National Disabled Members Conference 2017


Notification of change in deadlines and arrangements

Please note the deadline for nominations for all elections has been changed from 12.30pm on Sunday 29 October to 9.30am on Sunday 29 October.

Ballot papers for service group meetings and the labour link meeting will be available from the ballots desk between 1.30pm and 3.45pm on Sunday 29 October. These ballots will take place in the relevant service group / labour link meetings.

Ballot papers for the remaining elections will be available from the Conference Enquiry Desk from 8.30am on Monday 30 October, and those ballots will close at 1pm Monday 30 October.

Please note only delegates and members of the National Disabled Members Committee are eligible to take part in these ballots.

This nomination pack includes nomination papers for:

  1. Two representatives to National Delegate Conference (19 – 22 June 2018, Brighton)
  1. One member to produce a newssheet at National Delegate Conference (19 – 22June 2018, Brighton)
  1. Four representatives for the Standing Orders Committee for the National Disabled Members Conference 2018 (27 – 29 October 2018, Brighton)
  1. One representative to the Trades Union Congress 2018 (date and venue to be confirmed)

Candidates for any of the above elections may submit a supporting statement of up to 300 words, preferably emailed to no later than 9.30am Sunday 29 October, or placed in the ballot box at the Conference delegates enquiry desk by the same deadline with their nomination paper. The statement must include the name of the candidate and the position for which they are being nominated. Any statements received will be circulated with the ballot papers.

5. Two representatives to each of the union’s Service Group Conferences.

6. Two representatives to the Labour Link Forum and Labour Party Conference 2018.

Nominees for these last two sets of elections should not submit a supporting statement. They will be allowed up to 2 minutes to address the meeting at which they are elected in a hustings process.

Elections for service group conferences and Labour Link positions will be dealt with at the respective meetings on Sunday 29 October.

For the Labour Link meeting, you must bring your Labour Party membership card to the meeting.

Ballot papersfor service group and labour link elections will be available from the ballots desk between 1.30pm and 3.45pm on Sunday 29 October. These elections will take place in the relevant meetings, and the result announced at the Monday morning conference plenary session.

Ballot papers for all other elections will be available from the conference desk from 8.30am on Monday 30 October. Ballot boxes for these elections will close at 1pm that Monday. The results of ballots for motions and all other representatives will be notified to delegates after conference.

Please note that for ALL the above elections, where valid nominations have been received by the deadline in the nomination pack AND that meet the representation requirement i.e. only two nominations, with at least one being a woman, those members are automatically elected and no election will be needed.

All nomination papers should be completed and placed in the box

at the delegate enquiry desk by 9.30am Sunday 29 October.


National Delegate Conference 2018

Arrangements and roles of the Disabled Members representatives


Representatives are required to:

  1. Speak at National Delegate Conference (NDC) on motions, amendments, or rule changes submitted by the National Disabled Members Conference in line with the mandate from the National Disabled Members Committee (not in a personal capacity);
  2. Ensure that a disability perspective is presented generally.
  3. Attend regional and other meetings to gauge the level of branch mandates in support of Disabled Members’ issues;
  4. Attend all formal sessions of conference;
  5. Chair any Disabled Members caucus meetings at NDC;
  6. Attend key fringe meetings;
  7. Submit relevant material for the Disabled Members Newssheet;
  8. Participate in discussions with other self-organised groups and National Young Member Forum representatives on conference equalities business and in the meeting to consider re-prioritisation of conference business.
  9. Liase with the National Officer Disability Policy on activity and participation at conference.
  1. Submit a written report on their participation in NDC to

the National Officer for inclusion in the NDMC annual report no later than 29 August.


UNISON’s National Delegate Conference (NDC) attracts approximately 2500 delegates and visitors. The Conference starts on a Tuesday morning and finishes on Friday afternoon.

Accommodation is booked for Monday night to Thursday night (inclusive). Members’ access requirements are met by advance notification to the UNISON Conference Department. Accommodation, daily subsistence, travelling, and the cost of accessible services are met by the national union. Local hotels and the Conference Centre are audited for disabled people’s access and delegates are consulted and given advice from national office about the most suitable hotel accommodation, this is based on the representatives’ access requirements.


The National Disabled Members Self-Organised Group (along with the other three SOGs) is entitled to send two representatives to National Delegate Conference. Election of these representatives has traditionally taken place at the National Disabled Members Conference and is open to all disabled delegates and NDMC members who attend. In line with UNISON policy on proportionality at least one representative must be a woman.


In accordance with Disabled Members Conference policy, the representatives may not necessarily be members of the NDMC. In order that they are briefed on policy matters, they can expect guidance from the National Disabled Members Committee, NEC Policy Officers, the Standing Orders Committee and the Disabled Members Newssheet Team.

Representatives must represent the policy views of the Disabled Members Conference regardless of personal opinions and they are advised to consider issues raised in debates as useful information to include in speeches. Officers from the Conference Department and other UNISON staff are available to provide guidance and support on general matters on conference arrangements during the event.

