Email sent by Don to Research Team – 5-26-05

* Latest draft of paper is attached.
* We're going at light speed--hope this is cool with everyone.
* We added Cordon & Utschig
* Next meeting will be on Tuesday--we'll start 15 min. after workshop
is over. Agenda = assess paper, assess factor instrument, review
various roles, set author order
Action Items (due by Saturday 5/28 @ 5:00)
Random order (thus check all to see if your name is there)
1. Apple--assess workshop objectives as written in paper.
Send this assessment to me & Cc team. Note that full paper
will be assessed later--right now focus on objs.
2. Carson--complete instrument design by working with Scott & getting assessment from Dan.
You are responsible for pre/post instrument and for factor instrument. Make copies of pre/post
so that we are ready to go on Tues morning. Remember to add in demographics to pre instrument.
3. Metlen--create a release document & make copies--give copies to Carson.
This document informs workshop participants that we are doing social science
research & has them agree to be in the study.
4. Utschig--(1-2 hrs) Research on the topic of "how to do an interview in
qualitative social science research." Create a 1-2 page summary of the
most important knowledge. Send this summary to me and Cc the team.
To get started, review Chapter 11 of the document online at—tocdetail.html.
5. Utschig--Create a written document (1 page) that has interview questions.
We will conduct a few individual interviews during the workshop. The purpose of
the interview is to establish what factors are helping/hindering learning. We may also
was to ask if individual goals are being met, if value is being added, etc.
Send your draft document to me & I will assess.
6. Utschig--Create plan for doing interviews during workshop. The interview team
will be you, me, & ???. Figure out number of people, how to record interviews, how
to transcribe, how to process data from the interview etc. That is, think through all
the details.
7. Metlen--send me your write up on lit review.
8. Cordon--Create plan for e-journal during workshop, posting on web, etc..
Figure all all details--lets see if we can do this in real time & get on web. Make
sure that we photograph, process & post.
9. Apple--let me know if I can do selective video taping during event.
Make sure SB knows all your needs for materials, etc. Do you want poster paper?
Do you want name tags? etc.