Message from the Rector

Welcome to HUA

Vision by 2020

Mission statement

Development strategy

Organizational structure


Faculty profiles

Faculty of Accounting and Business Management

Faculty of Agronomy

Faculty of Animal Science and Aquaculture

Faculty of Biotechnology

Faculty of Economics and Rural Development

Faculty of Education and Foreign Languages

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Food Science and Technology

Faculty ofInformation Technology

Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment

Faculty of Political and Social Sciences

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Research Institutes and Centers

Institute of Agro-Biology

Institute of Economics and Development

Institute of Engineering Technology Development

Institute of Foreign Languages

Rice Research Institute

Center for Agricultural Research and Ecological Studies

Center for Experiment and Vocational Training

Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Rural Development

Center for Sustainable Agriculture Research and Development

ResearchCenter for Tropical Plant Pathology

Agricultural Science Service and Consultation No.1 Co., Ltd

Supportive offices

Office of Academic Affairs

Office of Political and Student Affairs

Office of Research Affairs and International Cooperation

InformationCenter and Library

Academic programs

Undergraduate programs

Graduate programs



Historical background

International cooperation

Campus map


Message from the Rector

Welcome to HUA

Faculty profiles

Research Institutes and Centers

Supportive offices

Academic programs


Message from the Rector

Welcome to HUA

Vision by 2020

Mission statement

Development strategy

Organizational structure


Message from the Rector

Welcome to HanoiUniversity of Agriculture.

It is my privilege to introduce Hanoi University of Agriculture (HUA), the oldest and leadingagricultural university in Vietnam. Within Vietnam, HUA is top rated for research, teaching and extension in the various agricultural fields. With the aim of better accomplishing its important missions,HUA has a strongly commitment to support agricultural and rural development in Vietnamthroughits traditional educational programs, innovative outreach programs, and research projects. Through these efforts, HUA contributes to the improvement of the agricultural sector of the country.

Based on the University's excellent educational achievements and traditions, the administration and faculty continuously strive to improve the educational content of courses, our teaching methodology, research, and extension activities to meet the needs of the society. The university seeks to offer students the most flexibility in its programs of study. In order to do this, the training curricula have recently been renovated and both quality assurance and credit systems have been adopted. Many collaboration projects between HUA and international partners have been successfully implemented, contributing to the enhancement of the university’s teaching and research as well as to national development. Inpursuit of our goals, we extend a hearty invitation to scientists, researchers, organizations, and other individuals all over the world to co-operate with us in the areas of teaching, training, research, and outreach, etc.

Located in the suburbs of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, HUA is a lively campus with students from many countries present on campus. In the past few years, students who have participated in research and study activities at HUA have come from China, Germany, Laos, Cambodia, Belgium, Japan, Denmark, the Netherlands and the USA. We extend a warm welcome to theinternational students and highly value their contributions in cultural diversity, broad knowledge, and experiences that they share with us and our Vietnamese students.

I do hope you will take the time to come and visit us one day, enjoy the HUA’s atmosphere and find the answers that you are looking for.


Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien, the Rector


Vision by 2020

Hanoi University of Agriculture is striving to becomea multi-disciplinarycenter in education and research with nationally leading and regionally advanced quality in the areas of agriculture and rural development, making efficient contributions to the national development.

Mission Statement

Hanoi University of Agriculture embraces disciplines for agriculture and rural development of Vietnam. In pursuit of excellence in education, research and public service, HUA has a strong commitment to successfully ensure agricultural and rural development, and making contributions to the industrialization and modernization of agriculture and the countryside.

Being a leading national centre of agricultural science, the university's goal is to supply high manpower for, and improve productivity and efficiency of agriculture in a way that employs the natural and agricultural resources available to satisfy the economic, social, physical and ecological needs of the Vietnamese people, using methods and systems that are sustainable, sociallyacceptable and beneficial to the environment.

