Pupil Premium from Department of Education for financial year 2014/15
We were allocated £27,300 for our Ever6 pupils that attract pupil premium funding in 14/15
We have been allocated £ 31,680 for 24 EV6 pupils in 2015/16
Allocation 14/15:
  • School Leadership attended Norfolk Conference on Pupil premium led by DFE pupil Premium Champion , John Dunford ( £180)
  • Senior Teacher/Headteacher meeting to look at Sutton Trust materials and develop effective funding to work for our Educationally Hesitant families ( Education Acorn-65% 2013) ( £90)
  • 0.4 day teacher to give assertive mentoring and one to one tuition to identified pupils in Y1 and Y2 to assess learning and make clear next steps ( £16,273)
  • HLTA paid to deliver quality support for before and after school learning. To complete homework learning and home/school activities. Daily access for pupil premium (£2,915)
  • Reading café daily teaching assistant support for YR and Y1 families to read together and support phonics ( following our reading research project with Teaching School )
  • Children’s university passports, and access to football club, art club, trip (£1,500)
  • Additional teaching assistants in EYFS to develop early access to full day provision and intervention ( £5,900)
  • To raise aspiration and opportunity for this group of learners
  • To reduce gap between FSM pupils and Non FSM pupils across subjects to ensure that we make a real lifelong difference to address inequalities
  • To increase FSM pupil access to effective provision
  • Target FSM pupil to attaining highest outcomes
  • In 2014 our Ever6/FSM pupils exceeded national averages in APS across subjects Maths 16.3,read 16.7, write 15.5
  • When SEN pupils were extracted progress and attainment of this group of pupils was rapid and above those pupils who were not Ever6.
  • SEN extracted gave overall APS of 17.4
  • In 2015 Ev6/PP exceeded national averages in APS across subjects again
Maths 17.5 Reading 17.6 Writing 16.8
  • Equal numbers of disadvantaged pupils vs non disadvantaged pupils attained bronze,silver and gold awards at the Childrens University graduation in Norwich June 2015
  • Families have admitted that their aspirations for children are greater “ I want her to go to Uni”
Allocation 15/16: Additional provision for our pupil premium children has embedded a culture of higher expectation for all pupils. Parents, staff and pupils have embraced this aspiration and engaged well with our equal opportunities ethos. We plan to spend our £31,650 in a similar way to continue to enhance progress and attainment and aspiration
  • 2015 School Leadership attended Norfolk Conference on Pupil premium led by DFE pupil Premium Champion , John Dunford ( £180)
  • 1 FTE disadvantaged pupil mentor to deliver one to one support to identified pupils in Y1 and Y2 to assess learning and make clear next steps ( £10,000)
  • 15 hours TA support in KS1 to provide targeted intervention in sounds discovery, numicon and to booster higher attainers( £5,000)
  • Daily free access for pupil premium children to after school club to access extended learning and welfare provision (£2,915)
  • Reading café daily teaching assistant support for YR and Y1 families to read together and support phonics ( following our reading research project with Teaching School )
  • Children’s university passports, and access to football club, art club, trip (£1,500)
  • Additional teaching assistants in EYFS to develop early access to full day provision and intervention ( £5,900)
  • Five days release time for class teachers to extend feedback sessions to pupils and parents half termly for disadvantaged pupils. ( £1000)
  • Additional staff to provide a nurture room to ensure behaviour and welfare for disadvantaged pupils during lunch time (£1500)
  • Remaining £2,500 are included within learning resources bought to enhance provision in English and Maths and EYFS ( mud kitchen, phonic resources, numicon sets, outdoor learning tool kits)