CIM.

-Chartered Marketer status held for at least two years.

-At least eight years of working in a marketing position.

As a mentor you will be there to listen, support and guide. It is not your responsibility to make decisions for your mentee nor to tell them what they should do.
Once matched, you and your mentee will agree upon the terms of your mentoring such as frequency and channels of contact.

On acceptance of your application your mentoring agreement will be valid for one year. Full terms and conditions are available at the end of this document. You must read and agree to them before submitting your application.


Complete this application form and e-mail it to . If you have any queries, please do contact the team.


Telephone: 01628 427273

Having accepted you onto the scheme as a mentor, CIM may cancel your participation at any time for non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the scheme, complaints, or negative feedback from mentees.

Mentoring can account for up to 21 hours towards your annual CPD requirements under category 6.




Please complete all sections

Membership number: / type here
Full name:
(including designatory letters and status) / type here


Please provide only those details that you wish to be made available to your mentee for mentoring purposes. This will not affect the details we hold on your membership record.

E-mail address / type here
Website link (if applicable) / type here
Telephone number / type here
Alternative telephone number / type here
Skype log-in / type here
LinkedIn address / type here
Address / type here
Postcode / type here


Please try to keep within 200 words.

Example: Why do you want to mentor? What can you bring to a mentee? What are you looking for in a mentee? Add any information that will help us match you to a suitable mentee.This self-summary helps us match you and it is seen by the mentee.

type here


We advise you have no more than two mentees to make sure that both mentees and mentors get the most out of mentoring.

Are you available to take on 1 mentee 2 mentees


Please refer to our Professional Standardsif you need clarification.

Work competency level: ManagerSenior

Number of years in marketing:type here

Are you currently working in a marketing role? YesNo

Areas of marketing expertise (only tick areas on which you feel comfortable mentoring):

Generalist / International Marketing
Advertising/Design/Media / Marketing Communications
Brand/Corporate/Sponsorship / Market Research
Business Development and Sales / Planning and Strategy
CRM/Direct Mail / Product, Channel and Category Management
Digital / Small Business
Other (please add as many as apply, with each area separated by a comma) type here

Areas of industry specialism(only tick areas on which you feel comfortable mentoring):

General / Not-for-profit
Agriculture and Food / Professional services
Business to Business / Public
Business to Customer / Retail
Consumer Goods / SME
Consumer Services / Technology
Finance and Property / Transport
FMCG / Utilities and Industrial
Other (please add as many as apply, with each industry separated by a comma)type here

Are you interested in giving advice on any of the following:

Career progression Consultancy Marketing studies None

Preferred mentoring arrangements

We advise face-to-face where possible to have the most effective mentoring relationship. Please make sure a mutually agreeable place to meet in public is arranged.

Accepted contact methods:

E-mail / Phone calls
Text / Skype
Face-to-face / Other:
Comments: type here

We advise regular communication to get the most of out the mentoring relationship. Ideally once a month one hour face-to-face (or Skype) mentoring with ad hoc e-mail/ telephone calls).

Preferred regularity of contact:

Weekly / Fortnightly
Monthly / Bi-monthly
6 monthly / Other:
Comments: type here

Preferred areas you’re willing to travel:

Virtual / West Midlands
National / North West
Greater London / North East
South East / Scotland
South West / Ireland
East / Wales
East Midlands
Please specify suitable areas: type here


I agree to abide by CIM’s Charter and Bye-laws (available at and to observe the provisions of CIM’s Code of Professional Standards. I confirm the information supplied is correct.

I understand my membership of CIM must be current, my Chartered Marketer status must be maintained and my attendance at the annual mentor sessions must be continued in order to remain a mentor on the scheme.

I have read and accepted the terms and conditions of being a mentor for CIM’sMentoring Network.

type here

Signature (if e-mailing this document, inserting your name here will act as your signature)

type here


type here




1.1The CIM Mentoring Scheme, referred to in these terms and conditions as the “scheme”, is operated by The Chartered Institute of Marketing, referred to in these terms and conditions as “CIM" or "we".