Representatives do not have voting rights as these are accounted for within their branch votes. Disabled Members representatives should ensure that Disabled Members Conference policy is conveyed to Branches and Regions and their support sought.

Liaison and networking during Conference has been valued at Conference. Contact with the National Executive Council, other Self-Organised Groups, Standing Orders Committee,

Branches and Regions is viewed as a regular part of the work

during the event.

Close liaison with the newssheet representative is an integral part of the representatives work during conference.

Representatives are expected is to use opportunities to


present Disabled Members’ views, introduce a disability perspective, and build the profile of the Self-Organised Group at every opportunity.

Representatives are expected to prepare a report on their role at Conference including achievements in respect of the development of the bargaining agenda for disabled workers and the civil rights agenda for disabled people.



UNISON National Disabled Members Conference

Nomination form

Nominations are sought for two representativesto National Delegate Conference 2018. One of the representatives must be a Woman.Nominees require only one nomination.

Please obtain the signature of a nominating delegate or member of the NDMC and countersign, indicating your willingness to be nominated and also indicate whether you qualify under the agreed criteria.

I (name)______wish to nominate

(name)______as representative to National Delegate Conference 2018


I ______indicate my willingness to be nominated as a representative.

My contact details (phone/email)______

My gender is ______

Signature ______

Please return to Enquiry Desk by 9.30am on Sunday 29 October.



Newssheet Representative

National Delegate Conference makes provision for Newssheet production by UNISON’s regions, and the four self organised groups. The Disabled Members Conference is entitled to elect one member to produce a newssheet.

The role is:

to produce a daily newssheet that seeks support for disability issues in motions, amendments and amendments to the rule book

to provide Conference with a detailed brief on motions on disability

to publicise disabled members conference policies

to provide a report on their own experience of Conference

The Newssheet may include articles from disabled delegates and disabled delegates and visitors may be invited to take part in interviews on matters of interest or concern to the union. The Newssheet is also used to advertise and promote the Equalities fringe and caucus meetings. The Newssheet is produced using a PC computer package. The Newssheet member has access to the conference floor to report on debates that have a disability perspective.


The newssheet member meets regularly with delegates and the National Officer. Late on the Monday afternoon before

Conference starts a briefing is given on the facilities available, deadlines for production and guidance on producing accessible copy. It is important that the newssheet member is aware of the responsibilities and is willing to work to meet the demands of the event and enjoy the rewards of the Conference experience.



UNISON National Disabled Members Conference

Nomination form

Nominations are sought for one representative to produce the Disabled Members Newssheet at National Delegate Conference 2018. Nominees require only one nomination.

Please obtain the signature of a nominating delegate or member of the NDMC and countersign indicating your willingness to be nominated.

I (name)______wish to nominate

(name)______as representative to produce a newssheet atNational Delegate Conference 2018


I ______indicate my willingness to be nominated as the newssheet representative.

My contact details (phone/email)______

My gender is ______

Signature ______

Please return to Enquiry Desk by 9.30am on Sunday 29 October.



Representatives to Standing Orders Committee

Advice to Members considering standing for future National Disabled Members Conference Standing Orders Committee

What is it?

The Standing Orders Committee is independent of the National Disabled Members Committee. It aims to ensure the smooth running of Conference business in accordance with UNISON rules and the National Disabled Members Standing Orders. SOC compile the preliminary and final agendas by considering all of the motions and amendments submitted from NDMC, regions and caucuses. SOC also decides the order of business for Conference to debate.

Who can be nominated?

The Standing Orders Committee is comprised of 2 seats filled by nominees from the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender caucus, 2 seats filled by nominees from the Black members caucus, and 4 seats filled by nominees from the National Disabled Members Conference. In accordance with national rules on proportionality at least 50% of the seats in each category must be filled by women.

It must be stressed that although members are nominated and elected by different groups they do not in any sense represent

that group on the committee. Nominations are taken from different bodies to ensure the composition of the committee reflects the composition of the membership as a whole.


For the sake of continuity it would be helpful to have a committee made up of experienced members and newcomers. Once formed, the Committee is an autonomous body answerable only to Conference.

Members of the National Disabled Members Committee are eligible to stand for election to the Standing Orders Committee, but must stand down from the NDMC immediately if they are elected to SOC. Members elected onto the Standing Orders Committee cannot participate in that year’s Conference in any other way. The Standing Orders Committee must be impartial when considering motions and amendments for Conference.

What is involved?

Members hold office from the end of the Conference at which they are elected until the end of the next Conference. There are 2 weekday meetings for training and to discuss Conference business, and one debriefing. Committee member’s expenses are met by national funds.

At Conference itself, the Standing Orders Committee meets every day. This involves morning, afternoon and evening sessions.

Would I enjoy it?

Yes, if you enjoy working against tight deadlines, working with regions, and having discussions with NDMC. Your present

Standing Orders Committee has found this last year has been empowering, informative and fun!