Organisational Structure


Development Strategy

Educational strategy

In the long-run the University aims to produce graduates with adaptable skills and good sense of responsibility who are abreast of latest development in their professional calling and have energy to cope with the changing environment and multi-faceted problems of agricultural industry. In the foreseeable timeframe, the educational programs are geared to producing graduates with good sense of morality, knowledge ability and skillfulness, attaining premier quality among national universities, and in some areas regionally and internationally recognized by 2015 and 2020, respectively.The measures to be taken include:

  • Comprehensive assessment of needs, professional structure, educational quality, contents and educational methodology;
  • Designing and continuous perfection of curricula toward multi- & interdisciplinary and flexibility to meet the needs of the society;
  • Developing advanced and modern material and information system pertinent to ever-changing educational needs;
  • Renovating teaching methods towards developing motivation and skills for self-study/self learning and group working of learners;
  • Renovating student learning outcome assessment, as well as fair and apparent evaluation of instructors and University officials
  • Implementing credit education system and quality assurance measures at all educational levels
  • Promoting international cooperation in education

R & D Strategy

Although the University’s first priority is to excellence of instruction, excellence in research, development and public service is equally dedicated as part of the University’s mission. The strategic goal of R&D is to meet the educational quality requirements, at the same time the needs of agricultural and rural industrialization, attaining advancement level in the region. The University shall be a Center of excellence in research in agriculture and rural development in Vietnam.

The measures to be taken include:

  • Designing and planning of specific research for each discipline and interdisciplinary, biotechnological research as the key research issue; linking research with education, research with government development policies as well as the needs of the public and private sectors;
  • Promoting domestic and international cooperation and collaboration to implement bilateral and multilateral programs in research and technology transfer;
  • Designing and enforcing regulations on research and technology transfer in the direction of decentralization and explicitness; renovating R&D organization and management mechanism and financing; implementing quality-based and efficiency-driven management measures to bring into full play of internal strength and to encourage faculty, students, and all university’s units to involve in R&D.

Domestic and International Cooperation Strategy

Domestic and international cooperation is focused on research and efficient commercialization of research findings with in-land and overseas organizations and individuals in conformity with Vietnam’s laws and international regulations to enhance capacity in education, R&D. The measures to be taken include:

  • Enhancing and expanding official educational linkages, faculty and student exchange with overseas educational and research organizations;
  • Furthering international cooperation through designing bilateral and multilateral programs and projects, maximizing international support for the strategic development of the University;
  • Opening qualifying courses for faculty and employees on English language, skills on writing/formulation, bidding, management, monitoring and evaluation of projects;
  • Encouraging and providing incentiveto individuals and organizations for successful implementation of international cooperation.
  • Designing and realization of course programs using English as medium of instruction by adopting up-to-date curricula being taught at foreign universities, that are suitable to the University’s requirements and Vietnam’s development level
  • Promoting domestic and international information exchange

Faculty profiles

Faculty of Accounting and Business Management

Faculty of Agronomy

Faculty of Animal Science and Aquaculture

Faculty of Biotechnology

Faculty of Economics and Rural Development

Faculty of Education and Foreign Languages

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Food Science and Technology

Faculty of Information Technology

Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment

Faculty of Political and Social Sciences

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine



Faculty of Accounting and Business Management was established on 27thNovember 2007 and comprises four departments: Accounting, Marketing, Business Management and Finance and a Center of Consultancy and Training Cooperation. The main functions of the faculty are training and development of human resources in the fields of Business Management, Agribusiness Management and Enterprise Accounting.

Educational Programs

  • Undergraduate programs (4 years)include

- EnterpriseAccounting

- Business Management

- Agribusiness Management (Advanced Program with theUniversity of Wisconsin,USA)

- Agribusiness

  • Master of Science programs (2 years)

- Business Management

R & DFocus

  • Accessibility to agricultural products market in the northern mountainous areas, rural credit and agricultural insurance (The Upland Programs in cooperation with HohenheimUniversity, supported by German Government).
  • Supply chain management, ASIA Link program in cooperation with Humboldt University of Berlin and other EuropeanPartners, supported by EU.
  • Development of case studies on business management, supported by SPF, Japan.
  • Competitive ability of small and medium-sized rural enterprises; quality of management and public service in rural areas (TRIG project).
  • Linkages in production, processing and marketing of vegetables and fruits.
  • Investment Climate and Strategies for attracting capital inflow into agriculture sector

Main achievements

  • Execution of Advanced Higher Education in Agri-business Management in collaboration with the Universityof Wisconsin, USA.
  • Collaboration with HanoiCityin finding solutions to attract investments to agriculture and solutions for safe vegetable industry.


