December 2017

Christmas Art Zone

One of the creative highlights of our year is the Christmas Art Zone in the front hallway. This year the display is really excellent with great creativity and clever art ideas. The children learn so much by sharing their ideas. Their art projects have been admired by visitors to our school.

Thank you to parents for helping to collect art materials and for transporting the works of art into school. Do call in to see the art projects before the Christmas holidays.

Cash for Clobber

We are delighted with the response to our ‘Cash for Clobber’ appeal. It is always good to recycle and even better when we get rewarded for our efforts. There will be another opportunity to donate to our ‘Cash for Clobber’ in Term 2.

‘Recycle’ Zone

Our ‘recycling factory’ is located outside the school office. We are currently collecting:

  • Batteries (Weee Appeal)
  • Postage Stamps (Guide Dogs for the Blind)

We would be delighted to get any items for our recycling zone.

Cake Sale

Well done to the SEN team and pupils for organising a very successful ‘cake sale’ last week. The money raised by the pupils will be used to purchase I.T. equipment (Tablets) for use in class. Thank you to parents for providing lovely seasonal fare at this busy time of year.

SING Ballyraine

Our school CD was officially launched on Friday 1st December. It was a fantastic success and the children were really excited as they performed songs from the CD at their Christmas concert. The hall was packed to capacity and over 150 CD’s were pre-ordered before the launch. We were delighted that Lee Gooch from Highland Radio officially launched the CD. We are indebted to Martin Crossin who produced the CD and provided backing tracks and accompaniments for the young performers. A special word of thanks to Raymond Sweeney, Benny Sweeney Electrical/Calor and Mark Rodgers, Letterkenny Glass for their generous sponsorship of production costs of the CD. This was a real team effort and well done to staff and pupils for their enthusiastic support for this music project. We are almost sold out but there are a few copies of the CD available at reception. When they’re gone, they’re gone!

After schools clubs

A ‘BIG’ thank you to all our After School Club Facilitators this term:

Mark Cannon – Basketball

Sarah Marie – Dance

Sharon Bradley – Athletics

Thank you for your time and energy and for sharing your skills with the children.

Art Clubs

We plan to offer three different Art Clubs next term

Little Artists / J.Inf/S.Inf / 1.30-2.30 / Thursday
Art Factory / 1st-3rd / 2.30-3.30 / Tuesday
Art Zone / 4th-6th / 2.30-3.30 / Wednesday

The art workshops will be facilitated by Seamus McMenamin. We would like to thank Seamus for his support and help with the Visual Arts programme in school. If you would like your child to take part in the workshops please complete your form and return it with After School fee to your child’s class teacher.

Science Workshop in the Library with Dr. Trish Murphy

Third and Fourth classes went on a trip to the Science Workshop in the Library. First, Dr. Trish Murphy talked about some scientists. Then we learned about a slope, a lever and a pulley. A slope is a simple machine to make; it is just a big wooden plank that is higher at one end. Heavy objects will roll down the slope. A lever it another plank of wood with a support under it so that you can move objects by placing something heavy on one side and the other side will move up. A pulley helps to move heavy objects up to other levels. The heavy object is connected by a rope to a pulley and when you pull the rope, the object moves up. Next, we heard about Rube Goldberg, he is a scientist and is also a word in the dictionary which means ‘to do something easy in a difficult way’. We watched a video called ‘The Page Turner’ in which a simple task was shown in a complicated way. We were then put into groups and given the task to make our own Rube Goldberg invention to put a ping pong ball into a cup. We were given a bucket of items to use and then each group tried them out. It was so much fun.

By: K. C. and A. C. (3rd Class)

Christmas Assembly

Our final assembly of Term 1 was a ‘whole school’ assembly. The assembly was facilitated by Rev Tommy Bruce and the theme was ‘Presents’ and ‘Giving’. It is good to think of others at Christmas and the pupils presented their gifts of food to the Letterkenny Food Bank. Thank you for your generosity and donations of food. They are very much appreciated by the Letterkenny Food Bank. Thank you to Rev Tommy Bruce, Rev Mark Loughridge and Eugen (C.E.F) for leading our weekly assemblies during the term.

Green Team

Our Green Team theme is ‘Marine Environment’ we will be learning about coastal habitats, visiting a local beach and looking at the serious environmental impact of plastics on marine life.

Ms Suzanne Tinney, Environmental Officer with Donegal County Council will visit the school next term to carry out an assessment for our 9th European Green Flag.

Pushkin Theme:

The theme for this year’s Pushkin project is ‘Opening Ground’. 6th Class are busy exploring the theme through creative writing, visual arts and exploring their environment.

The class will have two visits from Pushkin facilitators and a Baronscourt day of creative activities on Baronscourt Estate in Term 2 and 3.