1.2Joining this scheme is optional, with mandatory requirements.

1.3Upon acceptance, some of your details would be listed online as a mentor participating in our scheme.

Terms of inclusion

2.1 To be a listed mentor you must have achieved Chartered Marketer status and maintained this status for at least 2 consecutive years.

2.2Your membership and Chartered Marketer status must be current and remain so for the duration of your
involvement in the scheme.

2.3 CIM is not responsible for any teaching, advice or recommendations you pass on to a mentee.

2.4You warrant that any details that you provide for inclusion in the scheme will, for so long as you remain a mentor, be honest, legal and accurate. It is your responsibility to inform CIM of any changes to these details.

2.5CIM reserves the right to refuse your application to join the scheme.


3.1 You will abide by CIM’s definition of mentoring as explained to you.

3.2Regularity, frequency of contact and channels of contact will be decided upon directly by you as mentor and your mentee, with CIM facilitating these agreements.

3.3You agree that we may use your personal data for the purpose of administering the scheme.

3.4You will not sell, or recommend anything to the mentee or advise the mentee to do anything that could result in personal financial gain for you, whether direct or indirect.

3.5You agree to avoid conflicts of interest in dealings with your mentee and to inform CIM immediately if any potential conflicts of interest arise.

3.6You will agree not to make decisions on behalf of your mentee or to demand that he or she takes decisions.

3.7You agree that you will respect the confidentiality of all dealings with your mentee.

3.8You agree to provide feedback on the scheme and/or your mentee when requested by CIM.

3.9You accept that CIM may ask your mentee for feedback on the scheme and/or your role as mentor.

3.10You agree to treat your mentee with respect, consideration and due regard to ethical principles.

3.11CIM is entitled to expect that you will behave in a manner that is acceptable to our standards and within social norms.

3.12CIM is not responsible for any teaching or learnings that you pass on to a mentee.

3.13You agree to have no more than two mentees at any one time.

3.14CIM will map you with a mentee who has been identified as suitable for your expertise, specialisms, industry sector(s) and/or physical regions. However, you will have the opportunity to decline the suggested mentee.

Intellectual property

4.1All copyrights, trademarks, patents, design rights, and other intellectual property rights relating to our support materials will be and remain the sole property of CIM and our licensors.

4.2Inclusion in the scheme does not authorise you to use our logo on any materials or imply commercial endorsement by CIM.

Our liability

5.1 We shall not be liable to you in connection with these terms and conditions for losses that are not a reasonably foreseeable consequence of our actions, save that this shall not exclude any liability to you for personal injury or death resulting from our negligence, or for any matter in respect of which it would be illegal for us to attempt to exclude our liability. Your statutory rights are not affected by these terms and conditions.

5.2All and any expenses as a result of liaising with your mentee or with CIM about the scheme will be your own responsibility.

Your liability

6.1 You shall compensate us in full if we incur any losses or if any claims or legal proceedings are brought or threatened against us by any other person arising from mis-use of or non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the scheme.

6.2It is your responsibility to ensure you have the time, the work-life balance and the motivation to be included in this scheme.

Governing law and jurisdiction

7.This Agreement is subject to English law and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Matters beyond reasonable control

8.CIM is not liable for any breach of these Terms and Conditions that is caused by a matter beyond its reasonable control, including acts of God, fire, lightning, explosion, war, flood, industrial disputes, sabotage, extremely severe weather, or acts of local or central Government or other competent authorities.


9.Subject to 10.1 and 10.2, this Agreement shall apply for twelve months from the date on which your application to be a mentor is accepted by CIM.


10.1During the term of this Agreement, either party may terminate this Agreement by providing one month’s written notice to the other party. If you wish to resign from the scheme, please contact us either by e-mail at or by post to: CPD Team, The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Moor Hall, Cookham, SL6 9QH.

10.2We may remove you as a mentor without notice if at any time you are in breach of these Terms and Conditions or of our Code of Professional Standards.

For more information, please call 01628 427273 or e-mail