  • Tel: (04) 36763 040
  • Fax: (04) 36763 040
  • E-mail:
  • Website:


The Faculty of Agronomy(formerly Crop Production) was established in 1956. It consists of 10 departments: Plant Genetics and Breeding, Plant Physiology, Food Crops, Industrial and Medicinal Crops, Vegetables-Flowers- Fruit Crops, Entomology, Plant Pathology Agro-pharmacy, Agricultural Systems, Botany and Cultivation Science and four centers: Vegetable Research and Development, Tropical Bee and Beekeeping Research, Horticultural Research Development, Organic Agriculture Promotion and Studies.

Educational Programs

  • Undergraduate programs (4 years) include

-Crop science, including Advanced Crop Science p(teaching in English)

-Plant Genetics and Breeding

-Plant Protection,


-Sericulture and Beekeeping

  • Master of Science and PhD programs

- Crop Science

- Plant Genetics & Breeding

- Plant Protection

R & D Focus

  • Breeding of new crop varieties with emphasis on yield and quality (rice, soybean, tomato, etc.)
  • Development of technical packages for intensive crop cultivation
  • Pest & disease management
  • Plantgermplasm conservation
  • Organicagriculture
  • Sericulture and beekeeping

Main achievements

-Development & release to production of several new crop varieties, including hybrid rice varieties (VL20, VL24, TH3-3, TH3-5, Huong Com), soybean D140, tomato HT7

-Technical packages for intensive farming of rice, maize, industrial crops, fruit trees, vegetables and flowers; IPM.


  • Tel: 84.4.62617573 or 38276473
  • Fax: 84.4.38276473
  • E-mail:
  • Website:


The Faculty of Animal Science & Aquaculture (FASA), one of the first faculties of the University, has 6 departments: Biology Zoology, Animal Biochemistry Physiology, Animal Genetics Breeding, Animal Nutrition Feed Technology, Specialized Animal Production, and Aquaculture. Each of the departments had its own laboratories and training facilities. In addition, the Faculty has facilities for common uses, i.e. central analytical laboratory, computer lab, specialized library, zoological museum and livestock and fish farms.

Educational Programs

  • Undergraduate programs (4 years)

- Animal Science

- Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

- Animal and Veterinary Sciences

- Aquaculture

  • Master of scienceprograms (2 years)

- Animal Genetics and Breeding

- Animal Nutrition

- Animal Production

- Aquaculture

  • PhD programs (3 years):

- Animal Science

- Animal Genetics & Breeding

- Animal Nutrition

R & D Interests

  • Improved utilization of agricultural byproducts as feed
  • Development of new forage crops
  • Improved productivity and quality of livestock and fish products
  • Animal products marketing and commodity chains
  • Animal waste management
  • Food chains of fish
  • Fish diseases
  • Residues in animal and aquatic products
  • Applied biotechnology in livestock and fish production
  • Development of sustainable animal production systems


  • Tel: +84 43 8276653 or 84 4 62617696
  • Fax: +84 43 8276653
  • Email:
  • Website:


Established in October 2008, the Faculty of Biotechnology has four departments: Molecular Biology and Microbial Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology and Applied Biotechnology. The Faculty offers undergraduate and graduate (Master of Science, and Ph.D) degree programs in the fields of biotechnology. The training programs provide learners the flexibility to add emphasis in molecular biology, applied biotechnologies in agriculture, food industry, environmental protection, bio-remediation and other fields. The Faculty’s Laboratory system is well equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities: PCR, RT-PCR, Southern Blot, Western blot, electroporator, ultracentrifugation, chromatography, protein purification and analysis, DNA sequencing, flow cytometry, gene gun system, plant and animal cell culture. In addition, support facilities are available including greenhouses and experimental fields for various crops such as rice, soybean, tomato, sweetpotato, citrus, etc.

