Resignation of International Executive Officer

Following a report on the recent four-nation Test Series – the most successful since the event began in 2013 – Executive Officer Fran Davis announced her resignation from the post with immediate effect.

She explained the enormity of the position with regular Test matches taking place each year and suggested that the EO should be responsible for the squad, coaching and selection and an Events Manager should be appointed to manage the organisation of the matches.

Council agreed with this suggestion and members were instructed to give the matter some serious thought and speak with anyone in their club who could take up these positions.

On the subject of Test Matches, Secretary John Merry read a letter from Bowls Israel inviting Cyprus to take part in a four-nation series with Jersey and Spain in November this year. In view of the EO resignation, the matter was referred to the next meeting.

Markers Course

The course was held at Coral Bay with five students passing. They were Maria Staniland, Anne Markwick, Yvonne Veitch and Bill Shepherd from Coral Bay and Nick Pollard from Aphrodite. There will be follow-up coaching offered to the four who failed to achieve the 80 per cent pass mark in all of their modules.

Development Fund Action Plan 2018

Chairman Dave Woolley put forward a first draft in which he stated that one of the main purposes of Bowls Cyprus was the continual promotion of bowling both with existing members and also any future ones.

It was important, he stated, that we continually assess how we are promoting bowling within Cyprus and we pursue a variety of methods to achieve this goal.


Various suggestions were put forward – advertising in the media, newspaper features, dual language pamphlets in Greek and English – and Council agreed to take the matter back to their clubs and report back to the next meeting in May.

Domestic Match Report

Executive Officer Helen Woolley reported that the two-bowl competition went very well and saw many good matches. Unfortunately, there were a number of people who dropped out of the competition at the last minute and the DMC are considering if the timing of the competition needs amending. Clubs have been asked to feed back on this.

Athena Hotel Car Parking

Roger Shire raised the issue of car parking at the Athena Hotel when playing in friendly matches against clubs staying at the hotel. Over zealous security staff were constantly putting no parking leaflets on to cars and telling bowlers the spaces were only for those staying at the hotel.

Coral Bay, who play a number of matches in a year at the hotel contacted the hotel’s Bowls Co-ordinators to raise the matter with management, pointing out that the club would have to think carefully if they played teams at the hotel if the problem continued. He asked Council to write a letter to the hotel management.

Before this could be done Coral Bay received an email from the Bowls Co-ordinators stating they had met with the General Manager of the Constantinou Bros Hotels, Mr Aristos Diomedous who apologised for any inconvenience that had occurred. He had spoken to the managers of the hotels and any bowlers from the four clubs could park in any vacant car parking space providing it did not block a fire exit, had a permanent no parking sign or was for disabled parking.

The General Manager stated that the hotel appreciated the support the clubs gave by playing against their guests.

Dates for the Diary: May 3-4 National Finals; June 22 Presentation Dinner