Correction notice


Risk prediction models in dementia prevention

Alina Solomon and Hilkka Soininen

In the version of this supplementary file originally posted online, frailty variables for the FI-NTRF study were incorrect. The error has been corrected in this file as of 30th June 2015.

Supplementary Table 1. Brief summary of characteristics and predictive performance for available dementia risk scores

Risk score / Population / Mean age (years) / Follow-up (years) / Factors / AUC or
C statistic
Midlife CAIDE Dementia Risk Score
Lancet Neurol 2006;5:735–411 / Finnish / 50 / 20 / Age, sex, education, SBP, BMI, total cholesterol, physical activity / 0.77
Age, sex, education, SBP, BMI, total cholesterol, physical activity, APOEε4 / 0.78
Alzheimers Dement 2014;10:562–5702 / USA / 46 / 36 / Age, sex, education, SBP, BMI, total cholesterol / 0.75
PLoS One 2014;9(1):e861413 / USA / 80 / 3.5 / Age, sex, education, SBP, BMI, total cholesterol, physical activity / 0.49
Swedish / 81 / 6 / Age, sex, education, SBP, BMI, physical activity / 0.54
USA / 72 / 6 / Age, sex, education, SBP, BMI, total cholesterol, physical activity / 0.57
Late-life Dementia Risk Index
Neurology 2009;73:173–1794 / USA / 76 / 6 / Age, cognition (3MS, DSST), BMI, APOEε4, MRI findings (WML, enlarged ventricles), internal carotid artery thickness, coronary bypass surgery, time to put on and button shirt, alcohol / 0.81
Brief Late-life Dementia Risk Index
Alzheimers Dement 2010;6:138–1415 / USA / 76 / 6 / Age, cognition (MMSE recall, 3-step command, figure copying; verbal fluency – animal naming), self-reported ‘trouble keeping mind on things’(CES-D scale item), stroke, peripheral artery disease, coronary artery bypass surgery, BMI, alcohol / 0.77
Australian National University AD Risk Index (ANU-ADRI)
PLoS One 2014;9(1):e861413 / USA / 80 / 3.5 / Age, sex, education, diabetes, TBI, cognitive activities, social network, smoking, alcohol, physical activity / 0.72
Swedish / 81 / 6 / Age, sex, education, diabetes, TBI, social network, smoking, alcohol / 0.65
USA / 72 / 6 / Age, sex, education, diabetes, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, fish intake, depression symptoms / 0.73
Dementia risk score in type 2 diabetes
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2013;1:183–906 / USA / 71 / 10 / Age, education, microvascular disease, diabetic foot, cerebrovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, acute metabolic event, depression / 0.74
Vascular risk factor index
Eur J Neurol 2006;13(5):514-27 / Swedish / 70 / 10 / Dizziness when suddenly standing up, calf pain while walking, chest pain, abnormal heart sound, aortic calcification, pulmonary congestion, EKG findings, diabetes, hypertension, angina, BMI, cholesterol / 0.74
Swedish / 70 / 20 / Sex, calf pain while walking, chest pain, aortic calcification, pulmonary congestion, EKG findings, BMI, cholesterol / 0.67
Brief dementia indicator for primary care
Alzheimers Dement 2014;10:656–6658 / USA / 73 / 6 / Age, education, BMI, diabetes, stroke, needs help handling money/medication, depressive symptoms / 0.68
USA / 72 / 6 / 0.77
USA / 71 / 6 / 0.76
USA / 71 / 6 / 0.78
(Frailty index – nontraditional risk factors)
Neurology 2011;77:227–2349 / Canadian / 65+ / 5 / 19 frailty variables (self-rated health, problems with eyesight, hearing, denturefit, stomach, kidneys, respiratory function, skin, bladder & bowel control, orthopaedic problems, and others) / 0.64
10 / 0.66

Published dementia risk scores were selected according to the following criteria: longitudinal studies with dementia as outcome, risk models including multiple health-related variables, and reporting AUC or C statistic. Studies focusing on risk estimation in patients with MCI, or on cognitive tests, neuroimaging or cerebrospinal fluid measurements without health-related variables, were not included here.Abbreviations: 3MS, Modified MMSE; AUC, area under the curve; APOE, apolipoprotein E gene; CAIDE, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia study; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale; DSST, Digit Symbol Substitution; EKG, electrocardiogram; MMSE,Mini-Mental State Examination; SBP, systolic blood pressure;TBI, traumatic brain injury;WML, white matter lesions.


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