School Savings Club:

Thank you to SNA Elaine Maguire who co-ordinates our School Savings Club every Wednesday. Hopefully the children will have saved up some money to buy Mummy and Daddy a nice treat at Christmas!

School Sports

It has been a very busy term in Ballyraine regarding sports .

On 22ndNovember, 7boys from 3rd & 4th took part in the FAIS 5 a side Futsal Competition in Aura They were an outstanding team , played 4 games , won 3 games and drew one. Lots of individual talent and more importantly great teamwork was evident on the day .

On Dec 1st,Sportshall Athletics was held in the Aura with Ballyraine NS sending 48 children from 3rd - 6th class. The children proved to be great ambassadors for their school as alwaysand came 3rd overall in their heats with some outstanding individual performances .

We are currently running 4 Afterschool events with Basketball on Mondays, Athletics on Tuesdays, Dance for Juniors on Wednesdays and Seniors on Thursday. At the end of their Dance lessons this week the children put on a quick display and it was fantastic to see them allhaving fun and showing off their well-rehearsed moves!

As alwaysahuge THANK YOU to all the vetted parents for helping with supervision, these activities could not go ahead without you guys

We are currently renewing our Active Flag for the second time and look forward to many more Activities and Sporting Events in 2018.

Linda Moore

Sports Co-ordinator

Visit to Glenveagh National Park

On Tuesday 14th November 6th Class went to Glenveagh National Park to learn about trees. We met a lady called Clare and two men called Liam and Gordon. We were split into groups, Clare was my leader. We all went different ways and learnt some very interesting facts like: A national park is protected by law, is full of wildlife and you are not allowed to damage the park. Ireland is now one of the least forested countries in Europe and used to be around 98% covered in trees. We saw some deer in the distance and used binoculars to look at them up close.

After lunch we went to the Bridge House Education Centre. We made wood crafts and took part in a quiz. I enjoyed going to Glenveagh and hope to go again.

Z. D.

“Our baby teacher” Roots of Empathy

This year 2nd Class are lucky to be involved in the Roots of Empathy programme. Our baby teacher is called Isla and our facilitator is called Máire. We are learning about how to care for a baby, how babies’ temperaments are different. Also we are talking about how other people may be feeling and how we can help them. I liked it when baby Isla rolled over (R.K) I liked it when Isla picked up the ball with one hand (D.R.) I liked it when she pushed her feet against Máíre’s hands during tummy time (A.K) I liked it when Isla did not want to give the colourful baby book back to Máire (F.P.) I like it when we sing a welcome song to Isla (S.M. R) I liked it when Isla kicked with her feet (U.McG) A big thank you to Isla, her mum Lisa and also to Máire. We’re really looking forward to seeing how Isla grows and changes throughout the year.

The Nutcracker:

3rd and 4th Class attended ‘The Nutcracker’ in an Grianan Theatre on Thursday 14th December.

All classes got a flavour of this wonderful show when dance teacher Jessica Peoples and dancer Tadhg Brennan facilitated movement and dance workshops in school in November.

We were delighted that Ballyraine student C. L. is taking part in the show.

Transition to Secondary School

6th class pupils have welcomed visitors from local secondary schools this term including Loreto, Letterkenny, St Eunan’s College, Royal & Prior, Gaelscoil and Errigal College. Each school provided information about their respective schools and answered questions from 6th Class pupils. It was particularly good to welcome students from Gaeilscoil and Errigal College who helped make impressive presentations about their schools.

School Library Prize

We received great news recently from Childrens Books Ireland that Ballyraine NS was one of the 4 National Winners in the Robert Dunbar Memorial Library competition. Our challenge was to submit an entry outlining in 500 words or less why we should win the prize. (See link on school website for our winning entry)

The prize is €1,500 worth of childrens’ books. Representatives of C.B.I will travel from Dublin on 1st February to present the prize. Parents are very welcome to join us for this presentation and to join in the celebrations. There will also be workshops for all the classes facilitated by book illustrators and teachers will take part in a workshop facilitated by Kim Harte exploring how to promote a book culture in school. We would like to thank parents who promote reading and enjoyment of books with their children. Well done to pupils who have signed up for membership of our local library this term!

Games our grandparents played

During the last week of November, many wonderful grandparents came into visit Second Class to tell us about when they were young and the games they played such as The Farmer Wants a Wife.

My granny told the class that she never missed a day of school (A.McK) I liked it when granny told us about the day a storm came when they were at school. (E.K.) I liked having when my granny in my classroom. (DDO’S) My granny told us the children had to bring turf for the fire in school. (M.R.) My grandparents’ favourite football team was Man United when they were young (P.McA) One granny wrote us an email to tell us about her childhood days spent near Rathmullan which she has kindly allowed us to share.

