February 6, 2018

The regular meeting of the Mannsville Village Board of Trustees was held on 2/6/2018 at 7:00 pm at the Municipal Building. Attending were Mayor Cashel and Trustees Pelton, Eaton, Blount and Sparks.The minutes from theJanuary 2nd, 2017meeting were read and approved on a motion made by TrusteePelton, seconded by TrusteeSparks and carried by the board.

The bills were presented (unaudited-voucher #9)initialed and ordered paid on a motion made by TrusteeBlount, seconded by TrusteeEatonand carried by the Board.


Bob Austin’s meter pit- Blair Supply –quote $539.75 for 15” Mueller Thermal Coil Pit and 18” Mueller Thermal Coil Pit $618.50. Tom will inspect Mr. Austin’s Meter Pit in the spring. A letter will be sent by the Clerk informing Mr. Austin of the costs and process for replacement. It is the property owner’s sole responsibility to pay for repairs from the curb-stop to their home. Installation and maintenance using a Board approved contractor for the labor. Sections 6.0 and 8.0 were cited during the meeting and will be highlighted and mailed to Mr. Austin.

Tina Groff’s driveway damage. The Board will evaluate the property damage in the spring. The Clerk will send Ms. Groff a letter informing her of the process.

Don Veley Proclomation – the Board agreed to re-visit this and plan for a Spring event.

Village Signs- Trustee Eaton updated the Board with additional pricing for posts and sleeves. The Board agreed to discuss when reviewing the Budget.

Maple Run – March 24th event insurance and letter of intent has been received.


Modify –Motion to transfer $4,000 from F1990.4 to F8320.4 for the Chlorinator (P&T quote $3825.00) made by Trustee Blount and Seconded by Trustee Eaton and carried by the board.

Increase Petty-Cash by $100.00, motion made by Trustee Pelton, seconded by Trustee Sparks and carried by the Board.

Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Trustee Pelton and seconded by Trustee Sparks.Vote: 4ayes.

Respectfully submitted,

Angela Alvarez, Clerk/Treasurer