Entrepreneur Project

The federal government has established a grant that is to be awarded to one 7th grade student. This grant was designed as a research experiment to determine the effect of joining the work force while still in middle school. The result of this experiment will be considered when Congress votes on possibly lowering the minimum age requirement for work permits. A maximum amount of $1,000,000 will be awarded for the selected student to start his/her own business. You have decided to apply for this grant.

Part 1: One of the conditions of the grant is that the business must be unlike any other that is currently in existence; therefore, it must be unique.

● Think of a business and write a paper (at least 3 paragraphs) explaining why it’s unique and important. Be sure to discuss the product or service that you are selling and explain why you feel that it will make a profit and/or how the world will be a better place because of your idea.

● Give your business a unique name and slogan that will be easy for people to remember and associate with its purpose.

● Design a creative logo for your business. The logo must have either a horizontal or vertical cross section of something in it and there should be at least one transformation (translation, reflection, rotation, or dilation) in it. Yes, it must be colored too!

Question: How will Part 1 be graded?

Answer: The final draft of your paper will count as 20% of a test grade. The business’ name will count as 10% of a test grade. The slogan will count as 10% of a test grade. The logo will count as 10% of a test grade. The other 50% of a test grade will be revealed to you in Part 4.

Part 2: A second requirement of the grant is for you to demonstrate your budgeting and staffing skills. You will be given information about potential employees to assess your skills in these areas. Although your business will start off small, it will be large enough to require that you hire 3 employees.

● Go to and follow the link at the bottom of the page (under the personal career tab) to salary wizard in order to determine the salaries of your three employees. Then, justify your decision in a paragraph.

● Make a box-and-whisker plot of the salary information obtained from salary wizard. Let the 10th and 90th percentiles represent the outliers for the purpose of your box-and-whisker plot. Also, you’ll need to determine the 50th percentile.

● Complete the Keeping Records Task. This task will be passed out in class.

Question: How will Part 2 be graded?

Answer: Part 2 will be counted as a performance task.

Part 3: A third requirement of the grant is that you are to take care of office details.

● Complete the Office Details handout. You’ll be able to use your handout on the Office Details quiz. But, you will not be allowed to use anyone else’s handout during the quiz.

Question: How will Part 3 be graded?

Answer: Part 3 will be counted as a quiz grade.

Part 4: Wow! You have just received a letter notifying that you are one of the top 52 finalists! The federal government has picked one from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Your grant application was the best one from Georgia. To help the review committee make a decision as to which student will be awarded the grant, they are asking that each finalist present their business to them in person.

● You will need to make a product for your class presentation. For example, if your business sells pizza, then you’ll need to make a replica of a pizza. However, if your business sells an idea, then you’ll need to make something that symbolizes the outcome of that idea.

● Your presentation will include your business’ name, slogan, logo, purpose (you can summarize your paper), as well as your product. During your presentation, it is expected that you’ll speak clearly and be well prepared.

● During the other presentations, you will play the part of the selection committee and help decide which business was your favorite.

Question: How will Part 4 be graded?

Answer: Your presentation will be counted as a test grade.

 Your paper from Part 1 will represent 20% of your test grade.

 Your business’ name will represent 10% of your test grade.

 Your slogan will represent 10% of your test grade.

 Your logo will represent 10% of your test grade.

 The purpose of your business will represent 10% of your test grade.

 Your product will represent 30% of your test grade.

 And, your presentation delivery will represent 10% of your test grade.

Also, your selection committee handout will be counted as a homework grade.