Memphis District 2014 FallReport
Committee/Office:Bertie Gatlin, PT, ScDPT, PCS
Date of Meeting: 9/26/14
Site of Meeting: Knoxville, TN
Report of Activities/Service Performed:
Memphis District Meeting:2 districts meeting sinceSpring Meeting.Each meeting is offered a 1hr CEU credited lecture, potential members are charged $15.00. Executive District Chair Members are: Chair: Bertie Gatlin, PT, ScDPT, PCS, Vice-Chair: Drew Tucker, PT, DPT, Secretary: Beth Buttery, PT, DPT, Treasurer: Barbara McFarland, PT Nominating Chair: Melanie Morton, PT, DPT, NCS and Chief Delegate: Pam Ritzline, PT, EdD
(Sept 9 is the voting meeting for Vice-Chair and Secretary. Nominating Chair position is also being elected.
Memphis District Meetings:
March 11- Audrey Vaughn, PT: CPG for PT Management of CMT
May 13– Kevin Olds, PT: The SICK scapula
Sept 9- Kristina “Krissi” Moore PT, DPT, OCS: Keeping PTs a Cut Above: Review of Open, Mini-Open, and All-Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair and Their Implications for Rehabilitation
June 17, 2014: CEU course: Kevin Olds, MSPT, CSCS, CMP
Scoliosis and the SCHROTH technique
17 paid participants
Registration fees - $ 1,050.00
-117.70 (food, drinks, ice)
-102.00 (Visa gift card for speaker)
Net income$ 830.30
Financials: The district currently has good financial standing with checking and investments, new budget presented by Treasurer Barbara McFarland, PT.
Focus/Goals for Memphis District:
Increase active participation in the organization and recruit new members by reaching out and offering activities to educate them on the opportunities of the TPTA.
Offer more CEU programming to provide TPTA exposure in the community.
Provide financial assistance as available for student APTA/TPTA opportunities.
Goals Achieved in Strategic Plan:
1)Active student TPTA/APTA liaison with UTHSC: Natalie Ryan & Sara Fowler
2)Increase active partnerships with community PT clinics
3)Vice-Chair Drew Tucker voiced setting up Memphis District Facebook and or twitter page: social media SET UP THROUGH OUR TPTA FB AND WEBSITE
Goals for 2014-2015
1)Increase active participation in the organization and recruit new members by reaching out and offering activities to educate them on the opportunities of the TPTA.
2)Offer more CEU programming to provide TPTA exposure in the community.
3)Provide financial assistance as available to student APTA/TPTA opportunities.
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