UNISON National Disabled Members Conference

Nomination form

Nominations are sought for four rerpresentatives to the Standing Orders Committee for 2018. Nominees require only one nomination.

Please obtain the signature of a nominating delegate or member of the NDMC and countersign indicating your willingness to be nominated.

I (name) ______wish to nominate

(name) ______as representative on the Standing Orders Committee.


I ______indicate my willingness to be nominated as a representative on the Standing Orders Committee.

My contact details (phone/email)______

My gender is______

Signature ______

Please return to Enquiry Desk by 9.30am on Sunday29 October.



Representative to TUC

To represent UNISON at the TUC as part of its delegation

To represent the views/policies of the National Disabled

Members Conference to the delegation

To speak to relevant motions as determined by the delegation



UNISON National Disabled Members Conference

Nomination form

Nominations are sought for one representativeto the Trade Union Congress 2018. Nominees require only one nomination.

Please obtain the signature of a nominating delegate or member of the NDMC and countersign indicating your willingness to be nominated.

I (name) ______wish to nominate

(name) ______as a representative to the Trades Union Congress 2018.

Signature ______

I ______indicate my willingness to be nominated as a representative to TUC 2018.

My contact details (phone/email)______

My gender is ______

Signature ______

Please return to Enquiry Desk by 9.30am on Sunday29 October.



Labour Link Forum and Labour Party Conference 2018

Please note nomination and election arrangements for these

positions. Elections for two representatives to attend UNISON’s

Labour Link Forum and Labour Party Conference

You must be a member of the Labour Party with at least 12 months’ membership of the Party, AND paying into UNISON’s affiliated political fund to be eligible to be a candidate in these elections, and bring your Labour Party membership card to the Labour Link meeting.

Nominees must complete the attached form and submit it to the Delegate Enquiry Desk by no later than 9.30am on Sunday29 October.

Nominees will be entitled to address the meeting for a maximum of two minutes on why they should be elected to the position. You should not submit a supporting statement.

These elections will be dealt with by ballot at the Labour Link meeting on Sunday 29 October.

The Labour Link Forum is an annual gathering of representatives of UNISON members who contribute to the APF fund and who are also members of the Labour Party (for a minimum of 12 months from the date of the Conference).


This event discusses motions submitted by regions and it has workshop discussions on policy proposals. This event sets the agenda for UNISON’s work with the Labour Party for the forthcoming twelve months.

The date and venue for the Labour LinkForumand Labour Party Conference next year are to be confirmed.

Please note only members who are Affiliated Political Fund levy payers and have been members of the Labour Party for a minimum of 12 months are eligible to be candidates in this election. Nominees should bring their Labour Party membership card to the meeting.

Only members who are paying into the affiliated political fund at the time of this conference are entitled to vote in this election.



UNISON National Disabled Members Conference

Nomination form

Nominations are sought for two representatives to attend Labour Link Forum and Labour Party Conference 2018. Nominees require only one nomination.Please obtain the signature of a nominating delegate or member of the NDMC and countersign indicating your willingness to be nominated.

I (name)______wish to nominate

(name) ______to attend Labour Link Forum and Labour Party Conference 2018


I ______indicate my willingness to be nominated. I confirm I am a member of the Labour Party and have been for more than 12 months. I also pay into UNISON’s Affiliated Political Fund.

My Labour Party membership number is ______

My constituency is ______

My contact details (phone/email)______

My gender is ______

Signature ______

Please return to Enquiry Desk by 9.30am on Sunday29 October. LL

F Service Group Conference representatives

Please note the nomination and election arrangements for these


Elections for two representatives to each of the union’s

ServiceGroup Conferences 2018.These elections will be

dealt with at the Service Group meetings Sunday 29 October.

Nominees must be a member of the Service Group that they are standing for in the election.

Nominees must complete the attached form and submit it to the Delegate Enquiry Desk by no later than 9.30am on Sunday 29 October.

Nominees should NOTsubmit a written election statement.

Nominees will be entitled to address the meeting for a maximum of two minutes on why they should be elected to the position.

Job description

Representatives are required to:

  1. Speak at the Service Group Conference on motions, or amendments submitted by the National Disabled Members Committee and other business in line with the mandate from the National Disabled Members Committee (not in a personal capacity);
  1. Ensure that a disability perspective is presented generally.
  2. Attend any relevant meetings at conference to gauge the level of branch mandates in support of Disabled Members’ issues;
  3. Attend all formal sessions of conference;
  4. Chair any Disabled Members caucus meetings at the conference;
  5. Attend any key fringe meetings;
  6. Participate in discussions with other self-organised groups and National Young Member Forum representatives on conference equalities business;
  7. Liase with the National Officer Disability Policy on activity and participation at conference.
  8. Submit a written report on their participation in the conference to the National Officer for inclusion in the NDMC annual report no later than 29August.

The 2018 Service Group conferences are: