HPA: 3405 / OFFICE: 32 Oak Hill Court
TITLE: Grant Writing in HPA / PHONE: / 412-383-4001
TERM: Fall 2014 / E-MAIL: /
Office Hours: The instructor for this course is available for appointments with students by appointment. Please contact the instructor via e-mail or telephone to schedule appointments or to inquire about course material. Due to the vast amount of email that is received, if you do not get a response from the instructor within 24 hours on an urgent matter, please contact Diane Casile (412-383-4021) who can assist in getting a priority appointment scheduled for you with Dr. Jakicic.

TEXT:There is no required text for this course. However, students may be responsible for material available online, materials available through the library, or other materials put on reserve for this course.


The purpose of this course is to expose the student to the process of developing and submitting extramural grants related to health and physical activity.


  1. To become aware of extramural funding opportunities.
  2. To become aware of the process of developing and submitting extramural grants that includes:
  1. Specific aims and hypotheses
  2. Significance and justification
  3. Innovation
  4. Methodology
  5. Statistical analysis and power analysis
  6. Budget development
  7. Resource development
  8. Building the appropriate research team
  9. Human Subjects and Data Safety Monitoring
  1. To become aware of the grant review process
  2. To become aware of financial considerations related to extramural funding.

Skills: The following skills are required for successful completion of this course.

  1. Conduct Medline Searches
  2. Summarize and Evaluate Published Research
  3. Synthesize Research Findings and Present Overall Findings
  4. Present Topic Summaries using a PowerPoint Presentation


This course will cover the following general topics.

  1. To become aware of extramural funding opportunities.
  2. To become aware of the process of developing and submitting extramural grants that includes:
  1. Specific aims and hypotheses
  2. Significance and justification
  3. Innovation
  4. Methodology
  5. Statistical analysis and power analysis
  6. Budget development
  7. Resource development
  8. Building the appropriate research team
  9. Human Subjects and Data Safety Monitoring
  1. To become aware of the grant review process
  2. To become aware of financial considerations related to extramural funding.


  1. Grading Policy

A.Grades in this course will be calculated based on total points earned out of total points possible on the components of a complete NIH-formatted grant submission (totaling 100 points) that include the following:

  • Specific aims and hypotheses
  • Significance and justification
  • Innovation
  • Methodology
  • Statistical analysis and power analysis
  • Budget development
  • Resource development
  • Building the appropriate research team
  • Human Subjects and Data Safety Monitoring
  • Grant review

B.Grading Scale

A / = / 90-100%
B+ / = / 87-89.9%
B / = / 80-86.9%
C+ / = / 77-79.9%
C / = / 70-76.9%
D+ / = / 67-69.9%
D / = / 60-66.9%
F / = / 0-59.9%

*Note: The instructor reserves the right to alter the point value of assignments and exams as necessary.


  1. All class assignments are to be typed unless otherwise specified. Assignments that are not typed will not be accepted.

D.Incomplete or G Grades

Students must complete all course requirements to recieve a grade for this course.In the event of extenuating personal circumstances, such as a medical emergency or a death in the family, an I or Ggrade may be awarded to signify unfinished course work. G grades will not be an option for students who fall behind in the course for non-emergency reasons. Students assigned I or G grades are required to complete course requirements no later than one year after the term in which the course was taken. After the deadline has passed, the I or G grade will remain on the record, and the student will be required to reregister for the course if it is needed to fulfill requirements for graduation.

E.Attendance Policy

  1. Students are expected to attend class. Students that need to miss a class for approved University business (e.g., member of an athletic team, etc.) need to inform the instructor in advance. Students that need to miss because of illness need to provide written documentation from their physician. Each missed class will result in a deduction of 5 points from the total points accumulated for this course.

F.Disability Resources and Services

If you have a disability that requires special testing accommodations or other classroom modifications, you need to notify both the instructor and the Disability Resources and Servicesno later than the 2nd week of the term. You may be asked to provide documentation of your disability to determine the appropriateness of accommodations. To notify Disability Resources and Services, call 648-7890 (Voice or TTD) to schedule an appointment. The Office is located in 216 William Pitt Union. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.

G.Academic Integrity:

Students in this course will be expected to comply with the University of Pittsburgh's Policy on Academic IntegrityAny student suspected of violating this obligation for any reason during the semester will be required to participate in the procedural process, initiated at the instructor level, as outlined in the University Guidelines on Academic Integrity.


This class is scheduled to meet from 2:00 – 3:50 PM on Fridays. Please plan on attending on all Fridays during this term. However, due to need for students to engage in significant writing to fulfill the course requirements, there may be selective dates when this course will not meet to allow students sufficient time to adequately complete required assignments. In addition, to allow individual feedback on assignments, individual meetings with the instructor may be scheduled in place of class meetings that include all students.These will be announced at least 1 week in advance.