Are You What You Eat?

Absolutely! Now, lets be honest with each other, what you eat affects your appearance, your energy, your comfort, and above all... YOUR HEALTH!

Most of us know how we should eat, but don't know why we should eat more of this and less of that. We often wonder, "What does it really mean to the body to consume REAL FOOD. Yes, I said it, REAL FOOD (fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and water and eliminating "JUNK" can promote weight loss. But, what is it to you and long-term health?

I came across a book, which I have shared with you in the studio, Jolene Hart’s, “Eat Pretty,” and she nailed it right on the nose. She states, “While we can’t eliminate outside beauty saboteurs from our daily lives, we can stop ourselves from creating an additional beauty burden inside our bodies.” Hart associates bad nutrition, as beauty betrayers. Beauty betrayers taste good, look good, and smell good, but they increase your body’s toxic load. Who wants added stress? Not me. The food you consume becomes your body, on a molecular level.

Scientific studies show that a well - balanced -healthy diet, can ward off diseases, such as cancers, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and diabetes. I always promote this in the studio... Let the vegetables take up 2/3 of your plate. You want your vegetable to be dark, green, and leafy. Now some may say, "I am not allowed to have leafy vegetables." That is absolutely ok. There are thousands of vegetables to choose from that are beneficial to your health (see Fit Chicks! carbohydrate list)

On your journey to better health and appreciating your body, making healthy food choices is key!

Embrace the day,

Kelli, Head Trainer

“Improving My Life One Meal at a Time” By Kelli Price

Let go.

Identify the food(s) that you just can't say no to and break up with them. That one food that causes chaos and confusion to your health, let it go! In the meantime, find a healthier alternative. Eventually, as you discover yourself and what you can mentally handle, you may consider re-introducing the food you just can’t say no to, as a treat down the road. Remember, at treat, is controlled and contained.

Clean house.

Empty out that refrigerator, pantry, and freezer. Throw everything that has no meaning, no purpose, away! Processed equals pain. Studies show that foods contain carcinogens and toxins, meaning ingredients that contain cancer-causing agents. Even the safest food may contain these agents. So think about it. Would you drink chemicals? So why put it in your body? Focus on consuming unprocessed to minimally processed foods. Check your labels!

Determine your Destiny.

The choice is yours. Silence that inner voice in the back of your head that is telling you, you can’t do it. Love yourself enough to take control. Take back what belongs to you. Your body deserves the best of the best. Fill it with love and fuel it with energy.

Accept the challenge.

If taking care of yourself, seems so easy, who don’t we do it? Why do we love the things that are not so good for us? We steer away from vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and legumes. However, we love the salt, high greasy foods, and love sugar. Food is not bad, nor was it meant to be the body’s enemy. So, take that negative image away. Food is nurturing and nourishing if we let it be. You’re learning how to balance life. When you apply what you’ve learned and accept a new destiny, there is no failure. Remember this: progress, not perfection.


Clean, Take, and Apply. Real foods equal real nutrients. Everyday feed your body the proper nutrition it needs to run and to continue to run its course. Health is not about the weight you lose, but about the life you gain.