“My name is Geraldine Kerr known as granny Gerry to M.K. I was born and brought up in Rathmullan, one of the most beautiful seaside villages aroundDuring the summer we spent our wonderful carefree days on the beach by the pier. If it rained while we were swimming we'd come out of the water, bury our clothes in the sand to keep them dry and putour initials on the mound then go back into the water. (We believed the water got warmer when it rained)

During the winter we played on Todd's Shore over by the old Abbey. Each one of us 'bagged' a rock and that would be our house. We'd walk along the tide mark and pick up broken delph, shells and stones to decorate our houses with a cockle shell as our door bell, then go visiting each other. I spent very little time indoors, only long enough to watch Blue Peter. On very bad weather days I'd make EVERYTHING shown on Blue Peter as I love arts and crafts.

At school we played alot of games in the playground. The girls and boys area was totally separate and we could never cross over to the boys side and vice versa. The boys almostalways played football. Every game had a certain 'time' during school terms.The girls played games like The Farmer Wants A Wife. A few girls would join hands and go round in a circle chanting "join up, join up". We'd run and join hands till there was a big ring. Then one girl would go into the center of the ring and we'd all sing The Farmer Wants A Wife. Then the wife wanted a child and she would pick someone from the ring, then the child wanted a nurse and another girl would be picked, the nurse wanted a dog, the dog wanted a bone and on and on.I Sent A Letter To My Love ( now known as ATisket A Tasket) Marbles - during sewing class we were allowed to make a pouch to keep our marbles in complete with a drawstring. The boys really envied us then as they had to keep theirs in their pocked which wasn't very comfortable at times!!! Skipping. There were time we'd skip the whole way home at 12.30 for our dinner and skip the whole way back at 12.45 again

I was constantly on the go between the beaches -or shores as we called them then- andthe Planting, a beautiful wooded area behind the Chapel. We made Easter houses along The Walks during Lent, a beautiful area running alongside the beach at the pier, going towards Rathmullan House. Then we ate our Easter eggs and a wee picnic on Easter Sunday. We caught Red Eater crabs on the Hilly Head at Todd's shore and threw them back in again. Most importantly I walked with my daddy John McCaffertyevery Sunday along the shore right down to Killygarvan - the end of the Kinnegar beach, andevening walks on the Walks with my older sister Frances learning so much from them both along the way

I've probably gone on too long with this but I tend to get carried away when I reminiscebut I hope some of it will be useful for wee M, our wee charmer.

Yours sincerely,

Granny Gerry x (A., S., M.’s granny)

Thank you to all the grandparents, we enjoyed learning from them very much.

School Choir:

It certainly has been a busy and successful few weeks for our school choir.

The school choir has gone from strength to strength over the past few years with 40 pupils currently singing in the choir.

A big well done to the choir for winning the School Choir Competition organised by Highland Radio and Letterkenny Shopping Centre. Their €1000 prize money will help to promote musical projects and resources in the school.

The launch of ‘SING Ballyraine’ has been another highlight. They all sang their hearts out at the launch and we are so proud of them all. Feedback on the concert and CD has been fantastic!

The choir have taken part in a number of Christmas events including, Singing for Santa’ in the Shopping Centre,Donegal Hospice Christmas Carol Service and the

Donegal Hospice Day Care Services, Christmas Concert

15th December: Trinity Presbyterian Church Carol Service 1pm

The final event in our singing calendar for 2017 will be ‘Christmas Carol Singing’in Tesco Shopping on Tuesday 19th December 11-12 noon. Please come along and support the choir at this event.

‘Wonder’ Movie

The movie ‘Wonder’ is about a boy named Auggie, who has facial deformities. It is his first time going to school and he has to deal with a mean boy called Julian with the help of his friends.

The main characters are Auggie and his new friends Jack and Summer. His family, which are his sister Via and his Mum and Dad. My favourite character is Summer because she is kind and caring. She also chose to get to know Auggie.

I aboslutely loved the film though I would have liked a Julian chapter. I thought the movie could have been longer because I didn’t want to stop watching! My favourite part was the scene with the 7th Graders because it was action packed.

I would recommend the movie to a friend because it is a good movie with a great meaning.

Z. M.

On Tuesday 12th December, 6th Class went to the cinema to watch the movie, ‘Wonder’. We had already read the book in class. We had to pay €10 which included the 2 way bus ride, our snack and drink and entry to the film. It was a small popcorn and small drink. I got salted popcorn and Fanta. I sat in between my friends Conor and Azam. I really enjoyed the movie. It was 2 hours long but felt like it was only 10 minutes because time flies when you’re really entertained! In my opinion the book was better than the movie! I had a fantastic day and really enjoyed going to the cinema