Educational Programs

  • Under graduate programs (4 years):
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Animal Biotechnology
  • Microbial Biotechnology
  • Graduate programs:
  • Master of science (2 years)
  • Ph.D programs (4 years)

Research Focus

  • Molecular Biology
  • Molecular mechanisms of tolerance to various abiotic and biotic stresses
  • Molecular investigation of herbal/bio insecticides
  • Molecular diagnosis genetic disorder diseases
  • Recombinant enzyme production
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Plant tissue/cell technology and molecular biological techniques for plant classification, conservation and rapid multiplication
  • Target gene mapping and cloning for use in plant breeding
  • Improve and modify plant traits via plant cell technologies and genetic engineering
  • Plant breeding using conventional method and marker assisted selection (rice, soybean, tomato, seedless fruits, etc.)
  • Animal Biotechnology
  • Animal reproductive biotechnology
  • Animal cell biotechnology
  • Animal biodiversity conservation
  • Microbial Biotechnology and molecular biology
  • Microbial biotechnology in agriculture
  • Microbial biotechnology in food industry
  • Microbial biotechnology in bio-remediation and environmental protection


Tel: +84.43.8760135 or 62617657




The Faculty of Economics and Rural Development (FERD) was established in 1961 to meet the society’s increasing demand for human resource development in the fields of economics, agricultural economics and rural development. FERD isorganized into five departments: Economics, Agricultural Economics and Policies, Resource Environmental Economics, Rural Development, Quantitative Analysis and a Center of Information-Informatics for Economics and Development. The faculty has its own library, 4 computer labs anda seminar room.

Educational Programs

  • Undergraduate programs (4 years) include

- Agricultural Economics

- Economics

- Rural Development and Agricultural Extension

- Development Economics

- Resource and Environmental Economics

- Economic Management

  • Master of sciencePrograms

- Agricultural Economics

- Development Economics

-Rural Development

  • PhD programs

- Agricultural Economics

- Development Economics

- Human Resource Management

R & D Interests

Providing research and consultancy services as requested by government and non-government organizations, public and private sectors in the following fields:

  • Policies for agricultural and rural development
  • Economics and production economics,
  • Marketing and supply chain management;
  • Rural development, poverty reduction and rural institutional reforms,
  • Environmental and natural resource economics and management;
  • Agricultural extension and technology transfer,
  • Economic and development forecasting;
  • Planning, managing, monitoring and evaluation of investment and development projects;


  • Tel/fax: 84-4-38276522
  • Email: .
  • Web site:


The Faculty of Education and Foreign Languages was established inJanuary1998 with the name of Faculty of Technical Teachers’ Education. From January 2007 the Faculty changed its name to the Faculty of Education and Foreign Languages.

The mandate of the Faculty isto train teachers of agriculture/agricultural techniques for upper-secondary schools, agricultural technical schools, vocational schools, and career-oriented education centers.

The Faculty includes 3 departments: Department of Psychology and Education, Department of English Linguistics and Department of Language (General)

Educational Programs

  • Undergraduate program (4 years): Agricultural Education

R & D Focus

  • Psychological characteristics of students and farmers
  • Teaching and learning models; teaching strategies
  • Educational evaluation
  • Curriculum development
  • Environmental education
  • Vocational orientation for upper secondary students
  • Students counseling
  • Theories and models of technical education

Main achievements

Development of networking to support disadvantaged students to access and success in higher education within the “Pathways to Higher Education Project (2001 - 2010)”, funded by the Ford Foundation.


  • Tel: +844 8766627; +84 4 62617628
  • Fax: 844 8276554
  • E-mail:
  • Website:


The Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering was established in 1958 to provide learners with careersin agricultural and rural engineering. It has 7 departments: Mechanical Technology, Power Engineering, Technical Mechanics, Agricultural Machines, Machinery and Equipment for Food and Agricultural Products Processing and Preservation, Electrical Engineering, Electric Supply and Utilization.

Educational Programs

  • Undergraduate programs (5 years)

Mechanical Engineering Specializations: Agricultural Machinery, Dynamic Engineering, Manufacture engineering, Machinery and Equipment for Food and Agricultural Products Processing and Preservation.

Electrical Engineering: Electrical Supply and Utilization, Automation Engineering

Rural Industry and Construction: Rural Construction Engineering, Rural Industry Engineering