¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 3 con Sra. Jakubik!
Rm 244
Materials to bring:
ü Notebook and folder or binder with sufficient lined paper
ü Writing utensil
ü Index cards
ü 1 box of tissues
Academic Activities & Grading:
Summative 80%· Vocabulary and grammar quizzes will be given weekly. (may be paragraph writing, multiple choice, true false, fill in the blank, translation, listening, speaking)
· Verb quizzes every 4 weeks
· Core Assessments in reading, listening, writing, speaking and culture at end of course (140 pts.) represents 20% of final grade
/ Formative 20%
1. Homework is assigned on a daily basis. ( 2 pts each) may be completed for half credit.
2. Your class participation (written and oral) and ability to stay “on task” will be documented every day and recorded as points. (“PUNTOS”). You need 25 puntos for each half chapter. (NOTE: You can lose points by speaking in English or being off task.
3. Journal writings/ exercises / rough drafts/ collected classwork
4. Informal speaking assessments ( google voice, dialogues)
Expectations & Rules:
1. Respect yourself, others and the classroom.
2. Be punctual, prepared and positive.
3. Speak to the teacher and to other students in Spanish.
4. Participate in all class activities
5. Stay on task. This is essential for LEARNING. i.e.; Please refrain from the following distracting activities: talking to peers off topic, sleeping, having electronic devices (mobile phones, HEADPHONES, calculators, Ipods, etc.), passing notes or sending text messages. ( AFTER 3 WARNINGS YOU WILL RECEIVE A TEACHER DETENTION AND PHONE CALL HOME) / 6. Turn in all work on time. Late homework receives half credit. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to call a responsible classmate.
7. If you missed an assessment, you will have one week to make it up. You will need to plan this with Sra. Jakubik upon your return and do this AFTER SCHOOL. Sign up sheet on blackboard.
8. All work must be done by you. All students are expected to follow the CBSD academic honesty policy.
9. Translation programs are not allowed. You may use a regular dictionary.
10. Neatness always counts.
***NOTE: These expectations are in addition to the rules/regulations described in your student handbook.
Please return signed.
Section I.
I have read and understood the requirements of Spanish class. My son/daughter and I have gone over the important points of this “contract”. I intend to support my student so that he/she can be as successful as possible in this class.
I also understand that I can purchase the workbook for $15.50. If not, I must return the workbook in good condition without having written in it.
Parent name Student name
Parent signature Student signature Date
Section II.
“The use of computers and technology in the Central Bucks School District is designed to have a positive impact on curriculum and instruction for all students. The Bring Your Own Device Policy will allow students to utilize technological devices (Android, IPAD, etc.) for instructional purposes only. The use of these devices may vary across classrooms, and students are expected to abide by the individual teacher guidelines for the use of the device. If a teacher deems that a student is using the device for an inappropriate purpose (texting, gaming, etc.) or at an inappropriate time (lecture, class discussion, etc.) then the teacher should follow his or her classroom management plan. If the use of this device continues, a conduct referral should be written and submitted to the appropriate House Office.”
Student signature:______
Parent signature:______
Section III.
Parents: The following DVD will be used in this class. Feel free to look it up on line. Your signature will indicate your approval.
Valentin ( PG 13)
A coming of age story told through the eyes of a precocious 10-year old boy who lives with his grandmother in turbulent 1969 Argentina. Estranged from his eccentric parents, young Valentin yearns for a real family and dreams about being an astronaut. He befriends a recluse neighbor, forms an unlikely friendship with one of his father's many ex-girlfriends and sets out to discover the harsh realities about his parents, all the while bringing joy and wisdom into the lives of the adults around him. It relates to our Chapter 2-2 and 3-2 vocabulary unit and is used to put into context not only the vocabulary but also the uses of the subjunctive when we write the protagonist a letter as formative practice for the core writing assessment.
Parent signature:______