(Please attach to permit site plan)

A property owner may use the performance standards for a property that abuts a transit corridor street or a type A Street. A property owner may use the performance standards for that portion of the property abutting the type A Street only if the performance standards are also used for all part of the property abutting a transit corridor street.

PEDESTRIAN REALM: Sec. 42-402(a)

1.  Back of curb is depicted on site plan. (circle one) YES NO

2.  Distance from back of curb to property line. (If distance varies include minimum and maximum distances) :

3.  foot easement required (Pedestrian Clear Zone must be 15’ wide). Easement is indicated on subdivision plat/survey OR copy of recorded easement attached. (If easement is variable width, include minimum and maximum widths)

4.  Proposed building set back measured from back of curb:


6’ wide sidewalk along the length of the property located on transit corridor street and Type A street. (circle one) YES NO

BUILDING FAÇADE: Sec. 42-402(c)

A. Building Façade Length

At least 50% of the property width adjacent to the pedestrian realm shall include a building façade that shall be located within 10 feet of the pedestrian realm.

Street Name / Linear Feet / Minimum Façade
x 0.5 / feet
x 0.5 / feet
x 0.5 / feet
x 0.5 / feet

§  Label the street the property is located on

§  Insert lineal feet of street frontage (length of property abutting street)

§  Multiply Lineal Feet by 0.5 to produce minimum Building Façade Requirement

B.  Doors and Windows

1.  public entrances are located within 25 feet of the pedestrian realm.


2.  doors, other than doors exclusively used for emergency access only, swing (number) into the clear pedestrian space of the pedestrian realm.

3.  Publicly accessible and walkable parks or plazas, when adjacent to and connected to the pedestrian realm and when not otherwise used for vehicular parking or traffic, may be considered part of the pedestrian realm for purposes of subsections 1) and 3) above.

4.  % of the surface area of the façade with windows, doors or other openings.

Length of Façade / Façade Area / Transparent Area
feet x 8 / x 0.03 / Sq. Ft.
feet x 8 / x .03 / Sq. Ft.
feet x 8 / x .03 / Sq. Ft.
feet x 8 / x 0.03 / Sq. Ft.

§  Length of building abutting street

§  Multiply the length by 8 to produce the Façade Area

§  Multiply the Façade Area by 0.03 and to produce the minimum transparent area

5.  Maximum distance between windows, doors or other openings on the ground floor is feet.


1.  Maximum softscape area.

Street Name / Lineal Feet / PED Area / Max. Softscape Area
x 15 / x 0.2 / Sq. Ft.
x 15 / x 0.2 / Sq. Ft.
x 15 / x 0.2 / Sq. Ft.
x 15 / x 0.2 / Sq. Ft.

§  Indicate the street(s)abutting the property

§  Insert Lineal Feet of street frontage (length of property abutting street)

§  Multiply Lineal Feet by 15 and to produce the Pedestrian Realm Area

§  Multiply the Pedestrian Realm Area by 0.2 and to produce the maximum Softscape Area

2.  Distance of softscape from back-of-curb of street area used for parking is feet.

DRIVEWAYS: Sec. 42-402(c)2, 10

1.  Driveways parallel to pedestrian realm, parking and/or vehicular traffic are not located between the pedestrian realm and the façade of a building within 25 feet of the property line parallel to the pedestrian realm.

2.  Distance between driveway(s) parallel to pedestrian realm or parking lots and the pedestrian realm = feet. (should be 3 or more feet)

3.  Buffer material separating pedestrian realm and driveway/parking lot:

Fencing: Sec. 42-402(c)12

1.  Height of fence outside pedestrian realm = feet.. (No fence shall be located within the pedestrian realm or within 10 feet of the pedestrian realm.)

2.  Fence material:

(Chain link and other wire materials is prohibited)

3.  If fence is taller than 4 feet, at least 80% of the portion above 4 feet is unobstructed, open view.

Transit Corridor Performance Standards Analysis Form Page 1 of 3

September 2009